Examples: Abstract Ideas
The following examples should be used in conjunction with the 2014 Interim Eligibility
Guidance. As the examples are intended to be illustrative only, they should be interpreted based
on the fact patterns set forth below. Other fact patterns may have different eligibility outcomes.
This set of examples is arranged into two parts. The first part includes four fact patterns with
claims that are patent eligible, several of which draw from U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal
Circuit decisions, and the second part includes four fact patterns with claims that were found
ineligible by the Federal Circuit. Each of the examples shows how claims should be analyzed
under the 2014 Interim Eligibility Guidance. All of the claims are analyzed for eligibility in
accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation.
Part One
These examples show claims that would be patent eligible when analyzed under the 2014 Interim
Eligibility Guidance. The first example is a hypothetical claim and fact pattern that illustrates an
eligible software invention that is not directed to an abstract idea. The second example is a
recent Federal Circuit decision. The third and fourth examples are informed by Federal Circuit
decisions where claims were found eligible, but are drafted as hypothetical claims modified to
prominently add an abstract idea for teaching purposes to facilitate analysis under the
“significantly more” prong of the 2014 Interim Eligibility Guidance.
1. Isolating and Removing Malicious Code from Electronic Messages
Hypothetical claims 1 and 2 are not directed to an abstract idea.
The invention relates to isolating and removing malicious code from electronic messages (e.g.,
email) to prevent a computer from being compromised, for example by being infected with a
computer virus. The specification explains the need for computer systems to scan electronic
communications for malicious computer code and clean the electronic communication before it
may initiate malicious acts. The disclosed invention operates by physically isolating a received
electronic communication in a “quarantine” sector of the computer memory. A quarantine sector
is a memory sector created by the computer’s operating system such that files stored in that
sector are not permitted to act on files outside that sector.
When a communication containing malicious code is stored in the quarantine sector, the data
contained within the communication is compared to malicious code-indicative patterns stored
within a signature database. The presence of a particular malicious code-indicative pattern
indicates the nature of the malicious code. The signature database further includes code markers
that represent the beginning and end points of the malicious code.
The malicious code is then extracted from malicious code-containing communication. An
extraction routine is run by a file parsing component of the processing unit. The file parsing
routine performs the following operations:
1. scan the communication for the identified beginning malicious code marker;
2. flag each scanned byte between the beginning marker and the successive end
malicious code marker;
Examples: Abstract Ideas
3. continue scanning until no further beginning malicious code marker is found; and
4. create a new data file by sequentially copying all non-flagged data bytes into the new
file, which thus forms a sanitized communication file.
The new, sanitized communication is transferred to a non-quarantine sector of the computer
memory. Subsequently, all data on the quarantine sector is erased.
1. A computer-implemented method for protecting a computer from an electronic
communication containing malicious code, comprising executing on a processor the steps of:
receiving an electronic communication containing malicious code in a computer with a
memory having a boot sector, a quarantine sector and a non-quarantine sector;
storing the communication in the quarantine sector of the memory of the computer,
wherein the quarantine sector is isolated from the boot and the non-quarantine sector in the
computer memory, where code in the quarantine sector is prevented from performing write
actions on other memory sectors;
extracting, via file parsing, the malicious code from the electronic communication to
create a sanitized electronic communication, wherein the extracting comprises
scanning the communication for an identified beginning malicious code marker,
flagging each scanned byte between the beginning marker and a successive end
malicious code marker,
continuing scanning until no further beginning malicious code marker is found,
creating a new data file by sequentially copying all non-flagged data bytes into a
new file that forms a sanitized communication file;
transferring the sanitized electronic communication to the non-quarantine sector of the
memory; and
deleting all data remaining in the quarantine sector.
2. A non-transitory computer-readable medium for protecting a computer from an electronic
communication containing malicious code, comprising instructions stored thereon, that when
executed on a processor, perform the steps of:
receiving an electronic communication containing malicious code in a computer with a
memory having a boot sector, a quarantine sector and a non-quarantine sector;
storing the communication in the quarantine sector of the memory of the computer,
wherein the quarantine sector is isolated from the boot and the non-quarantine sector in the
computer memory, where code in the quarantine sector is prevented from performing write
actions on other memory sectors;
Examples: Abstract Ideas
extracting, via file parsing, the malicious code from the electronic communication to
create a sanitized electronic communication, wherein the extracting comprises
scanning the communication for an identified beginning malicious code marker,
flagging each scanned byte between the beginning marker and a successive end
malicious code marker,
continuing scanning until no further beginning malicious code marker is found,
creating a new data file by sequentially copying all non-flagged data bytes into a
new file that forms a sanitized communication file;
transferring the sanitized electronic communication to the non-quarantine sector of the
memory; and
deleting all data remaining in the quarantine sector.
Claim 1: Eligible.
The method claim recites a series of acts for protecting a computer from an electronic
communication containing malicious code. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one
of the statutory categories of invention (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The
claimed invention relates to software technology for isolation and extraction of malicious code
contained in an electronic communication. The claim is directed towards physically isolating a
received communication on a memory sector and extracting malicious code from that
communication to create a sanitized communication in a new data file. Such action does not
describe an abstract concept, or a concept similar to those found by the courts to be abstract, such
as a fundamental economic practice, a method of organizing human activity, an idea itself
(standing alone), or a mathematical relationship. In contrast, the invention claimed here is
directed towards performing isolation and eradication of computer viruses, worms, and other
malicious code, a concept inextricably tied to computer technology and distinct from the types of
concepts found by the courts to be abstract. Accordingly, the claimed steps do not recite an
abstract idea. Nor do they implicate any other judicial exception. Accordingly, the claim is not
directed to any judicial exception (Step 2A: NO). The claim is eligible.
Claim 2: Eligible.
The claim is directed to a non-transitory computer-readable medium, which is a manufacture,
and thus a statutory category of invention (Step 1: YES).
The claim recites the same steps as claim 1 stored on a non-transitory computer readable medium
such that they are executable on a processor. The invention described by those steps is not
directed towards an abstract idea, for the reasons explained above (Step 2A: NO). The claim is
Examples: Abstract Ideas
2. E-Commerce Outsourcing System/Generating a Composite Web Page
The following claim was found eligible by the Federal Circuit in DDR Holdings, LLC v.
Hotels.com et al., 113 USPQ2d 1097 (Fed. Cir. 2014) (DDR). The patent at issue was U.S.
Patent No. 7,818,399.
In affiliate commerce systems, website owners or hosts sell space on their web pages in the form
of paid advertisements. Many of these advertisements are banner ads that include links to items
offered for sale by third-party merchants. When a visitor activates (clicks on) a link, the visitor
is instantly transported away from the host’s web page to the merchant’s web page so that she
can purchase the item (a “commerce object”, e.g., a product or service) associated with the link.
The merchant pays a commission on each such sale to the host of the web page displaying the
link. While these advertising links function as a commission-based advertising program that
provides the host additional revenues, they have the disadvantage of luring visitor traffic away
from the host’s web page, which results in the host losing control of potential customers.
