Zoom Workgroup Activities: Cloud Recordings Management
Workgroup Members:
Allen Lin
Zoom Admin / Classified
Gerard Layug
Classified Manager
Jennifer Kienzle
Alex Hosmer
Richard Velasquez
Michele Alaniz
In December 2021, the Technology Committee recommended the Zoom Recording
Deletion Process, which required an autodeletion of Zoom cloud recordings and a
deletion schedule of already existing recordings.
CCSF manages its own Zoom account (managed in the Office of Online Learning and
Educational Technology) and needs to delete and create a deletion process for cloud
based recordings.
Academic Senate, Classified Senate, and Deans and Chairs have been notified of the
Zoom recordings deletion process (in Spring 2022) and questions have been answered.
Tech Committee recommended as of December 2022:
o Delete ALL recordings created prior to January 1, 2023 by or on June 1, 2023.
o Place all future recordings on an annual autodeletion.
Zoom Admin recommends:
o Set ALL videos to a 365 day deletion period on June 1, 2023. Recordings older
than 365 days will have 1 day set before deleting. Deleted recordings will be
recoverable from Trash for 30 days.
o Users can check the exact days until deletion for each cloud recording in their
Zoom account.
Next Proposed Action Steps as of January 2023
When PGC is informed and recommends, we can execute the technology committee’s
recommended deletion process and work with the technology committee on a
communication plan to all CCSF employees in Spring 2023 about the Zoom recording
deletion process.
Notes Section:
Below are working notes of what the workgroup has worked on.
Zoom Workgroup Actions and Suggestions
Workgroup Actions and
Who works on it?
Identify the resources that
classified, and
administrators need to
move their Zoom
recordings to a more
permanent platform.
Faculty have existing resources for
moving their cloud recordings to a
different space.
What do admin and classified
Alex and Richard
Redo the deletion
schedule since the
previously proposed dates
have passed.
The issue with setting a schedule is
it takes time for
committees/groups to review this
plan and dates might be rapidly
approaching or already pass by the
time this plan gets approved for
1. Delete ALL recordings prior to
January 1, 2023 by or on June
1, 2023.
2. Place all recordings created
after January 1, 2023 to an
annual autodeletion.
Propose an autodeletion
of annual rather than
semesterly to align with
the state.
Does the workgroup agree with
Allen will contact support
to see if setting an
autodeletion would
delete all recordings prior
to the autodeletion
For example, if we set a 1
year deletion timespan,
would recordings older
than a year be
automatically deleted?
Workgroup agrees to
Create a communication
plan to communicate to all
employee groups about
Zoom cloud recording
deletion schedule.
All employee messages from IT
Academic Senate message
All faculty messages
Deans and Chairs
Classified senate?
Who sends the message?
Jen can start messaging
Send the deletion
schedule, resources,
autodeletion date, and
other pertinent
information to the
following groups:
Academic Senate
Classified Senate
Deans & Chairs
Committee for
Are we missing any groups?
Jen can be the liaison on behalf of
the workgroup for each of these
Notes from 9/1/2022
Delete all recordings first and then set up autodeletion (Allen checking on setting)
What service allows staff/admin move cloud recordings over to a public viewing
o Gerard will check on an MS platform that allows for a permission change for
public viewing. Gerard checked and MS platform not suitable for long term
o Potential idea is to allow for an exception for some admin and classified through
a helpdesk ticket.
o YouTube could be a good idea. YouTube not agreed on.
Who sends the message? IT or OLET? Message on behalf of IT and OLET.
Communication Plan
Message to All Employees: Zoom Cloud Recordings Deletion Schedule
Who: All Employees
What: Zoom Cloud Recordings will be deleted and an autodeletion setting will be placed on all
Zoom accounts.
When: Zoom Cloud Recordings created prior to January 1, 2023 will be deleted on June 1, 2023.
All Zoom Cloud Recordings created on or after January 1, 2023 will be set to an autodeletion of
one year after the recording is created (e.g., Cloud Recording created on January 2, 2023 will
be automatically deleted on January 3, 2024).
Why: Zoom is not intended for long term storage of videos.
Resources for Managing Zoom Cloud Recordings
Employees are encouraged to save Zoom Cloud Recordings to an external hard drive or to
OneDrive if they wish to save the recording for long term usage.
Faculty have different cloud-based options for storing recordings long term:
Managing Zoom Recordings Module (For Faculty):
https://ccsf.instructure.com/courses/39902/modules/394986 (tinyurl.com/myzoomrecordings)