Richard J. Mammone
Room No. 520, Computing Research &
Education Building (CoRE)
Rutgers University
Phone: 732-445-5554
Email: mamm[email protected]
Richard J. Mammone
Biographical Sketch
Name: Richard Mammone
Date of Birth: September 3, 1953
Place: Brooklyn, New York
Office: Computing Education & Research Building (CoRE)
Room No. 520,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
96 Frelinghuysen Road,
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Educational Qualifications
Ph. D. The City University of New York, 1981.
M. E. E. E. The City College of New York, NY, 1977.
B. E. E. E. The City College of New York, NY, 1975.
Professional Experience
Associate Vice President of Corporate Liaison Rutgers University 2008-
Director, Center for Advanced Information Processing (CAIP) ,2008-
Director, Business, Engineering, Science and Technology (BEST) Institute ,2008-
Professor, Rutgers University, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1993-present
Associate Professor, Rutgers University, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1988-1993
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, Electrical Engineering, 1982-1988
Consultant, AT&T Labs, Holmdel, New Jersey, 1985
Assistant Professor, Manhattan College, Riverdale, New York, Electrical Engineering, 1981-1982
Graduate and Research Fellow, City College of New York, 1977-1981
Consultant on Communication Systems, SCS Telecom Inc., Sands Point, New York, 1979-1987
Biomedical Consultant, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1979-1987
Consultant, Computerized Anatomy Company, New York, New York, 1979-1987
Lecturer on Computer Applications in Ophthalmology, Mount Sinai Medical School, NY, NY,
Computer Systems Analyst, Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New Jersey, 1975-1977
Awards and Honors
Richard J. Mammone
Awarded Henry Rutgers Faculty Fellowship, 1985-1986 & 1986-1987
Senior Member of the IEEE
Recipient of the 1978 Samuel Rudin Scholarship of S.A.M.E.
Member of Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi
Listed in Marguis “Who’s Who in the World”, “Who’s Who in the Emerging Leaders”, “Who’s
Who in the East”, and “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering”
Selected by the Electrical Engineering Department for a supplemental salary adjustment for 1985-
1986, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991
University Activities
Organized and chaired the CAIP workshops on Neural Networks October 1990 and October 1992
Awarded Henry Rutgers Faculty Fellowship for the academic years of 1985-1986 and 1986-1987
Secretary of Faculty Senate, 1982-1983
Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department Recruitment Committee, 1985-1986
Graduate Director, Electrical Engineering Program, 1988-1989
Group leader for the Computer Engineering group of the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department 1990-1991, 1991-1992
Introduced and wrote the first “The Graduate Student Handbook” in the Electrical Engineering
Changed the curriculum requirements of the Electrical Engineering Graduate Program through
various ballots
Teaching Activities
Graduate courses taught
16:330:521 Digital Signals and Filters
16:330:527 Digital Speech Processing*
16:330:529 Image Coding and Processing
16:330:533 Computational Methods for Signal Recovery
16:125:512 Digital Processing of Medical Images*
16:330:565 Neurocomputer System
16:330:579 Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering
16:330:533 Digital Signal Estimation*
16:330:601 & 602 Special Problems
16:330:701 & 702 Research
16:332:539 Advanced Topics in Digital Signal Processing
Undergraduate courses taught
14:330:225 Computer Organization and Logic Design
14:330:221 Principles of electrical Engineering (introduced new curriculum)
14:330:223 Principles of Electrical engineering Laboratory
14:330:346 Digital Signal Processing (introduced new curriculum)
14:330:348 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
* Course introduced by R.J.Mammone
Richard J. Mammone
Current Research Projects
Enhancing the Performance of Face Recognition Systems – Funded by Technical Support
Working Group (TSWG) Task SC-AS-1648Ru6
(All reports and research details are available at
SPIDER (Spatial Presence for Immersive Dynamic Environments in Real Time) – Funded by
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Contract Number: NBCH1030011
(All reports and research details are available at
(Details at
Grants and Contracts
I. Grants with indirect costs going to CAIP:
Cecom - Task 4 4-26923 MAMMONE 40,000.00 04/30/02-04/29/05
4-29072 MAMMONE 291,000.00 6/21/04-12/20/04
4-26788 MAMMONE 622,944.00 06/10/03-06/30/05
Speech Process
4-26542 MAMMONE 175,001.00 CLOSED
Airfolrce Mod-
4-26389 MAMMONE 180,813.00 CLOSED
Airfolrce Neural
4-28616 MAMMONE 5,072.00 CLOSED
Airforce 3 -
4-26433 MAMMONE 175,594.00 CLOSED
4-26464 MAMMONE 99,999.00 CLOSED
4-28259 MAMMONE 6,160,318.00 CLOSED
4-26571 MAMMONE 20,000.00 CLOSED
DA-0227 -
4-28596 MAMMONE 5,000.00 CLOSED
DOD-141800 -
4-28339 MAMMONE 99,998.00 CLOSED
Scan Tech -
4-29674 MAMMONE 113,890.00 CLOSED
Scan-Tech CAIP -
4-24563 MAMMONE 662,452.00 CLOSED
Scan-Tech Equip -
4-24569 MAMMONE 1,117,086.00 CLOSED
Superconcurrency 4-24682 MAMMONE 16,199.00 CLOSED
Richard J. Mammone
II. Other Grants:
R.J.Mammone,”Neural Networks for Scheduling in parallel Computing
R.J.Mammone,”Digital Restoration for Ultrasound Images”,Whitaker Foudation,$ 104,000,1983-
R.J.Mammone,J.Wilder,H.Freeman,”Capture of 3D Image Data with an On-Axis Real Time
Range Mapper,”New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology Partership,$369,918,1988-
R.J.Mammone,”Frequency Response Enhancement”,ITT(Avionics),Nutley,NJ,$5000,1984
R.J.Mammone,”ESM Receivers”, ITT(Avionics),Nutley,NJ,$9500,1984
R.J.Mammone,”Superresolution Method”, ITT(Avionics),Nutley,NJ,$27,957,1985
R.J.Mammone,”Blind Deconvolution of BPSK and Design of an EW Expert System”,
R.J.Mammone, “3D Graphics Display of Medical Ultrasound Images,”NIH through
R.J.Mammone,”Image Restoration using Linear Programming”,Center for Computer Aids for
Industrial Productivity(CAIP),Rutgers,$82,354,1985-86
R.J.Mammone,” Methods of Low Bit rate speech encoding and speaker verification”,Department
of Defense(The National Security Agency),$33,106,1985-86
R.J.Mammone, “3D Image Modelling”, Center for Computer Aids for Industrial
R.J.Mammone,”Multipulse for LPC and CELP Vocoders”,National Security
R.J.Mammone,”Real time video encoding”,Timeplex Inc. via the Digital Signal Processing
R.J.Mammone,”3-D Machine Vision”, Center for Computer Aids for Industrial
R.J.Mammone,”Optical Enhancement and Transformation of Image Data for inspection and
Measurement”, Center for Computer Aids for Industrial
R.J.Mammone,J.Wilder,H.Freeman,”Data Acquisition and Feature Extraction for sorting Plastic
Containers”,Plastics Recycling Institute,Rutgers,$15,000,1988-89
R.J.Mammone,NJ State Fellowship for a graduate student,matching fund,New Jersey
Commission on Science and Technology,match of AEA fellowship of $13000 a year for 1989-93
R.J.Mammone,H.Freeman,”Detection of Plastic Explosives at Airport Terminals”,from FAA with