The inventor has addressed this problem of retaining control over customers during affiliate
purchase transactions, by creating a system for co-marketing the “look and feel” of the host web
page with the product-related content information of the advertising merchant’s web page. The
system can be operated by a third-party outsource provider, who acts as a broker between
multiple hosts and merchants. Prior to implementation, a host places links to a merchant’s web
page on the host’s web page. The links are associated with product-related content on the
merchant’s web page. Additionally, the outsource provider system stores the “look and feel”
information from each host’s web pages in a computer data store, which is coupled to a computer
server. The “look and feel” information includes visually perceptible elements such as logos,
colors, page layout, navigation system, frames, mouse-over effects or other elements that are
consistent through some or all of each host’s respective web pages.
In the inventor’s system, a customer who clicks on an advertising link is not transported from the
host web page to the merchant’s web page, but instead is re-directed to a composite web page
that combines product information associated with the selected item and visually perceptible
elements of the host web page. The outsource provider’s server responds by first identifying the
host web page where the link has been selected and retrieving the corresponding stored “look
and feel” information. The server constructs a composite web page using the retrieved “look and
feel” information of the host web page, with the product-related content embedded within it, so
that the composite web page is visually perceived by the customer as associated with the host
web page. The server then transmits and presents this composite web page to the customer so
that she effectively remains on the host web page to purchase the item without being redirected
to the third party merchant affiliate. Because such composite pages are visually perceived by the
customer as associated with the host web page, they give the customer the impression that she is
viewing pages served by the host. Further, the customer is able to purchase the item without
being redirected to the third party merchant affiliate, thus allowing the host to retain control over
the customer. This system enables the host to receive the same advertising revenue streams as
before but without the loss of visitor traffic and potential customers.
Examples: Abstract Ideas
Representative Claim
19. A system useful in an outsource provider serving web pages offering
commercial opportunities, the system comprising:
(a) a computer store containing data, for each of a plurality of first web pages,
defining a plurality of visually perceptible elements, which visually perceptible
elements correspond to the plurality of first web pages;
(i) wherein each of the first web pages belongs to one of a plurality of web
page owners;
(ii) wherein each of the first web pages displays at least one active link
associated with a commerce object associated with a buying opportunity
of a selected one of a plurality of merchants; and
(iii) wherein the selected merchant, the outsource provider, and the owner
of the first web page displaying the associated link are each third parties
with respect to one other;
(b) a computer server at the outsource provider, which computer server is coupled
to the computer store and programmed to:
(i) receive from the web browser of a computer user a signal indicating
activation of one of the links displayed by one of the first web pages;
(ii) automatically identify as the source page the one of the first web pages
on which the link has been activated;
(iii) in response to identification of the source page, automatically retrieve
the stored data corresponding to the source page; and
(iv) using the data retrieved, automatically generate and transmit to the
web browser a second web page that displays: (A) information associated
with the commerce object associated with the link that has been activated,
and (B) the plurality of visually perceptible elements visually
corresponding to the source page.
Claim 19: Eligible.
The claim recites a system comprising a computer server and computer store. The system
comprises a device or set of devices and, therefore, is directed to a machine which is a statutory
category of invention (Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim is analyzed to determine whether it is directed to a judicial exception. This claim
recites a system “useful in outsource provider serving web pages offering commercial
opportunities,” but is directed to automatically generating and transmitting a web page in
response to activation of a link using data identified with a source web page having certain
visually perceptible elements. The claim does not recite a mathematical algorithm; nor does it
recite a fundamental economic or longstanding commercial practice. The claim addresses a
business challenge (retaining website visitors) that is particular to the Internet. The claimed
Examples: Abstract Ideas
invention differs from other claims found by the courts to recite abstract ideas in that it does not
“merely recite the performance of some business practice known from the pre-Internet world
along with the requirement to perform it on the Internet. Instead, the claimed solution is
necessarily rooted in computer technology in order to overcome a problem specifically arising in
the realm of computer networks.” No idea similar to those previously found by the courts to be
abstract has been identified in the claim. During examination, if the examiner does not identify
an abstract idea recited in the claim, the claim should be deemed to be not directed to a judicial
exception (Step 2A: NO). The claim is eligible.
Under the 2014 Interim Eligibility Guidance no further analysis would be necessary. In this
decision, however, the court went on to point out certain features of the claim that amount to an
inventive concept for resolving this particular Internet-centric problem, rendering the claims
patent eligible. An excerpt of the court’s discussion follows:
In particular, the 399 patent's claims address the problem of retaining website visitors
that, if adhering to the routine, conventional functioning of Internet hyperlink protocol,
would be instantly transported away from a host's website after “clicking” on an
advertisement and activating a hyperlink. For example, asserted claim 19 recites a system
that, among other things, 1) stores “visually perceptible elements” corresponding to
numerous host websites in a database, with each of the host websites displaying at least
one link associated with a product or service of a third-party merchant, 2) on activation of
this link by a website visitor, automatically identifies the host, and 3) instructs an Internet
web server of an “out-source provider” to construct and serve to the visitor a new, hybrid
web page that merges content associated with the products of the third-party merchant
with the stored “visually perceptible elements” from the identified host website. [ ]
In more plain language, upon the click of an advertisement for a third-party product
displayed on a host's website, the visitor is no longer transported to the third party's
website. Instead, the patent claims call for an “outsource provider” having a web server
which directs the visitor to an automatically-generated hybrid web page that combines
visual “look and feel” elements from the host website and product information from the
third-party merchant's website related to the clicked advertisement. [ ] In this way,
rather than instantly losing visitors to the third-party's website, the host website can
instead send its visitors to a web page on the outsource provider's server that 1)
incorporates “look and feel” elements from the host website, and 2) provides visitors with
the opportunity to purchase products from the third-party merchant without actually
entering that merchant's website.
As the court cautioned, “not all claims purporting to address Internet-centric challenges are
eligible,” but in this case these additional limitations amount to more than simply stating “apply
the abstract idea on the Internet.” Therefore, when taken as a whole, the claimed invention has
additional limitations that amount to significantly more than the abstract idea. Under this
reasoning, the claim recites patent eligible subject matter (Step 2B: YES).
Examples: Abstract Ideas
3. Digital Image Processing
The following hypothetical claims are modeled after the technology in Research Corporation
Technologies Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 627 F.3d 859 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (RCT). The patent at issue
was U.S. Patent No. 5,111,310. Hypothetical claims 1-3 are directed to an abstract idea and
have additional elements that amount to significantly more than the abstract idea because they
show an improvement in the functioning of the computer itself and also show an improvement to
another technology/technical field, either of which can show eligibility.
