How-To: Record Your Meeting to the Cloud
1. Confirm that you are able to record to the cloud by logging into your FIU Zoom account through
the FIU Zoom Portal, selecting the Settings link on the left side of the screen and then
selecting the Recording tab. The Cloud recording feature should be enabled.
If the Cloud recording feature is not enabled, please fill
out the Zoom cloud recording access form.
2. Once you have confirmed that you are able to record to the cloud, start a Zoom meeting
through either the desktop application, website or Canvas integration.
3. Navigate to the bottom of the Zoom application and select the Record button on the bottom
of the toolbar. Make sure to select “Record to the Cloud” option.
4. You should notice that on the top left of the Zoom meeting, an icon with a red dot will appear
indicating that the meeting is being recorded. You may pause recording the meeting by clicking
on the pause button or you may click on the stop button to finish recording your meeting.
Once the recording has been stopped, the recording must be processed before viewing. Zoom
will send an email to the host once the process is complete.
How to Share you Zoom Cloud Recording
To find your Zoom recordings, login to the FIU Zoom web portal and select the Recordings link on the
left side of the screen.
To share your recording, select the Share button associated with your recording. You will have several
options to modify your recording.
Share this recording Enables you to share the recording
o Publicly Anyone with the recording URL will be able to view the recording
o Only authenticated users can view Allows only users with an FIU Zoom account to view
the recording
Expiry Date Can allow you to add an expiration date to the recording
Views can download Allows viewers to download the Zoom recording
On-demand Requires viewers to register in order to view the recording
Passcode protection Requires viewers to input a passcode before being able to view the
These settings will only take effect when you share the Zoom recording through the meeting recording
link. They will not pass through if you are sharing the recording through the Canvas Zoom integration.
If you would like to keep track of which users view your recordings, enable the Only Authenticated
users can view option and then select the name of the recording. Then, select the Recording
Analytics link to view who has seen the recording.