CAIP and Scan-Tech,$124,000,1989-90
R.J.Mammone,S,Davidovici,”Intercept of LPI Waveforms”, ITT(Avionics),Nutley,NJ,
R.J.Mammone,”Computer Enhancement of Sparse Images”,from RADC(Airforce through the
SCEEE),$ 69837,1986
R.J.Mammone,D.G.Daut,H.Freeman,Y.Zeevi,”Trainable Classification for Machine Vision
R.J.Mammone(P.I.) and James L.Flanagan,”Modulation Model for Topic
James L.Flanagan(P.I.) and Richard Mammone,”Microphone array for speech
enhancement”,National Science Foundation,$280,000,1992-93
R.J.Mammone(P.I.),B.Mayo,A.Fineberg,”Data Processing of X-Ray scatterfor Arline
security”,Scan Tech,Inc with the FAA,$2658,287,1991-94
Richard J. Mammone
R.J.Mammone(P.I.),A.Fineberg,J.Flanagan,”A Modulation Model for Characterizing Speech
Signals “,Rome Air Force Laboratory ,$622,684,1992-93,Extension to $5,153,936(with
R.J.Mammone(P.I.),” A Modulation Model for Characterizing Speech Signals”, Rome Air Force
Laboratory,$622,684,1992-93,Extension to p $5153,936(With
Mammone,Flanagan,Ramachandran and Zilovic),1994-95
R.J.Mammone(P.I.),”A Modulation Model for Characterizing Speech Signals”,Option I,Rome
Air Force Laboratory,$1,006,382,1992-93
R.J.Mammone(P.I.) and James L.Flanagan,”Modulation Model for Speaker ID,”Dept of
Defense,Maryland Procurement Office,$100,000,1992-93
R.J.Mammone(P.I.),J.Wilder,”A new ,non vapor,non nuclear explosives detector,scan
James Flanagan(P.I.) and R.J.Mammone,”Sound Capture from Spatial Volumes-Parallel
Processingof 3 Dimensional Arrays of Sensors,”NSF,$88,715,3 Years,from 3/1/1992
James Flanagan(P.I.),R.J.Mammone,Mazin Rahim,”Speaker Authentication Using Modulation
R.J.Mammone,”Communication Channel Normalization Techniques Using the PMMM and
FMMM Models”,AirForce,$180,813,1994-95
R.J.Mammone and James Flanagan,”Sound Capture from Spatial Volumes-Parallel Processing of
three-dimensional arrays of sensors,”NSF,$274,468,1993-95
R.J.Mammone,J.Wilder(P.I.),”Face recognition using transform coding of Grey scale
projections,”Army Research laboratory,1993-96,$397,257
R.J.Mammone,”Co-channel interference reduction using the pitch model and formant-mode
modulation models”,Airforce ,$175,594,1995
R.J.Mammone and R.P.Ramachandran,”Identification and compensation of Non-linearities in
Radio Communication Systems”,Airforce,$99,999,1995
R.J.Mammone,J.Wilder(P.I.) ,” Neural Network Modeling and Control of food extrusion
process”,Rutgers Center for Advanced Food Technology(CAFT),1997-99,$61,200
III Equipment Grants:
R.J.Mammone,”AP400 Data General Computer System,” from AT & T Bell
Laboratories,estimated value $60,000
R.J.Mammone,”Ultrasound Imaging System”,from Sonometrics,New York,estimated
R.J.Mammone,”2700 Computer Graphics Work Station,”from Hewlett Packard,estimated
R.J.Mammone,”FPS Array Processor from National Security agency”,estimated value $60000
R.J.Mammone,”Multibus Image Processing System”,from Timeplex,Inc.NJ,estimated value
R.J.Mammone,”Sound Booth from International Defense Agency”,Princeton,NJ,estimated value
Post Doctorates Supervised
Adam Fineberg(Research Professor) CAIP Research Center
Ahmed Ansari(Research Professor Consultant) ) CAIP Research Center
Ravi P. Ramachandran(Research Assistant Professor) CAIP
Mihailo Zilovic (Research Assistant Professor) CAIP
Kevin Farrell (Research Assistant Professor) CAIP
Khaled Assaleh Ravi (Research Assistant Professor) CAIP
Ph. D Theses Supervised
Richard J. Mammone
Christine I. Podilchuk, “Projection techniques for Image Restoration”, (Electrical Engineering)
Oct 1988. AT&T Bell Labs Research, Murray Hill, NJ.
Rainer J. Rothacker, “Two Superresolving Image Restoration Techniques with Applications to
Ultrasonic Images”, (Biomedical Engineering) Oct 1989. PA Consulting Inc, Princeton,NJ.
J.Yogeshwar, “A New Perceptual Model for Video Sequence Encoding”, (Electrical Engineering)
May 1990. Prism Technology, Chicago, IL.
John Doherty “Regularized Adaptive Filtering with Application to Channel Equalization”,
(Electrical Engineering) Oct 1990. Iowa State University (Asst. Professor)
Adam Fineberg, “Phoneme recognition:An Articulation Rate Independent Classification
Technique”, (Electrical Engineering) Oct 1990. Rutgers University (Research Professor in CAIP).
V.K.Prasad, “Restoration from Defocused Images: A Surface Evolution Approach”, (Electrical
Engineering) Oct 1990. Caltech (Research Associate in the Cognitive Science and Neural
Network Lab)
S. Kuo, “Superresolving Image Restoration of Microscopic Images,” Feb 1991. AT&T Bell Labs
Research, Murray Hill, NJ.
Ananth Sankar, “Neural Tree Networks”, June 1991. AT&T Bell Labs Research, Murray Hill,
Kevin Farrell,”Speaker Recognition using modified Neural Tree Network”, Electrical
Engineering,September 1993.Rutgers University Research Assistant Professor in CAIP
Khaled Assaleh,”Robust Features for Speaker Identification”, Electrical Engineering,September
1993.Rutgers University Research Assistant Professor in CAIP
Sumitro Samaddar,” Image Restoration using Row Action Projection Method with Adaptive
Smoothing”,March 1994,Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton NJ
Michael Ramalho,”The Pitch Model Modulation Model with Applications in Speech
Processing”,October 1993,Bellcore supervisor in research, Morristown, NJ
Stephen Gay,” Fast projection Algorithms with Application to Voice Echo Cancellation,” June
1994,AT & T Bell Labs Research, Murray Hill,NJ
Eneyew Adugna,” Speech Enhancemnet using microphone arrays”,June 1994,Rutgers
University,CAIP Center
Stephen V.Kosonocky,”A continuous Density Neural Tree Network Word Spotting
System,”October 1994,Rutgers University,CAIP center
Devang K.Naik,” Robust Speaker Recognition using Pole filtering,”Electrical
Engineering,December 1994, Rutgers University,CAIP center
Han-Sheng Liou,”Speaker Verification using Sub-word Neural Tree Networks”,January 1995,
Rutgers University,CAIP center
Manish Sharma,”Subword –Based Speaker Verification System with user selectable
Passwords,May 1996, Rutgers University,CAIP center
Xiaoyu Zhang,”Robust Speech Processing using Affine-Transformed Cepstrum,”May 1996,
Rutgers University,CAIP center
Alavin Garcia,”A co-channel Speaker Separation System” June 1998, Rutgers University,CAIP
Vidhya Ramanujam,”Robust Speaker recognition in noise by coherent spectral
modification”,October 1999, Rutgers University,CAIP center
Rajesh Balchandran,”Channel Estimation and normalization by coherent spectral averaging for
robust speaker recognition”,May 2000, Rutgers University,CAIP center
Abraham Ittycheriah,” Trainable question answering system”,October 2001,Rutgers
University,CAIP center
Miroslav Novak,”Non-negative matrix factorization approach to language model
adaptation”,April 2002, Rutgers University,CAIP center
Helmuth Trefftz,”System-wide Constraints and User Preferences in Collaborative Virtual
Richard J. Mammone
Ph.D Students Committee Chair
Toufic Boubez,” Multiresolution and Compact Support in Neural Network Simulations,”
September 1993
Masters Theses Supervised
Steven Corn, “The Application of Expert Systems in the Development and Testing of a
Communications System”, May 1987.