A digital image generally consists of a discrete set of pixels arranged in columns and rows. In a
gray scale image, the value of each pixel varies among shades of gray ranging from black at the
weakest intensity to white at the strongest intensity. In contrast, a binary image includes pixels
that can only have two values, black or white. Some printing devices such as facsimile machines
and newspaper printers cannot reproduce gray scale images because they only print in black or
white. Therefore, in order to convert a gray scale image into a binary image, halftoning
techniques are used. Halftoning creates the illusion of various shades of gray in an image while
only using the pixel colors black and white. Certain halftoning techniques involve the pixel-by-
pixel comparison of the gray scale image to a two-dimensional array of threshold numbers, also
known as a “mask.” In digital implementation, the gray scale image to be halftoned is read into
memory, and a computer processor compares each pixel of the image to a threshold number at
the corresponding position of the mask stored in the computer’s memory. Based on that
comparison, a binary value representing black or white is output and these outputs are stored
together in a binary array known as the dot profile. The dot profile is then converted to a binary
display that is the halftoned image (the image for display).
In the instant application, the inventor has improved upon previous halftoning techniques by
developing an improved mask called a “blue noise” mask. The blue noise mask requires less
memory than previous masks and results in a faster computation time while improving image
quality. The blue noise mask is produced through an iterative mathematical operation that
begins with generating a dot profile with blue noise properties from an image at a 50% gray level
using a blue noise filter. Subsequently, additional dot profiles are generated at differing gray
levels. As pixels of the dot profile change across the gray levels, these changes are encoded in a
cumulative array. Once all the dot profiles are built, the cumulative array becomes the blue noise
1. A computer-implemented method for halftoning a gray scale image, comprising the steps of:
generating, with a processor, a blue noise mask by encoding changes in pixel values
across a plurality of blue noise filtered dot profiles at varying gray levels;
storing the blue noise mask in a first memory location;
receiving a gray scale image and storing the gray scale image in a second memory
comparing, with a processor on a pixel-by-pixel basis, each pixel of the gray scale image
to a threshold number in the corresponding position of the blue noise mask to produce a binary
image array; and
Examples: Abstract Ideas
converting the binary image array to a halftoned image.
2. A non-transitory computer-readable medium with instructions stored thereon, that when
executed by a processor, perform the steps comprising:
generating a blue noise mask by encoding changes in pixel values across a plurality of
blue noise filtered dot profiles at varying gray levels;
storing the blue noise mask in a first memory location;
receiving a gray scale image and storing the gray scale image in a second memory
comparing, on a pixel-by-pixel basis, each pixel of the gray scale image to a threshold
number in the corresponding position of the blue noise mask to produce a binary image array;
converting the binary image array to a halftoned image.
3. A system for halftoning a gray scale image, comprising:
a processor that generates a blue noise mask by encoding changes in pixel values across a
plurality of blue noise filtered dot profiles at varying gray levels;
a first memory for storing the blue noise mask; and
a second memory for storing a received gray scale image;
wherein the processor further compares, on a pixel-by-pixel basis, each pixel of the gray
scale image to a threshold number in the corresponding position of the blue noise mask to
produce a binary image array and converts the binary image array to a halftoned image.
Claim 1: Eligible.
The method claim recites a series of acts for generating a blue noise mask and using that blue
noise mask to halftone a gray scale image. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one
of the statutory categories of invention (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The
claim recites the step of generating a blue noise mask, which as defined in the background is
produced through an iterative mathematical operation. The courts have found that mathematical
relationships fall within the judicial exceptions, often labelled as “abstract ideas.” Since the
mathematical operation of generating a blue noise mask is recited in the claim, the claim is
“directed to” a judicial exception (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine if there are additional limitations recited in
the claim such that the claim amounts to significantly more than the mathematical operation.
There are several additional limitations recited in the claim besides the mathematical operation
of generating a blue noise mask. First, the claim recites using a processor to generate the blue
Examples: Abstract Ideas
noise mask. The claim also recites the steps of storing the blue noise mask in a first memory
location and receiving a gray scale image and storing the gray scale image in a second memory
location. Thus, the claim uses a processor and memory to perform these steps of calculating a
mathematical operation and receiving and storing data. The addition of general purpose
computer components alone to perform such steps is not sufficient to transform a judicial
exception into a patentable invention. The computer components are recited at a high level of
generality and perform the basic functions of a computer (in this case, performing a
mathematical operation and receiving and storing data) that would be needed to apply the
abstract idea via computer. Merely using generic computer components to perform the above
identified basic computer functions to practice or apply the judicial exception does not constitute
a meaningful limitation that would amount to significantly more than the judicial exception, even
though such operations could be performed faster than without a computer.
The claim also recites the additional steps of comparing the blue noise mask to a gray scale
image to transform the gray scale image to a binary image array and converting the binary image
array into a halftoned image. These additional steps tie the mathematical operation (the blue
noise mask) to the processor’s ability to process digital images. These steps add meaningful
limitations to the abstract idea of generating the blue noise mask and therefore add significantly
more to the abstract idea than mere computer implementation. The claim, when taken as a
whole, does not simply describe the generation of a blue noise mask via a mathematical
operation and receiving and storing data, but combines the steps of generating a blue noise mask
with the steps for comparing the image to the blue noise mask and converting the resulting
binary image array to a halftoned image. By this, the claim goes beyond the mere concept of
simply retrieving and combining data using a computer.
Finally, viewing the claim elements as an ordered combination, the steps recited in addition to
the blue noise mask improve the functioning of the claimed computer itself. In particular, as
discussed above, the claimed process with the improved blue noise mask allows the computer to
use to less memory than required for prior masks, results in faster computation time without
sacrificing the quality of the resulting image as occurred in prior processes, and produces an
improved digital image. These are also improvements in the technology of digital image
processing. Unlike the invention in Alice Corp., the instant claim is not merely limiting the
abstract idea to a computer environment by simply performing the idea via a computer (i.e., not
merely performing routine data receipt and storage or mathematical operations on a computer),
but rather is an innovation in computer technology, namely digital image processing, which in
this case reflects both an improvement in the functioning of the computer and an improvement in
another technology. Taking all the additional claim elements individually, and in combination,
the claim as a whole amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea of generating a blue
noise mask (Step 2B: YES). The claim recites patent eligible subject matter.
Claim 2: Eligible.
The claim recites a non-transitory computer-readable medium with stored instructions. The term
“non-transitory” ensures the claim does not encompass signals and other transitory forms of
signal transmission. Therefore, the claim is directed to a manufacture (an article produced from
materials), which is a statutory category of invention (Step 1: YES).
The claim recites the same steps as claim 1. Therefore, the claim is directed to the same abstract
idea identified in claim 1 which is the mathematical operation of generating a blue noise mask
Examples: Abstract Ideas
(Step 2A: YES). Similarly, the claim recites the same additional elements of comparing the blue
noise mask to a gray scale image to transform the gray scale image to a binary image array and
converting the binary image array into a halftoned image. These additional elements add
significantly more to the abstract idea as evidenced by the improved functioning of the computer
in halftoning a gray scale image and the improved digital image processing. For the same
reasons set forth above, taking all the additional claim elements individually, and in combination,
the claim as a whole amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea of generating a blue
noise mask (Step 2B: YES). The claim recites patent eligible subject matter.