Laurie A.Kopko Cox, “Dynamic Time-Warped Isolated Word Recognition System Based on
Linear Prediction”, May 1987.
Adam A. Fineberg, “A Super-Resolution Algorithm to Improve Ultrasonic Array Imaging”, Oct
Sanjag Bejekal, “frequency and Duration Estimation of RF Pulses”, May 1986.
J. Yogeshwar, “Video Coding for Data Transmission Rates Below 1MB/s”,Jan 1988.
Scott E.Harrow, “3-D Image Data Acquisition System using Ultrasonics”, Jan 1988.
Micheal R.Mannette, “Image Coding using Sub-band Coding DPCM”, Jan 1988.
Nina Aualini, “A Learning Apprentice for Imaging Understanding”, Jan 1988.
Joseph Zirilli, “Prediction of Future Trends Using a Neural Network”.
Stephen Kosonocky, “A Precision CMOS Voltage Comparator with Dynamic Offset
Cancellation”, Jan 1991.
N.Ramacharchram, “Analog Voice Scrambling Circuit”, Oct 1990.
Kevin Farrell, “A New Algorithm for Adaptive Beamforming”, Sept 1991.
Brian Freeman, “Fixed Reference Shift Keying (FRSK) Modulation for Mobil Cellular Radio
Transmission in a Fading Channel Environment”, Dec 1991.
Devang Naik,”Meta-Neural Networks that learn by Learning,April 1992
Anshu Aggarwal,”Retention in Neural Networks:To overcome the catastrophic Forgetting
Problems”,February 1993
Wen Wu,”Relabling Exchange Method for learning in Neural Networks,”April 1993
Ping Wang,”Speaker Identification using Modulation Model and Neural Networks,”April 1993
A.C.Surendran,” 3-Dimensional Microphone arrays for spatially selected sound capture”,April
Manish Sharma,”The modulation model approach to keyword spotting”,May 1993
Xiaoyu Zhang,”Range Estimation from 2-D image using Phase Modulation,”August 1993
Wei Wang,”The neural tree network as a Robust classifier for speaker identification”,April 1994
Wei Liu,”The NTN/HMM Hybrid keyword spotter”,September 1994
Mohammad M.Syed,”Robust Speaker Identification using Feature diversity,”January 1995
Xin Wang,”Investigation of Data Fusion method of multiple classifiers for speaker
recognition”,May 1995
Hui Xie,”Keyword Spotting System using Feature and Classifier’s Diversity”,May 1995
Roopashri Ramachandran,”Adaptive Fusion with Feature Diversity for Robust Speaker
Recognition”,October 1995
Vidhya Ramanujam,”Robust Speaker Identification in Noisy Environment”,October 1995
Mythreyi K.Prasad,”Statistical Study of Speech Formants,”September 1996
Rajesh Balchandran,”Non-parametric estimation and correction of non-linear distortion in speech
systems”,March 1996,
Vinod Kumar,”Methods for Speaker Count Determination in Co-channel environment”,October
Aparna Krishnamoorthy,”Compensating for illumination variations in face recognition”,May
Anand Doshi,”Pose/Expression Normalization for Face Recognition”,May 2004
Richard J. Mammone
Slade Scholar Supervised
Benjamin Hershkowitz, “Econometric Modeling with Applications to the Stock Market”, May
Visiting Professors and Scholars supervised
Leon Cohen, Hunter College and Graduate Center of CUNY,New York
Stephane Maes,Universite Catholique de Louvain,Brussels,Belgium
Manuel A.Rodriguez Hourcadette,Univ.Los Andes,Caracas,Venezuela
Professional Activities
Guest Editor of IEEE Trans. Of Speech and Audio for a special issue o “Neural Networks for
Speech Processing”, with Al Gorin. 1994.
Guest Editor of the Journal of Visual Communication and Images Representation JVCIR on
Image Restoration and Reconstruction, with A. Katasagglos, 1992.
Founding member of the Technical Committee of the IEEE Society of Signal Processing for
Neural Networks in Signal Processing.
Chairman, IEEE MILCOM ’83 sessions on “Signal Processing of Spread Signals”, Washington,
DC, 1983.
Chairman, IEEE Session on “Techniques in Medical Imaging”, 6th Annual Conference IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health
Care Conference, Los Angeles, 1984.
Organizer, IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Sanibel Island, Florida, 1985.
Chairman, IEEE Conference ICC-87 on “Digital Signal Processing in Communication”, 1987.
Technical Representative, ICC ’89, Communication Theory Committee, 1989.
Chairman and Organizer, two sessions of ICC’89 on “Digital Signal Processing in
Communications”, 1989.
Chairman and Organizer, ILCOM ’89 and MILCOM ’90, session “Digital Signal Processing in
Military Communications”, 1989-90.
Chairman and Organizer of IEEE Biomed EMBS ’90 session “Iterative Image Reconstruction
Methods” IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Philadelphia, PA,1990.
Member, Communication Theory Committee, IEEE Communication Society, 1983.
Member, IEEE Educational Activities Board, 1983.
Organizer of the Tutorials for 10
ICPR in Atlantic City, NJ 1990.
Reviewer for the following
IEEE Transactions on Communications Theory, 1982-.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1986-.
IEEE Transaction on ASSP 1989-.
Refractive Corneal Surgery, Slack Inc, NJ 1989-.
Signal Processing Elsevier (North Holland) Amsterdam, 1989-.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1989-.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1989-.
IEEE Proceeding F, Radar and Signal Processing 1989-.
Richard J. Mammone
Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation.
Reviewer for the following agencies:
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO)
National Research Council
The Greater Minnesota Corporation
Elected founding member of the IEEE Technical Committee of Signal Processing Society on
‘Neural Networks for Signal Processing’.
Associate Editor, IEEE Communication Magazine 1982-1988.
Associate Editor, Pattern Recognition- The Journal of the Pattern Recognition (Pergamon Press)
Guest Editor with A.Katsaggelos of the Journal of Visual Communication and Image
Representation, special issue on Image Restoration and Reconstruction, Nov 1992.
Guest editor with A.Gorin of the IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, special issue on Neural
Networks for Speech Processing, 1994.
Guest editor for Chapman-Hall with Igor Alexander on a series of books on Neural Networks.
Co-Editor of the book “Neural Network: Theory and Applications” by academic Press 1991, with
Josh Zeevi.
Editor of the book “Computational Methods of Signal recovery and Recognition”, John Wiley
and Sons, 1992.
Editor of book “Neural Networks for Speech and Image processing”, Chapman-Hall, 1993.
W. Hulbert, C.I. Podilchuk, R.J. Mammone, “Face Recognition Using a Pictorial-Edit
Distance” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Oct 12-15, 2008
San Diego, California, USA
C.I. Podilchuk and R.J. Mammone, "View Synthesis of real-time video", submitted to IEEE
Transaction on Image processing
C.I. Podilchuk and R.J. Mammone ,"Pose and Illumination Correction for Face Recognition:,
Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI, 2004
Richard J. Mammone
M. Novak and R. Mammone, “Improvement of non-negative matrix factorization based language
model using exponential models”, In Proceedings of Automatic Speech Recognition and
Understanding Workshop, Madonna di Campiglio, Trento, Italy, 2001.
M. Novak and R. Mammone, “Use of non-negative matrix factorization for language model
adaptation in a lecture transcription task”, In Proceedings of ICASSP, pp. 541-544, Salt Lake
City, Utah, May 2001.
Abraham Ittycheriah, Martin Franz, Wei-Jing Zhu, Adwait Ratnaparki and R. Mammone,
“Questions answering using maximum entropy components”, North American ACL, Pittsburgh,
G. Faulkner, S. Gopal, A. Ittycheriah, R. J. Mammone, A. Medl and M. Novak, “The aristotle
project: A distributed learning system”, In Proceedings of Ed-Media2000, World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications, pp. 292-297, Montreal, Canada,
June 2000.
Rajesh Balachandran, Vidhya Ramanujam and R. J. Mammone, “Channel estimation and
normalization by coheral spectral averaging for robust speaker verification”, Proceedings
Eurospeech, 1999.
Rajesh Balachandran, Vidhya Ramanujam and R. J. Mammone, “Robust speaker recognition in
noisy conditions by modification of spectral time trajectories”, Proceedings Eurospeech, 1999.
Rajesh Balachandran, Vidhya Ramanujam and R. J. Mammone, “Robust speaker identification
under channel mismatch conditions: A new approach to blind channel estimation”, Proceedings
of Audio-Video based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA), 1999.
Rajesh Balachandran, Vidhya Ramanujam and R. J. Mammone, “Robust speaker recognition in
noisy conditions by coherent spectral modification”, Proceedings of International Conference on
Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT), Nov 1999.
V.K. Gopalakrishnan, R.P. Ramachandran, J. Wilder, R.J.Mammone,” Restoration of three
dimensional microscopic images using the row action projection method”, Proceedings of the
1999 IEEE International Symposium on Volume: 4, Pages 33-36 ,Jul 1999
Rajesh Balachandran and R. J. Mammone, “Non-parametric estimation and correction of non-
linear distortion in speech systems”, Proceedings, ICASSP, pp. 761-764, 1998.
K. Farrell, R. Ramachandran and R. J. Mammone, “An Analysis of Data Fusion Methods for
Speaker Verification”, Proceedings ICASSP, May 1998
Zilovic, M.S.; Ramachandran, R.P.; Mammone, R.J.,” Speaker identification based on the use of
robust cepstral features obtained from pole-zero transfer functions”, IEEE Transactions on
Speech and Audio Processing, Volume: 6, Issue: 3, Page(s): 260-267, May 1998
M.S. Zilovic, ;R.P. Ramachandran,R.J. Mammone, “A fast algorithm for finding the adaptive
component weighted cepstrum for speaker recognition”, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio
Processing, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, Jan 1997
Manish Sharma and R. J. Mammone, "Blind Segmentation: Automatic Speech Segmentation
Without Linguistic Language", ICSLP, Philadephia, PA, October 1996.
Richard J. Mammone
R. J. Mammone, X. Zhang and R. P. Ramachandran, “Robust Speaker Recognition: A Feature-
Based Approach”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 5, Sept. 1996.
M.S. Zilovic, R. P. Ramachandran and R.J. Mammone, "A Fast Algorithm for the Computation
of the Adaptive Component Weighted Cepstrum Used in Speaker Recognition", (accepted in
IEEE Trans, on Signal Processing).
M.S. Zilovic, R.P. Ramachandran, and R.J. Mammone, "Speaker Identification Based on the Use
of Robust Cepstral Features Obtained from Pole-Zero Transfer Functions", (submitted to IEEE
Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing).
R.J. Mammone and X. Zhang, "High-numerical-aperature Reflecting Microscope, SPIE January
1996, vol. 2655, pp. 148-152.
M. Sharma and R.J. Mammone, "Subword-based Text-dependent Speaker Verification System
with User-selectable Passwords", ICASSP 96, Atlanta, GA, accepted in Proc. Int'l Conf. on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1996.
Xiaoyu Zhang, and R.J. Mammone, "Channel and Noise Adaptation Using Affine-transformed
Ceptrum, ICSLP, Philadelphia, PA, October 1996
S.V. Kosonocky and R.J. Mammone, "A Continuous Density Neural Tree Network Word
Spotting System," ICASSP-95, Eaton Rapids, Ml, 1995.
R.P. Ramachandran, M. Zilovic and R.J. Mammone, "A Comparative Study of Robust Linear
Predicative Analysis Methods With Applications to Speaker Identification," IEEE Transactions
on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 2, pp. 117-125, March 1995.
S. Samaddar and R.J. Mammone, "Image Restoration Using a Row Action Projection Method
with Adaptive Smoothing," Optical Engineering, Vol.34, pp. 1132-1147, April 1995.
H. Liou and R.J. Mammone, "A Subword Neural Tree Network Approach to Text-Dependent
Speaker Verification," ICASSP-95, Eaton Rapids, Ml, 1995.
M. Sharma and R.J. Mammone, "Automatic Speech Segmentation Using Neural Tree Network
(NTN)," IEEE Workshop on Neural Network for Signal Processing, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
on August 31- September 2, 1995 .
R.P. Ramachandran, M.S. Zilovic and R.J. Mammone, "The Use of Robust Cepstral Features
Obtained From Pole-Zero Transfer Functions for Speaker Identification," Canadian Conf. On
Elec. and Comp. Eng., Montreal, Canada, Sept, 5-8, 1995 pp 1058-1061.
H. Liou and R.J. Mammone, "Speaker Verification Using Phoneme-based Neural Tree Network
and Phonetic Weighting Scoring Method", Proceedings of IEEE, NNSP'95 Cambridge.
H. Liou and R.J. Mammone, "Applications of Phonetic Weighting to the Neuralee Network
Based Speaker Verification System", Proceedings of Eurospeech'95, Madrid, Spain.
M. Sharma and R.J. Mammone, "Blind Speech Segmentation for Speech Processing Systems",
IEEE Signal Processing Society Automatic Speech Recognition Workshop, Snowbird, Utah,
December 1995.