Claim 3: Eligible.
The claim recites a system comprising a processor, a first memory and a second memory. The
claim is directed to statutory category of invention, i.e. a machine (a combination of devices)
(Step 1: YES).
The claim recites the same abstract idea as identified with regard to claim 1, which is the
mathematical operation of generating a blue noise mask, and thus is directed to the abstract idea
(Step 2A: YES). Similarly, the claim recites the same additional elements that compare the blue
noise mask to a gray scale image to transform the gray scale image to a binary image array and
convert the binary image array into a halftoned image that add significantly more to the abstract
idea. For the same reasons set forth above, taking all the additional claim elements individually,
and in combination, the claim as a whole amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea of
generating a blue noise mask (Step 2B: YES). The claim recites patent eligible subject matter.
4. Global Positioning System
The following hypothetical claims are modeled after the technology in SiRF Technology Inc. v.
International Trade Commission, 601 F.3d 1319 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (SiRF Tech). The patent at
issue was U.S. Patent No. 6,417,801. Hypothetical claims 1 and 2 are directed to an abstract
idea and have additional elements that amount to significantly more than the abstract idea
because they show an improvement to another technology or technical field.
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use signals from multiple satellites to calculate the position of
a mobile GPS receiver on Earth. Each satellite transmits a signal containing unique pseudo-
random noise (PN) codes, satellite positioning data and absolute time information. A mobile
GPS receiver generally determines its position using the PN codes, satellite positioning data and
the absolute time information from multiple satellite signals. In areas where signal levels are
low, it is possible for the mobile GPS receiver to detect the PN codes, but is difficult to obtain
the satellite positioning data and absolute time information from the satellite signals.
This application describes systems and methods in which a server wirelessly coupled to a mobile
GPS receiver uses a mathematical model to solve for the mobile receiver position without
receiving satellite positioning data or absolute time information from a satellite. These systems
and methods improve GPS techniques by enabling the mobile GPS receiver to determine its
position more accurately and improve its signal-acquisition sensitivity to operate even in weak-
signal environments. In particular, the mobile GPS receiver is a mobile device that includes a
Examples: Abstract Ideas
GPS antenna, a GPS receiver, a microprocessor, a display, and a wireless communication
transceiver. Using mathematical formulas, the device calculates pseudo-ranges (estimated
ranges from the GPS receiver to each satellite in view) based on PN codes received from the
satellites, and the transceiver sends the pseudo-ranges to the server.
The server is a computer that uses the pseudo-ranges, along with an estimated position based on
a known location of a wireless tower and time data from the server’s own clock, in mathematical
formulas to calculate the absolute time that the GPS receiver received the signals from the
satellites. The server then creates a mathematical model that uses the pseudo-ranges and the
calculated absolute time to solve for the mobile receiver position, which is transmitted to the
mobile device for visual representation on a display. The components of the mobile device and
the server (e.g., central processing unit (CPU), clock, wireless tower location database, circuitry,
and memory) are all well-known and routine computer components.
1. A system for calculating an absolute position of a GPS receiver and an absolute time of
reception of satellite signals comprising:
a mobile device comprising a GPS receiver, a display, a microprocessor and a wireless
communication transceiver coupled to the GPS receiver, the mobile device programmed to
receive PN codes sent by a plurality of GPS satellites, calculate pseudo-ranges to the plurality of
GPS satellites by averaging the received PN codes, and transmit the pseudo-ranges, and
a server comprising a central processing unit, a memory, a clock, and a server
communication transceiver that receives pseudo-ranges from the wireless communication
transceiver of the mobile device, the memory having location data stored therein for a plurality
of wireless towers, and the central processing unit programmed to:
estimate a position of the GPS receiver based on location data for a wireless tower
from the memory and time data from the clock,
calculate absolute time that the signals were sent from the GPS satellites using the
pseudo-ranges from the mobile device and the position estimate,
create a mathematical model to calculate absolute position of the GPS receiver based
on the pseudo-ranges and calculated absolute time,
calculate the absolute position of the GPS receiver using the mathematical model, and
transmit the absolute position of the GPS receiver to the mobile device, via the server
communication transceiver, for visual representation on the display.
2. A method for calculating an absolute position of a GPS receiver and an absolute time of
reception of satellite signals comprising:
calculating pseudo-ranges, at a mobile device comprising a GPS receiver, a microprocessor,
a display, and a wireless communication transceiver, by averaging PN codes received by the
GPS receiver from a plurality of GPS satellites;
Examples: Abstract Ideas
wirelessly transmitting the calculated pseudo-ranges from the mobile device to a server,
wherein the server comprises a central processing unit (CPU);
calculating, by the server CPU, absolute time that the PN codes were sent from the GPS
satellites to the GPS receiver using the pseudo-ranges and an estimated position of the GPS
using a mathematical model to calculate, by the server CPU, absolute position of the GPS
receiver based on the pseudo-ranges and calculated absolute time;
transmitting the absolute position from the server to the mobile device; and
displaying a visual representation of the absolute position on the display of the mobile
Claim 1: Eligible.
The claim is directed to a statutory category, because a system including a mobile device and a
server satisfies the requirements of a machine (as a combination of devices) (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The
claim recites mathematical operations (e.g., calculating pseudo-ranges and absolute times, and
the mathematical model), which the courts have considered to fall within the judicial exceptions,
e.g., as abstract ideas. Because these mathematical operations are recited in the claim, the claim
is directed to a judicial exception (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of
elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception.
First, the claim recites using a central processing unit (CPU) for performing the mathematical
operations of estimating position, calculating absolute time, and calculating absolute position
using a mathematical model. The claim also recites using location data stored in a memory, and
time data from a clock. These computer components are recited at a high level of generality and
add no more to the claimed invention than the components that perform basic mathematical
calculation functions routinely provided by a general purpose computer. Limiting performance
of the mathematical calculations to a general purpose CPU, absent more, is not sufficient to
transform the recited judicial exception into a patent-eligible invention.
However, the claim is further limited to a mobile device comprising a GPS receiver,
microprocessor, wireless communication transceiver and a display that receives satellite data,
calculates pseudo-ranges, wirelessly transmits the calculated pseudo-ranges to the server,
receives location data from the server, and displays a visual representation of the received
calculated absolute position from the server. The programmed CPU acts in concert with the
recited features of the mobile device to enable the mobile device to determine and display its
absolute position through interaction with a remote server and multiple remote satellites. The
meaningful limitations placed upon the application of the claimed mathematical operations show
that the claim is not directed to performing mathematical operations on a computer alone.
Rather, the combination of elements impose meaningful limits in that the mathematical
operations are applied to improve an existing technology (global positioning) by improving the
signal-acquisition sensitivity of the receiver to extend the usefulness of the technology into
Examples: Abstract Ideas
weak-signal environments and providing the location information for display on the mobile
device. All of these features, especially when viewed in combination, amount to significantly
more than the judicial exception (Step 2B: YES). The claim is eligible.