Richard J. Mammone and R. P. Ramachandran, Editors, Modern Methods of Speech Processing,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
Manish Sharma and R. J. Mammone, “Speech recognition using sub-word neural tree network
models and multiple classifier fusion”, Proceedings ICASSP, 1995.
R. P. Ramchandran, M. S. Zilovic and R. J. Mammone, “A Comparative Study of Robust Linear
Predictive Analysis Methods with Applications to Speaker Identification”, IEEE Trans. On
Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 117-125, Mar. 1995.
D.K. Naik, K.T. Assaleh, R.J. Mammone, "Robust Speaker Identification Using Pool Filtering,"
ESCA Workshop on Speaker Recognition, Martigny, Switzerland, April 1994.
Richard J. Mammone
M.A. Ramalho, R.J. Mammone,” A new speech enhancement technique with application to
speaker identification”, Page(s): I/29-I/32 vol.1, Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1994.
ICASSP-94., 1994 IEEE International Conference on 19-22 Apr 1994
K.R. Farrell, R.J. Mammone and K.T. Assaleh, "Speaker Recognition Using Neural Networks
and Conventional Classifiers," IEEE Transactions on Speech & Audio Processing, Vol. 2, Part II,
pp. 194-205, January, 1994.
Xiaoyu Zhang and R.J. Mammone, "Range Estimation From Two-Dimensional Images Using
Phase Modification," Optical Engineering 33(12), pp. 4079-4092, December 1994.
K.T. Assaleh and R.J. Mammone, "New LP-Derived Features for Speaker Identification," IEEE
Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol.2, No. 4, pp. 630-638, October 1994.
K.R. Farrell and R.J. Mammone, "Speaker Recognition Using Neural Tree Networks," to appear
in Advances in Neural Information Procession systems -6-, edited by J. Cowan, G. Tesauro, and
J. Allspector, Morgan Kaufman, 1994.
K.R. Farrell and R.J. Mammone, "An Evaluation of Supervised and Unsupervised Classifiers for
Speaker Recognition," ESCA Workshop on Speaker Recognition, Martigny, Switzerland, April
K.R. Farrell and R.J. Mammone, "Speaker Identification Using Neural Tree Networks," IEEE
ICASSP, April 1994, Adelaide, Australia.
K. Assaleh and R.J. Mammone, "Robust Cepstral Features for Speaker Recognition," To appear
in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process (ICASSP 1994), Australia.
R.P. Ramachandran, M. Zilovic and R.J. Mammone, "Alternative Linear Predictive Analysis
Techniques With Applications to Speaker Identification," Proceedings of the SPIE's International
Symposium on Optics, Imaging, & Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, July 1994.
X. Wang and R.J. Mammone, "Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Discriminant
Neural Networks Classifier," SPIE's International Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and
Instrumentation, July 1994, San Diego, CA, vol 2277, pp. 72-82
K. Assaleh and R.J. Mammone, "Supplementary Orthogonal Cepstral Features for Improved
Speaker Identification," SPIE's International Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and
Instrumentation, July 1994, San Diego, CA.
D. Naik and R.J. Mammone, "Applications of Pole Filtering to Speaker Recognition," SPIE's
International Symposium on Optics, Imaging and Instrumentation, July 1994, San Diego, CA.
H. Liou and R.J. Mammone, "Speaker Verification System Based on Neural Tree Network
Classifiers," SPIE's International Symposium on Optics, Imaging and Instrumentation, July 1994,
San Diego, CA.
K. R. Farrell and R.J. Mammone, "Hybrid Vector Quantization/Neural Tree Network Classifiers
for Speaker Recognition," SPIE's International Symposium on Optics, Imaging and
Instrumentation, July 1994, San Diego, CA.
H. Liou and R.J. Mammone, "Text-dependent Speaker Verification Using Subword Neural Tree
Networks," Proceedings of SPIE Conference, July 1194, San Diego, CA, vol.2277 pp. 134-141
K. Assaleh, K.R. Farrell, M. Zilovic, M. Sharma, D. Naik and R.J. Mammone, "Text Dependent
Speaker Verification Using Data Fusion and Channel Detection," Session on Automatic Systems
for the Identification and Inspection of Humans, 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, CA, SPIE
Proceedings series, Vol. 277. Pp. 72-82.
K.R. Farrell, S. Kosonocky and R.J. Mammone, "Neural Tree Network/Vector Quantization
Probability Estimates for Speaker Recognition," presented at NNSP '94, Ermioni, Greece on
September 6, 1994.
Richard J. Mammone, Editor, Artificial neural Networks for Speech and Vision, Chapman & Hall
Neural Computing, 1994.
R. J. Mammone, J. Wilder, A. Garcia and S. Sivaprasad, “Feature extraction for X-ray
diffraction-based explosive detection using Neural Tree Network”, CAIP Center, Rutgers
University, 1994.
Richard J. Mammone
J. Wilder, R. J. Mammone, P. Meer, K. Xu, A. Tsai, S. Weiner, X. Y. Zhang, “Projection-Based
Face Recognition”, Proc. SPIE Conf. On Automatic Systems for Identification and Inspection of
Humans, Vol. 2277, pp. 22-31, July 1994.
K. Farrell, R. J. Mammone and K, Assaleh, “Speaker recognition using neural tree networks and
conventional classifiers”, IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, Jan. 1994.
A. Gorin,R.J. Mammone, “Introduction to the special issue on neural networks for speech
processing”, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing,Volume: 2, Issue: 1, Jan
K. Farrell, R.J. Mammone and A.L. Gorin, "Iterative Algebraic Learning for Language
Acquisition," Acoustical Society of America, 124th meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 1993.
Kuo, S. and R.J. Mammone, "Refinement of EM Restored Images," appeared in the Feb. 1993
issue of The Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation, Academic Press.
K.T. Assaleh, R.J. Mammone, M.G. Rahim and J.L. Flanagan, "Speech Recognition Using the
Modulation Model," ICASSP-93, IEEE Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, April 27-30, 1993, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
K. Farrell, R.J. Mammone and A.L. Gorin, "Adaptive Language Acquisition Using Incremental
Learning," IEEE ICASSP, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 1993.
M. Ramalho and R.J. Mammone, "New Speech Enhancement Techniques using the Pitch Mode
Modulation Model," Proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
Detroit, Michigan, August 16-18, 1993.
K. Assaleh and R.J. Mammone, "Signal-Adaptive Decomposition of Multicomponent Signals,"
SPIE '93, San Diego, 1993.
M. Sharma and R.J. Mammone, "Neural Tree Network (NTN) for Speech Segmentation into Sub-
Word Acoustic Units," Oct. 1993 SPIE Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
K. Farrell, K. Assaleh, R.J. Mammone, "Speaker Recognition Using Neural Tree Network," Oct.
1993, SPIE Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
K. Farrell, R.J. Mammone, "Algebraic Learning for Language Acquisition," Oct. 1993, SPIE
Conference, Innsbruck, Austria
W. Wu, R.J. Mammone, "Relabeling Exchange Method for Learning in Neural Networks," Oct.
1993, SPIE Conference, Innsbruck, Austria
M. Sharma and R. J. Mammone, "Modulation Model Based Features for Keyword Spotting,"
IEEE-SPS Workshop on Speech Recognition, Snowbird, Utah, Dec. '93.
Sankar and R. J. Mammone, “Growing and Pruning Neural Tree Networks”, IEEE Trans on
Computers, Vol. 42, No. 3, March 1993.
K.T. Assaleh and R.J. Mammone, "A New Method for Speech Recognition Using the Modulation
Model," submitted to ICASSP 1993, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Doherty, J.F., Mammone, R.J.,” An adaptive algorithm for stable decision-feedback filtering”, ,
IEEE Transactions on Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Jan 1993
A.B. Fineberg, R.J. Mammone and J.L. Flanagan, "Application of the Modulation Model to
Speech Recognition," IEEE, ICASSP, 1992.
Doherty, J.F., and R.J. Mammone, "A Fast Method for Regularized Adaptive Filtering," Dig. Sig.
Proc. 2, 1992.
Richard J. Mammone
Kuo, S. and R.J. Mammone, "Image Restoration by Convex Projections Using Adaptive
Constraints and the L1 Norm," IEEE Trans. on ASSP. Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 1159-168, appeared
Jan. 1992.
Fineberg, A. and R.J. Mammone, "A Method of Tracking Multiple Narrowband Signals,"
appeared Oct. 1992, in Signal Processing, Elsevier Science Publishers.
Doherty, J.F. and R.J. Mammone, "An Adaptive Algorithm for Stable Decision Feedback
Filtering," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, appeared Dec. 1992.
K. Farrell, R.J. Mammone and J.L. Flanagan, "Beamforming Microphone Arrays for Speech
Enhancement," IEEE ICASSP 1992.
M. Gersten, H. Humano and R.J. Mammone, "Indications of Dry Eye from Spatial Frequency
Analysis of Topographic Modeling System Corneal Videographs," invited paper to the Japan
Contact Lens Society Meeting, June 1992, Osaka, Japan.
K.T. Assaleh, and R.J. Mammone, "Spectral-temporal Decomposition of Multicomponent
Signals," the IEEE 1992 Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Utica, IL, 1992.
K.T. Assaleh and R.J. Mammone, "Signal-adaptive Decomposition of Multicomponent Signals,"
the IEEE 1992 Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Utica, IL, 1992
K.T. Assaleh, K. Farrell and R.J. Mammone, "A New Method of Modulation Classification for
Digitally Modulated Signals," IEEE MILCOM 1992, San Diego, CA.
K. Farrell and R.J. Mammone, "A Vector Space Approach to Adaptive Beamforming," IEEE
MILCOM 1992, San Diego, CA.
Agrawal and R.J. Mammone, "On-line Learning Without Forgetting for Language Acquisition,"
published in Acoustical Society of America, 124th meeting, New Orleans.
D.K. Naik, R.J. Mammone, "Metaphoric Learning for Language Acquisition," published in
Acoustical Society of America, 124th meeting, New Orleans.
Agrawal and R.J. Mammone, "Long Term Memory for Neural Networks," accepted for
publication in 11th Neural Network Workshop T92.
M.Binder, R.J. Mammone, W.L.Wade, Jr.E. Rondeau, B.Lavene,” Use of gas plasmas to increase
breakdown strengths in polycarbonate film/foil capacitors”, Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE,
Volume: 8, Issue 4, Jul/Aug 1992
Binder, M.; Wade, W.L., Jr.; Cygan, P.; Jow, T.R.; Mammone, R.J.,” Breakdown voltages of
commercial polymer films following exposure to various gas plasmas”, IEEE Transactions on
Electrical Insulation, Volume: 27, Issue: 2, Apr 1992
Agrawal and R.J. Mammone, "Neural Networks for the Detection of Explosives in Airline
Baggage," accepted for publication in SPIEUs OE/Technology T92.
Agrawal and R.J. Mammone, "An On-line Algorithm to Overcome Catastrophic Forgetting,"
accepted for publication in ANNIE T92.
D.K. Naik and R.J. Mammone, "Meta-Neural Networks that Learn by Learning," IJCNN T92,
Baltimore, MD, pp. 437-442, Vol. 1.
D.K. Naik, R.J. Mammone, and A. Agrawal, "Meta-Neural Network Approach to Learning by
Learning," to be presented at ANNIE T92, Rolla, Missouri.
Richard J. Mammone, Editor, Computational Methods for Image Recovery and Recognition, John
Wiley Company, New York, April 1992.
Kuo, S. and R. J. Mammone, "Refinement of EM Restored Images Using Adaptive POCS," to
appear in Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP '91.
Kuo, S. and R. J. Mammone, "Resolution Enhancement of Tomographic Images Using the Row-
action Projection Method," IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Vol. 10, No. 4, Dec. 1991.
Kuo, S. and R. J. Mammone, "Resolution Enhancement of CT Images," Proceedings of
SPIE/IS&T, Vol. 1450, 1991.
Kuo, S. and R. J. Mammone, "Refinement of EM Restored Images," Proceeding of SPIE/IS&T,
Vol. 1452, 1991.
Richard J. Mammone
Mammone, R. J. and S. Kuo, "Blind Image Restoration Using the EM and POCS Algorithms,"
Proceedings of the 1991 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, The John Hopkins
University, 1991.
Kuo, S. and R. J. Mammone, "Image Restoration Using Adaptive Row Action Projection
Method," Proceedings of Vision Interface '91, Alberta, Canada, June 1991.
Kuo, S., and R. J. Mammone, "An Adaptive Convex Projection Method for Resolution
Enhancement of Tomographic Images," Proceedings of Vision Interface '91, Alberta, Canada,
June 1991.
Fineberg, A. and R.J. Mammone, "An Adaptive Technique for High Resolution Time-Varying
Spectral Estimation", ICASSP 91, Paper 36.E4.6.
Sankar, A. and R. J. Mammone, "Speaker Independent Vowel Recognition Using Neural Tree
Networks," Proceedings IJCNN, Seattle, 1991.
Sankar, A. and R. J. Mammone, "Optimal Pruning of Neural Tree Networks for Improved
Generalization," Proceedings IJCNN, Seattle, 1991.
Flanagan, J. L., R. J. Mammone and G. W. Elko, "Auto directive Microphone Systems for
Natural Communication with Speech Recognizers," 4th DARPA Speech and Natural Language
Workshop, Monterey, California, February 19-22, 1991.
Sankar, A. and R. J. Mammone, "Combining Neural Networks and Decision Trees," Proceedings
of the SPIE International Symposium on Optical Engineering and Photonics in Aerospace
Sensing, Orlando, Florida, April, 1991.
R.J. Mammone, A. Sankar, A. Fineberg and J. Flanagan, "Speaker Independent Vowel
Recognition Using Neural Tree Networks," Speech Research Symposium XI, MIT, Cambridge,
MA, June 26-27, 1991.
Sankar and R. J. Mammone, "Improving the Learning Rate of Neural Tree Networks Using
Thermal Perceptions," IEEE-SP Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Princeton,
NJ, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2,1991.
Richard Mammone and J. Zeevi, Editors, Neural Networks: Theory and Applications, Academic
Press, 1991.
Fineberg, A. and R. J. Mammone, "Adaptive Time-Varying Spectral Analysis for Multiple
Narrowband Signals," Fifth ASSP Workshop on Spectral Estimation and Modeling, Rochester,
New York, October 1990.