Claim 2: Eligible.
The claim is directed to a statutory category, because a series of steps including calculating
pseudo-ranges and wirelessly transmitting those pseudo-ranges satisfies the requirements of a
process (a series of acts) (Step 1: YES).
The claim recites the same abstract ideas identified with regard to claim 1, which are the
mathematical operations of, e.g., calculating pseudo-ranges and absolute times, and the
mathematical model. Thus, this claim is also directed to a judicial exception (Step 2A: YES).
Similarly, the claim recites the same additional elements of a server CPU estimating position,
calculating absolute time, and calculating absolute position using a mathematical model, and a
mobile device comprising a GPS receiver, microprocessor, wireless communication transceiver
and a display receiving satellite data, calculating pseudo-ranges, wirelessly transmitting the
calculated pseudo-ranges to the server, receiving a calculated absolute position from the server,
and then displaying a visual representation of the received position. For the same reasons set
forth above, taking all the additional claim elements individually, and in combination, the claim
as a whole amounts to significantly more than the mathematical operations by themselves (Step
2B: YES). The claim is eligible.
Part Two
These examples show claims that were held ineligible by the Federal Circuit. The analysis
sections are informed by the court decisions but offer exemplary hypothetical analyses under the
2014 Interim Eligibility Guidance.
5. Digital Image Processing
The following claim was found ineligible by the Federal Circuit in Digitech Image Tech., LLC v.
Electronics for Imaging, Inc., 758 F.3d 1344 (Fed. Cir. 2014). The patent at issue was U.S.
Patent No. 6,128,415. The claim is directed to an abstract idea and does not have any
additional elements that could amount to more than the abstract idea itself.
In general, digital image processing involves the acquisition of an image at a source device (e.g.,
digital camera, camcorder, scanner, etc.), processing the image in a desired fashion and
outputting the processed image at a destination device (e.g., monitor, printer, computer memory,
etc.). However, all image devices, whether source devices or destination devices, impose some
level of distortion of an image’s color and spatial properties. Some past solutions to address the
distortion have used a “device profile,” which describes the color properties of both the source
and destination devices, to enable a more accurate translation of the image’s pixel data into the
independent color space across the source and destination devices. The inventor has expanded
upon the prior device profile to capture both spatial as well as the color properties of the devices.
: Abstract
In this i
vention, as
een in Fig. 1 reproduce
below, a
evice profil
is created
ased on
on from a s
urce devic
2, such as
digital ca
era, and fr
m a destina
ion device
such as
printer. T
e device pr
file is used to produce
he processe
image sig
al 18 from
input im
ge signal 1
. Spatial c
aracteristic informatio
12, 20 and color chara
on 14, 22 a
e provided
rom each d
vice to an i
mage proce
sor 4, alon
with the i
image si
nal 16. Th
s characteri stic inform
tion is used to generate first data re
ating to col
on content
f the imag
and secon
data relatin
g to spatial
nformation content of t
image u
ing known
l technique
, such as F
urier analy
is to yield a Wiener No
Power S
ectrum (m
rocessing t
chniques). The genera
ed data is i
the devi
e profile.
tative Clai
10. A method of ge
erating a d
vice profile that describ
es properties of a devic
in a digita
image re
ystem for c
pturing, tra
r rendering an image, s
id method
generating fi
st data for
escribing a
evice depe
dent trans
rmation of color
on content
f the imag
to a device independen
t color spac
through u
e of measured
c stimuli an
device res
onse chara
teristic fun
generating se cond data f
r describin
a device d
pendent tra
sformation of spatial
on content
f the imag
in said dev
ce indepen
ent color s
ace throug
use of spat
stimuli a
d device r
sponse char acteristic fu
ctions; an
mbining s
id first and
econd data into the dev
ice profile.
Claim 1
: Ineligible .
The clai
is directe
to a statuto
y category, because a s eries of ste
s for gener
ting data
he require
ents of a pr
cess (a ser
es of acts) (
tep 1: YE
Next, th
claim is an
lyzed to de termine wh
ther it is di
ected to a j
dicial exce
tion. The
recites a method of
enerating fi
st data and second data using math
matical tec
niques and
g the first
nd second
ata into a d
vice profile
. In other
ords, the cl
imed meth
simply d
scribes the concept of
athering an d combinin
data by re
iting steps
f organizin
on through mathematic
l relations
ips. The ga
thering and combining
erely emp
tical relatio
ships to m
nipulate ex
sting infor
ation to ge
erate additi
nal inform
in the fo
m of a ‘dev
ce profile,’ without lim
t to any us
of the devi
e profile.
his idea is
Examples: Abstract Ideas
similar to the basic concept of manipulating information using mathematical relationships (e.g.,
converting numerical representation in Benson), which has been found by the courts to be an
abstract idea. Therefore, the claim is directed to an abstract idea (Step 2A: YES).
The claim does not include additional elements beyond the abstract idea of gathering and
combining data. Therefore, the claim does not amount to more than the abstract idea itself (Step
2B: NO). The claim is not patent eligible.
6. The Game of Bingo
The following claim was found ineligible by the Federal Circuit in Planet Bingo, LLC v. VKGS
LLC, 576 Fed. Appx. 1005 (Fed. Cir. 2014). The patent at issue was U.S. Patent No. 6,398,646.
The claim is directed to an abstract idea and has additional elements that do not amount to
significantly more than the abstract idea.
The invention relates to an automated Bingo system having the ability to print sets of numbers on
tickets on site. The system uses a computer to print the tickets, track the sale of the tickets and to
validate winning tickets. The computer stores the specific sets of Bingo numbers for a player
and prints the tickets having the player’s specific set of Bingo numbers to enable the player to
play his specific Bingo numbers for various sessions of Bingo. The automated system allows for
managing all aspects of a Bingo game, including solving tampering problems and minimizing
other security risks during Bingo ticket purchases.
Representative Claim
Claim 1. A system for managing a game of Bingo which comprises:
(a) a computer with a central processing unit (CPU) and with a memory and with a printer
connected to the CPU;
(b) an input and output terminal connected to the CPU and memory of the computer; and
(c) a program in the computer enabling:
(i) input of at least two sets of Bingo numbers which are preselected by a player to be
played in at least one selected game of Bingo in a future period of time;
(ii) storage of the sets of Bingo numbers which are preselected by the player as a
group in the memory of the computer;
(iii) assignment by the computer of a player identifier unique to the player for the
group having the sets of Bingo numbers which are preselected by the player wherein the player
identifier is assigned to the group for multiple sessions of Bingo;
(iv) retrieval of the group using the player identifier;
(v) selection from the group by the player of at least one of the sets of Bingo numbers
preselected by the player and stored in the memory of the computer as the group for play in a
selected game of Bingo in a specific session of Bingo wherein a number of sets of Bingo
Examples: Abstract Ideas
numbers selected for play in the selected game of Bingo is less than a total number of sets of
Bingo numbers in the group;
(vi) addition by the computer of a control number for each set of Bingo numbers
selected for play in the selected game of Bingo;
(vii) output of a receipt with the control number, the set of Bingo numbers which is
preselected and selected by the player, a price for the set of Bingo numbers which is preselected,
a date of the game of Bingo and optionally a computer identification number; and
(viii) output for verification of a winning set of Bingo numbers by means of the
control number which is input into the computer by a manager of the game of Bingo.