H. Freeman, G. Hung, R. Mammone, and J. Wilder, "Project LESTRADE: The design of a
trainable machine vision inspection system," in Machine Vision for Three-Dimensional Scenes,
ed. by H. Freeman, Academic Press, Boston, 1990, 219-242
Mammone, R. J., M. Gersten, D. Gormley, R. Koplin, V. Lubkin, "3-D Corneal Modeling
System," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 37 No. 1, pp. 66-72, January 1990.
Podilchuk, C. I. and R. J. Mammone, "Image Recovery by Convex Projections Using A Least
Square Constraint," Journal of Optical Society of America, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 517-521, March
Prasad, K.V., R. J. Mammone and J. Yogeshwar, "Three dimensional Image Restoration Using
Constrained Optimization Techniques," Opt. Eng., Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 279-288, April 1990.
Yogeshwar, J. and R. J. Mammone, "A New Perceptual Model for Video Sequence Encoding,"
Proc. the IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition, 10 ICPR, June 1990, Atlantic City, NJ.
Prasad, V. K. and R. J. Mammone, "Depth Recovery Using Simulated Annealing," Proc. IEEE
Conference on Pattern Recognition 10 ICPR, June 1990, Atlantic City, NJ.
Gay, S. and R. J. Mammone, "Fast Converging Subband Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using RAP
on a WE DSP16A," Proc. for IEEE ICASSP Conference, pp. 1141-1144 June 1990.
Doherty, J. F. and R. J. Mammone, "A Row-Action Projection Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering,"
Proc. for IEEE ICASSP Conference, pp. 1397-1400, June 1990.
Richard J. Mammone
Kuo, S., R. J. Mammone, J. Doherty and C. Podilchuk, "Resolution Enhancement of
Reconstructed Images by Using Image Restoration Techniques," IEEE Biomedical Engineering
Conference EMBS, Philadelphia, PA, June 1990.
Sankar, A. and R. J. Mammone, "A Fast Learning Algorithm for Tree Neural Networks," The
Princeton Conference on Information Systems Sciences, April 1990.
Doherty, J. and R. J. Mammone, "A Robust Method of Channel Equalization for Mobile
Channels," IEEE MILCOM Conference, November 1990, Monterey, CA.
Fineberg, A.B. and R. J. Mammone, "A Fast Method for Tracking Multiple Non-Stationary
Tones," IEEE MILCOM Conference, November 1990, Monterey, CA.
Doherty, J.F. and R. J. Mammone, "Stable Decision-Feedback Equalization of Data with Spectral
Nulls," IEEE MILCOM Conference, November 1990, Monterey, CA.
Doherty, J.F.; Mammone, R.J,” Equalization for mobile communications channels”, Military
Communications Conference, 1990. MILCOM '90, Conference Record, 'A New Era'. 1990 IEEE,
30 Sep-3 Oct 1990
Podilchuk, C. I., R. J. Mammone, "A Comparison of Projection Techniques for Image
Restoration," SPIE Proceedings on Electronic Imaging and Video Processing, Los Angeles,
California, January 1989.
Doherty, J. F. and R. J. Mammone, "A New Fast Method for Channel Estimation," IEEE ICC
June 1989 Vol. 2 pp. 26.1.1-26.1.5.
Doherty, J. F. and R. J. Mammone, "A New Method for Mobile Communication Channel
Equalization," Proc. of the Workshop on Third Generation Wireless Information Networks,
Rutgers Wireless Information Network Laboratory, pp. 99-104, June 1989.
Doherty, J. F. and R. J. Mammone, "A New Method for Robust Fast Tracking Channel
Equalization," IEEE MILCOM 1989 October Vol. 1, pp. 13.4.1-13.4.5. (nominated for best paper
Podilchuk, C. I. and R. J. Mammone, "Row and Block Action Projection Techniques for Image
Restoration," Topical meeting of the OSA on Image Recovery and Synthesis III, pp. 18-21, Cape
Cod, MA, June 1989.
Podilchuk, C. I. and R. J. Mammone, "Block Sizes for a General Image Restoration Algorithm
Based on Projection onto Convex Sets," Proceedings of the SPIE conference on Visual
Communications and Image Processing '89, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 1989.
Podilchuk, C. I. and R. J. Mammone, "Step Size for the General Iterative Image Recovery
Algorithm," Optical Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 806-811, September 1988.
Mammone, R. J., M. Gersten, D. Gormley, R. Koplin, V. Lubkin, "Corneal Modeling System,"
Medical Electronics, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 71-77, December 1988.
Mammone, R. J., R. J. Rothacker, S. Davidovici, D. L. Schilling, "Estimation of Modulation
Type, Carrier Frequency and Bit Rate of an Unknown Modulated Signal," IEEE Conference ICC-
86, Seattle, Washington, June 1987.
Mammone, R. J. and R. J. Rothacker, "A General Iterative Technique of Restoring Linearly
Degraded Images," J. Opt. Soc. Am., pp. 208-215, January 1987.
Aaron, C., S. Davidovici, R. J. Mammone, "An Expandable Array Processor for Implementing
the Simplex Linear Programming Algorithm," IEEE Conference ICC-87, Seattle, Washington,
June 1987.
Mammone, R. J., C. I. Podilchuk, "Acceleration of the Generalized Projection onto Convex Sets
(GPOCS) Algorithm," IASTED Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1987.
Richard J. Mammone
Mammone, R. J., C. I. Podilchuk, "The Generalized Projection onto Convex Sets (GPOCS)
Algorithm," SPIE's 1987 Symposium on Optics in Medicine & Visual Image Processing,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 1987.
R.J. Mammone., G. Sentman, "Multi-pulse LPC Using Linear Programming in the Frequency
Domain," ICASSP, Tokyo, Japan, April 1986.
R.Rothacker., R. J. Mammone, S.Davidovici, "Spectral Enhancement Using Linear
Programming," ICASSP, Tokyo, Japan, April 1986.
Mammone, R. J., "Two-Dimensional Image Restoration Using Linear Programming," Topical
Meeting on Signal Recovery and Synthesis II, co-sponsored by OSA and ASSP, Honolulu,
Hawaii, April 1986.
Milstein, L., S. Davidovici, D. Schilling, R. J. Mammone, D. Helm, "Coding to Minimize the
Effect of Jamming a Wideband Signal at HF," AFCEA Conference on Tactical Communications,
Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 1986.
Mammone, R. J., R. Rothacker, D. Schilling, "A System for the Interception of Narrowband and
Wideband Signals Using a Short Observation Time," AFCEA Conference on Tactical
Communications, Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 1986.
Mammone, R. J., S. Bajekal, "Methods of FH Feature Extraction Using a Compressive Receiver,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Toronto, Canada, June 1986.
Mammone, R. J., "Multi-pulse LPC Analysis Using Linear Programming in the Frequency
Domain," DOD Speech Research Symposium, Princeton, New Jersey, June 1986.
Mammone, R. J., K. Wang, S. Gay, "LPC Speech Analysis Using the L1 Norm," ICASSP,
Tampa, Florida, April 1985.
Mammone, R. J., "Frequency Enhancement of a Compressive Receiver," Communication Theory
Workshop, Tampa, Florida, April 21-24, 1985.