Claim 1: Ineligible.
Claim 1 is directed to a system comprising a computer, an input and output terminal, and a
program enabling management of the game of Bingo. The claimed system is therefore directed
to a statutory category, i.e., a machine (a combination of devices) (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exceptions. The
claim recites program elements (i) through (viii) that describe the steps of managing a game of
Bingo, including for example inputting and storing two sets of Bingo numbers, assigning a
unique player identifier and control number, and verifying a winning set of Bingo numbers.
Managing the game of Bingo as recited in the claim can be performed mentally or in a computer
and is similar to the kind of ‘organizing human activity’ at issue in Alice Corp. Although the
claims are not drawn to the same subject matter, the abstract idea of managing a game of Bingo
is similar to the abstract ideas of managing risk (hedging) during consumer transactions (Bilski)
and mitigating settlement risk in financial transactions (Alice Corp.) Claim 1 describes
managing the game of Bingo and therefore is directed to an abstract idea (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim is analyzed to determine whether there are additional limitations recited that
amount to significantly more than the abstract idea. The claim requires the additional limitations
of a computer with a central processing unit (CPU), memory, a printer, an input and output
terminal, and a program. These generic computer components are claimed to perform their basic
functions of storing, retrieving and processing data through the program that enables the
management of the game of Bingo. The recitation of the computer limitations amounts to mere
instructions to implement the abstract idea on a computer. Taking the additional elements
individually and in combination, the computer components at each step of the management
process perform purely generic computer functions. As such, there is no inventive concept
sufficient to transform the claimed subject matter into a patent-eligible application. The claim
does not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea itself (Step 2B: NO). Accordingly,
the claim is not patent eligible.
Examples: Abstract Ideas
7. E-Commerce providing Transaction Performance Guaranty
The following claim was found ineligible by the Federal Circuit in buySAFE, Inc. v. Google,
Inc., 765 F.3d 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2014). The patent at issue was U.S. Patent No. 7,644,019. The
claim is directed to an abstract idea and has additional elements that do not amount to
significantly more than the abstract idea.
The invention relates to methods for conducting reliable transactions in an e-commerce
environment. More specifically, the invention relates to methods providing a performance
guaranty in a transaction. When a safe transaction service provider receives a request from a
first party for obtaining a transaction performance guaranty service, the safe transaction service
provider processes the request by underwriting the first party. If the underwriting is successful,
the transaction performance guaranty service is provided to the first party, which binds a
transaction performance guaranty to an online commercial transaction involving the first party
and guarantees the first party’s performance when the first party and second party enter the
online transaction.
Representative Claim
1. A method, comprising:
receiving, by at least one computer application program running on a computer of a safe
transaction service provider, a request from a first party for obtaining a transaction performance
guaranty service with respect to an online commercial transaction following closing of the online
commercial transaction;
processing, by at least one computer application program running on the safe transaction
service provider computer, the request by underwriting the first party in order to provide the
transaction performance guaranty service to the first party,
wherein the computer of the safe transaction service provider offers, via a computer
network, the transaction performance guaranty service that binds a transaction performance
guaranty to the online commercial transaction involving the first party to guarantee the
performance of the first party following closing of the online commercial transaction.
Claim 1: Ineligible.
The claim is directed to a process, i.e., a series of steps or acts, for providing a performance
guaranty. A process is one of the statutory categories of invention (Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim is analyzed to determine whether it is directed to a judicial exception. The claim
recites the steps of creating a contract, including receiving a request for a performance guaranty
(contract), processing the request by underwriting to provide a performance guaranty and
offering the performance guaranty. This describes the creation of a contractual relationship,
which is a commercial arrangement involving contractual relations similar to the fundamental
economic practices found by the courts to be abstract ideas (e.g., hedging in Bilski). It is also
noted that narrowing the commercial transactions to particular types of relationships or particular
Examples: Abstract Ideas
parts of that commercial transaction (e.g., underwriting) would not render the concept less
abstract. Thus, the claim is directed to an abstract idea (Step 2A: YES).
Analyzing the claim as whole for an inventive concept, the claim limitations in addition to the
abstract idea include a computer application running on a computer and the computer network.
This is simply a generic recitation of a computer and a computer network performing their basic
functions. The claim amounts to no more than stating create a contract on a computer and send it
over a network. These generic computing elements alone do not amount to significantly more
than the judicial exception (Step 2B: NO). The claim is not patent eligible.
8. Distribution of Products over the Internet
The following claim was found ineligible by the Federal Circuit in Ultramercial v. Hulu and
WildTangent, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 21633 (Fed. Cir. 2014). The patent at issue was U.S.
Patent No. 7,346,545. The claim is directed to an abstract idea and has additional elements that
do not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea.
The invention addresses problems with piracy of digital copyrighted media (video, audio, etc.),
especially among people who have limited access to cash and credit cards. The invention is
directed to distributing products covered by intellectual property, such as copyright, over a
telecommunications network by allowing a consumer to choose to view or interact with a
sponsor’s message in exchange for access to copyrighted material. The sponsor then pays the
holder of the underlying intellectual property, thus allowing the consumer to obtain the product
without paying with cash or credit. The invention uses a series of detailed steps that accomplish
the exchange of products.
Representative Claim
1. A method for distribution of products over the Internet via a facilitator, said method
comprising the steps of:
a first step of receiving, from a content provider, media products that are covered by
intellectual property rights protection and are available for purchase, wherein each said media
product being comprised of at least one of text data, music data, and video data;
a second step of selecting a sponsor message to be associated with the media product,
said sponsor message being selected from a plurality of sponsor messages, said second step
including accessing an activity log to verify that the total number of times which the sponsor
message has been previously presented is less than the number of transaction cycles contracted
by the sponsor of the sponsor message;
a third step of providing the media product for sale at an Internet website;
a fourth step of restricting general public access to said media product;
a fifth step of offering to a consumer access to the media product without charge to the
consumer on the precondition that the consumer views the sponsor message;
Examples: Abstract Ideas
a sixth step of receiving from the consumer a request to view the sponsor message,
wherein the consumer submits said request in response to being offered access to the media
a seventh step of, in response to receiving the request from the consumer, facilitating the
display of a sponsor message to the consumer;
an eighth step of, if the sponsor message is not an interactive message, allowing said
consumer access to said media product after said step of facilitating the display of said sponsor
a ninth step of, if the sponsor message is an interactive message, presenting at least one
query to the consumer and allowing said consumer access to said media product after receiving a
response to said at least one query;
a tenth step of recording the transaction event to the activity log, said tenth step including
updating the total number of times the sponsor message has been presented; and
an eleventh step of receiving payment from the sponsor of the sponsor message
Claim 1: Ineligible.
The claim is directed to a process; i.e., a series of steps or acts, for distributing media and
advertisements over the Internet. A process is one of the statutory categories of invention (Step
1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to an exception. The claim recites
an eleven step process for displaying an advertisement in exchange for access to copyrighted
media. That is, the claim describes the concept of using advertising as an exchange or currency.
This concept is similar to the concepts involving human activity relating to commercial practices
(e.g., hedging in Bilski) that have been found by the courts to be abstract ideas. The addition of
limitations that narrow the idea, such as receiving copyrighted media, selecting an ad, offering
the media in exchange for watching the selected ad, displaying the ad, allowing the consumer
access to the media, and receiving payment from the sponsor of the ad, further describe the
abstract idea, but do not make it less abstract. The claim is directed to an abstract idea (Step 2A:
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether it amounts to significantly more
than the concept of using advertising as an exchange or currency. The claim has additional
limitations to the abstract idea such as accessing and updating an activity log, requiring a request
from the consumer to view the advertising, restricting public access, and using the Internet as an
information transmitting medium.
Viewing the limitations individually, the accessing and updating of an activity log are used only
for data gathering and, as such, only represent insignificant pre-solution activity. Similarly,
requiring a consumer request and restricting public access is insignificant pre-solution activity
because such activity is necessary and routine in implementing the concept of using advertising
as an exchange or currency; i.e., currency must be tendered upon request in order for access to be
Examples: Abstract Ideas
provided to a desired good. Furthermore, the Internet limitations do not add significantly more
because they are simply an attempt to limit the abstract idea to a particular technological
Viewing the limitations as a combination, the claim simply instructs the practitioner to
implement the concept of using advertising as an exchange or currency with routine,
conventional activity specified at a high level of generality in a particular technological
environment. When viewed either as individual limitations or as an ordered combination, the
claim as a whole does not add significantly more to the abstract idea of using advertising as an
exchange or currency (Step 2B: NO). The claim is not patent eligible.
Nature-Based Products
The following examples should be used in conjunction with the 2014 Interim Eligibility Guidance. They
replace the examples issued with the March 2014 Procedure For Subject Matter Eligibility Analysis Of
Claims Reciting Or Involving Laws Of Nature/Natural Principles, Natural Phenomena, And/Or Natural
Products and related training. As the examples are intended to be illustrative only, they should be
interpreted based on fact patterns set forth below. Other fact patterns may have different eligibility
1. Gunpowder and Fireworks: Product Claims That Are Not Directed To An Exception
This example illustrates the application of the markedly different characteristics analysis to a nature-
based product produced by combining multiple components (claim 1), and also provides a sample of a
claimed product that when viewed as a whole is not nature-based, and thus is not subjected to the
markedly different characteristics analysis in order to determine that the claim is not directed to an
exception (claim 2).
1. Gunpowder comprising: an intimate finely-ground mixture of 75% potassium nitrate, 15% charcoal
and 10% sulfur.
2. A fountain-style firework comprising: (a) a sparking composition, (b) calcium chloride, (c) the
gunpowder of claim 1, (d) a cardboard body having a first compartment containing the sparking
composition and the calcium chloride and a second compartment containing the gunpowder, and (e) a
plastic ignition fuse having one end extending into the second compartment and the other end
extending out of the cardboard body.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation. Both
claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter or manufacture (Step 1: YES).
Claim 1: Eligible. Because the claim is a nature-based product, i.e., a combination of three naturally
occurring substances (potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur), the nature-based product (the combination)
is analyzed to determine whether it has markedly different characteristics from any naturally occurring
counterpart(s) in their natural state. In this case, there is no naturally occurring counterpart to the claimed
combination (the components do not occur together in nature), so the combination is compared to the
individual components as they occur in nature. None of the three claimed substances are explosive in
nature. When the substances are finely-ground and intimately mixed in the claimed ratio, however, the
claimed combination is explosive upon ignition. This explosive property of the claimed combination is
markedly different from the non-explosive properties of the substances by themselves in nature.
Accordingly, the claimed combination has markedly different characteristics, and is not a “product of
nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible
subject matter.
Claim 2: Eligible. Although the claim recites two nature-based products (calcium chloride and
gunpowder), analysis of the claim as a whole indicates that the claim is focused on the assembly of
components that together form the firework, and not the nature-based products. Thus, it is not necessary
to apply the markedly different characteristics analysis in order to conclude that the claim is not directed
to an exception (Step 2A: NO). The claim qualifies as eligible subject matter.
2. Pomelo Juice: Process Claim That Is Directed To An Exception And Product Claim That Is
Not Directed To An Exception
This example illustrates the eligibility analysis of a process (claim 1) that focuses on a nature-based
product and a product (claim 2) that is nature-based but is not directed to an exception because it has
markedly different characteristics from its naturally occurring counterpart.
Nature-Based Products
Background: The pomelo tree (Citrus maxima) is a naturally occurring tree that is native to South and
Southeast Asia. Pomelo fruit is often eaten raw or juiced, and has a mild grapefruit-like flavor. Naturally
occurring pomelo juice spoils over the course of a few days even when refrigerated, due to the growth of
bacteria that are naturally present in the juice. The specification indicates that suitable preservatives for
fruit juices are known in the art, and include naturally occurring preservatives such as vitamin E, and non-
naturally occurring preservatives such as preservative X. The specification defines an “effective amount”
of these preservatives as an amount sufficient to prevent juice from spoiling for at least three weeks, e.g.,
by retarding the growth of bacteria in the juice.
1. A method comprising providing a pomelo fruit.
2. A beverage composition comprising pomelo juice and an effective amount of an added preservative.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation. All
of the claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a process or composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
Claim 1: Ineligible. Although the claim is a process claim, it has been drafted such that there is no
difference in substance from a product claim to the pomelo fruit itself. Accordingly, this process claim is
focused on the pomelo fruit per se (a nature-based product), and must be analyzed for markedly different
characteristics, to determine whether the claimed pomelo fruit is a “product of nature” exception. There is
no indication in the specification that the claimed fruit has any characteristics (structural, functional, or
otherwise) that are different from the naturally occurring fruit provided by pomelo trees. Thus, the
claimed fruit does not have markedly different characteristics from what occurs in nature, and is a
“product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Because
the claim does not include any additional features that could add significantly more to the exception (Step
2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter, and should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. §
Claim 2: Eligible. Because the claim is a nature-based product, i.e., a combination of a naturally occurring
substance (pomelo juice) with an added preservative, the nature-based combination is analyzed to
determine whether it has markedly different characteristics from any naturally occurring counterpart(s) in
their natural state. In this case, there is no naturally occurring counterpart to the claimed combination, so
the combination is compared to the individual components as they occur in nature. The specification
indicates that the preservative can be natural or non-natural in origin, but that regardless of its origin,
when an effective amount of preservative is mixed with the pomelo juice, the preservative affects the
juice so that it spoils much more slowly (spoils in a few weeks) than the naturally occurring juice by itself
(spoils in a few days). This property (slower spoiling) of the claimed combination is markedly different
from properties of the juice by itself in nature. Accordingly, the claimed combination has markedly
different characteristics, and is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an
exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
3. Amazonic Acid, Pharmaceutical Compositions, & Methods of Treatment
This example illustrates the application of the markedly different characteristics analysis to single-
element product claims (claims 1, 2 and 3) and to a product-by-process claim (claim 4). It also
demonstrates that changes in chemical structure (claims 2 and 3), physical form (claim 5), or
chemical/physical properties (claim 6), as compared to a product’s natural counterpart can demonstrate
markedly different characteristics. Additionally, this example provides samples of claimed processes that
when viewed as a whole are not directed to a nature-based product, and thus are not subjected to the
markedly different characteristics analysis in order to determine that the claim is not directed to an
exception (claims 7 and 8).