Mammone, R. J., "Speaker Verification Techniques," Electro '85 Tutorials Sessions Speech
Synthesis/Recognition, April 22-25, 1985.
Rothacker, R. J., R. J. Mammone, R. S. Koplin, "Digital Restoration of Ultrasonic Images," IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health
Care Conference, Los Angeles, California, September 1984.
Gersten, M., A. L. Millman, V. Lubkin, R. J. Mammone, R. Kopkin, D. Gormley, "A
Computerized Algorithm for Volumetric Analysis from CT Scans of in vivo Human Orbit," IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health
Care Conference, Los Angeles, California, September 1984.
Mammone, R. J., "Spectral Extrapolation of Constrained Signals," Topical Meeting co-sponsored
by OAS and AFO on Signal Recovery and Synthesis with Incomplete Information and Partial
Constraints, Incline Village, Nevada, January 1983.
Flanagan, J., R. J. Mammone, D. Kormley, M. Gersten, "Digital Image Processing of
Fluorescence Angiograms," ARVO Conference, Florida, June 1983.
Mammone, R. J., Shun Yao Ren, D. Schilling, "Transform Encoding of Voice with Phase
Suppression," International Communication Conference, Boston, June 1983.
Mammone, R. J. and G. Eichmann, "Superresolving Image Restoration Using Linear
Programming," Applied Optics, Vol. 21, No. 3, 496 (1983).
Richard J. Mammone
Mammone, R. J. and G. Eichmann, "Restoration of Discrete Fourier Spectra Using Linear
Programming," J. Opt. Soc. Am., August (1982).
Mammone, R. J., "Spectral Extrapolation of Constrained Signals," J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 73, No.
11, November 1983.
Mammone, R. J., "Computer Processing of Images on Opthamology," Annual Opthamology
Conference of Am. Opth., Hyatt Regency, New York, 1982.
Mammone, R. J., G. Eichmann, "Optical Image Restoration of Linearly Degraded Images,"
Annual Optical Soc. Am. Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1980.
Mammone, R. J. and G. Eichmann, "Optical Super resolution Using Prolate Spheriodal Wave
functions," Annual Optical Soc. Am. Meeting, Rochester, New York, 1979.
Eichmann, G., R. Stirble and R. J. Mammone, "Hybrid Video Encoding for Real-Time Image
Transmission," SPIE Seminar on Optical Signal Processing for C3/l, 1979.
Eichmann, G., R. J. Mammone, J. Keybl, "Number Theoretic Transform Modular Residue
Processors," SPIE Seminar on Optical Processing for C3/l, 1979.
Eichmann, G., R. J. Mammone, R. Stirbl, R. Silber, "Hybrid Image Source Encoding for Real-
Time Image Transmission," SPIE Symposium, San Diego, California, 1978.
Chapters in Books
Mammone, R. J., “Image Restoration using Linear Programming”, in IMAGE RECOVERY:
THEORY AND APPLICATION, edited by H. Stark, Academic Press, 1987.
Mammone, R. J., “Precise Measurement of the Curvature of the Human Cornea for Inspection
and Measurement”, in MACHINE VISION, edited by H. Freeman, Academic Press, 1989.
Sankar, A. and Mammone, R. J., “Tree Neural Network”, in APPLICATIONS AND THEORY
OF NEURAL NETWORKS, edited by R. J. Mammone, Academic Press, 1990.
Freeman, H., G. Hung, R. J. Mammone and J. Wilder, “Project Lestrade: The Design of Trainable
Machine Vision Inspection System”, in MACHINE VISION FOR 3-DIMENSIONAL SCENES,
edited by H. Freeman, Academic Press, 1990.
Prasad, K. V. and R. J. Mammone, “Monocular Passive Range Sensing- Using Defocus
Donald J. Svetkoff, Editor, Proc. SPIE 1385, pp. 280-291, 1991.
Mammone, R. J., “Introduction to the Vector Space Approach of Signal Processing”, in
Wiley and Company, 1992.
Mammone, R. J., “Discrete Linear Systems and Signals- A Vector Space Approach”, in
Wiley and Company, 1992.
Richard J. Mammone
K. T. Assaleh and R. J. Mammone, “Multicomponent Signal Decomposition and its
Applications”, in CONTROL AND DYNAMIC SYSTEM SERIES, Leondes, C. T. Ed.,
Academic Press, 1993.
R. J. Mammone, S. V. Klyce, M. Gersten and Xiaoyu Zhang, “Computer-assisted Eye Surgery”,
in COMPUTER INTEGRATED SURGERY, Taylor, Lavaliere, Burdea and Moseges, eds., MIT
Press, 1993.
D. K. Naik and R. J. Mammone, “Meta-Learning in Neural Networks”, in NEURAL
Agarwal and R. J. Mammone, “Long-Term Memory for Neural Networks”, in NEURAL
W. Wu and R. J. Mammone, “Reliability Methods of Training Neural Networks”, in NEURAL
R. Mammone ,”Inverse Problems and Signal Reconstruction”, Digital Signal Processing
Handbook,Vijay K Madisetti and Douglas Williams, CRC Press, December1997
Mammone, R.J., editor, "Neural Networks: Theory and Applications," Academic Press, 1991.
Editor of the book, "Computational Methods of Signal Recovery and Recognition," John Wiley
and Sons, 1992.
Editor of the book, "Artificial Neural Networks for Speech and Vision," Chapman-Hall, 1994.
Editor of the book, "Modern Methods of Speech Processing," Kluwer Academic Publishers with
Ravi P. Ramachandran, September 1995
Editor of Book Series
U.S. editor for Neural Network Series by Chapman-Hall U.K. (Igor Alexander is European
J. Wilder, W. Mayo, Z. Kalman, M. Croft, R. Mammone, A. Fineberg, "Analysis Methods for
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffractive Patterns," issued September 12 2000 (6,118,850)
R. J. Mammone, X. Zhang, "Robust speech processing with affine transform replicated data, "
issued March 14 2000. (6,038,528)
R.J. Mammone, K.R. Farrell, M. Sharma, D. Naik, X. Zhang, K.T. Assaleh, and H. Liou,
"Speaker Verification System Using Decision Fusion Logic ," issued November 1998.
R.J. Mammone, A. Sankar, K.R. Farrell, "Rapidly trainable neural tree network," issued May 27,
1997 (5,634,087)
R.J. Mammone, K.T. Assaleh, "Speaker Identification and Verification System," issued May 28,
1996. (5,522,012)
R.J. Mammone, K.R. Farrell and E.D. Freeman, "Fixed Reference Shift Keying Modulation for
Mobile Radio Telecommunications," 1993. (5,703,908)
R.J. Mammone, "A System for Robust Surface Reconstruction from Structured Light Images",
submitted July 1991.
R. J. Mammone and A. Sankar, "Neural Tree Network," submitted February 1991.
R. J. Mammone, "Toy Helmet for Scrambled Communications,” issued August 14, 1990. (4,
Richard J. Mammone
R. J. Mammone, M. Gersten and J. Zelvin, "System for Topographical Mapping of Anatomical
Surfaces," issued September 5, 1989. (4,863,260)
R. J. Mammone, M. Gersten and J. Zelvin, "Illuminated Ring Keratometer Device," issued
September 20, 1988. (4,772,115)