Nature-Based Products
Background: The Amazonian cherry tree is a naturally occurring tree that grows wild in the Amazon
basin region of Brazil. The leaves of the Amazonian cherry tree contain a chemical that is useful in
treating breast and colon cancers. Many have tried and failed to isolate the cancer-fighting chemical from
the leaves. Applicant has successfully purified the cancer-fighting chemical from the leaves and has
named it amazonic acid. The purified amazonic acid is structurally and functionally identical to the
amazonic acid in the leaves. Applicant has created two derivatives of amazonic acid in the laboratory. The
first derivative (called 5-methyl amazonic acid), is structurally different from amazonic acid because a
hydrogen has been replaced with a methyl group, and is functionally different because it stimulates the
growth of hair in addition to treating cancer. The second derivative (called deoxyamazonic acid), was
created by removing a hydroxyl group from amazonic acid and replacing it with a hydrogen. Applicant
has not identified any functional difference between deoxyamazonic acid and amazonic acid.
Amazonic acid is absorbed through the lining of the human stomach and is rapidly metabolized by the
body. It is also insoluble in water. Applicants disclose an example of a solid pharmaceutical composition
demonstrating that when a core of amazonic acid is enveloped by a layer of a natural polymeric material,
the resulting manufacture does not release the amazonic acid until it reaches the colon. This colonic
release greatly improves the bioavailability of amazonic acid, and is particularly advantageous in the
treatment of colon cancer. The specification defines “natural polymeric material” as being a naturally
occurring polymer that is not easily digestible by human enzymes, so that it passes through most of the
human digestive system intact until it reaches the colon. Specific disclosed examples are shellac and
inulin. Applicants disclose an example of an aqueous composition, in which they were able to achieve a
stable solution of amazonic acid in water by including a solubilizing agent in the solution. The
solubilizing agent can be a naturally occurring product such as a sugar or polyol, or it can be a non-
naturally occurring product such as a polysorbate surfactant.
1. Purified amazonic acid.
2. Purified 5-methyl amazonic acid.
3. Deoxyamazonic acid.
4. A composition comprising an acid produced by a process which comprises: providing amazonic acid;
and replacing the hydroxyl group of the amazonic acid with a hydrogen.
5. A pharmaceutical composition comprising: a core comprising amazonic acid; and a layer of natural
polymeric material enveloping the core.
6. A stable aqueous composition comprising: amazonic acid; and a solubilizing agent.
7. A method of treating colon cancer, comprising: administering a daily dose of purified amazonic acid
to a patient suffering from colon cancer for a period of time from 10 days to 20 days, wherein said
daily dose comprises about 0.75 to about 1.25 teaspoons of amazonic acid.
8. A method of treating breast or colon cancer, comprising: administering an effective amount of
purified amazonic acid to a patient suffering from breast or colon cancer.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation. All
of the claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter or process (Step 1: YES).
Because claims 1-6 are nature-based products (e.g., amazonic acid, 5-methyl amazonic acid, or
deoxyamazonic acid), the markedly different characteristics analysis is used to determine if the nature-
based products are exceptions. Although claims 7-8 recite nature-based products (amazonic acid), a full
eligibility analysis of these claims is not needed because the claims clearly do not seek to tie up all
practical uses of the nature-based products.
Nature-Based Products
Claim 1: Ineligible. Although applicant has discovered that amazonic acid naturally occurs in the leaves
of the Amazonian cherry tree, this discovery does not, by itself, render amazonic acid patent eligible.
Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. __, 133 S. Ct. 2107, 2117 (2013)
(“Myriad”). Instead, the claimed acid is analyzed to determine if separating the acid from its surrounding
material in the leaf has resulted in the purified amazonic acid having markedly different characteristics
from its naturally occurring counterpart. Based on the limited background information, there is no
indication that purified amazonic acid has any characteristics (structural, functional, or otherwise) that are
different from naturally occurring amazonic acid. The claim therefore encompasses amazonic acid that is
structurally and functionally identical to naturally occurring amazonic acid. Because there is no difference
between the claimed and naturally occurring acid, the claimed acid does not have markedly different
characteristics from what occurs in nature, and thus is a “product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the
claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Because the claim does not include any additional
features that could add significantly more to the exception (Step 2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as
eligible subject matter, and should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
Claim 2: Eligible. The claimed 5-methyl amazonic acid has a different structural characteristic than
amazonic acid (its chemical structure is different due to the addition of the 5-methyl group). Because 5-
methyl amazonic acid is a unique molecule that is distinct from, and does not prevent others from using,
naturally occurring amazonic acid, its different structural characteristic rises to the level of a marked
difference. Accordingly, the claimed 5-methyl amazonic acid is not a “product of nature” exception. This
conclusion is bolstered by the fact that the different structural characteristic has resulted in a different
functional characteristic (the stimulation of hair growth). Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception
(Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 3: Eligible. The claimed deoxyamazonic acid has a different structural characteristic from
amazonic acid (its chemical structure is different due to the removal of a hydroxyl group). Based on the
limited background information, this change in structure has not resulted in any different functional
characteristics. However, because deoxyamazonic acid is a unique molecule that is distinct from, and
does not prevent others from using, naturally occurring amazonic acid, its different structural
characteristic rises to the level of a marked difference. Accordingly, the claimed deoxyamazonic acid is
not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and
qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 4: Eligible. During examination, a product-by-process claim is not limited to manipulations of the
recited steps, but instead is only limited to the structure implied by the steps. In this case, the specification
describes that removing a hydroxyl group from amazonic acid and replacing it with a hydrogen results in
deoxyamazonic acid. Thus, the acid produced by the claimed process steps is deoxyamazonic acid. As
explained with respect to claim 3, deoxyamazonic acid has markedly different characteristics than
naturally occurring amazonic acid, and is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not
directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 5: Eligible. The claim is limited to a particular pharmaceutical composition having two naturally
occurring substances physically joined together into a non-natural structure (core of amazonic acid
surrounded by a layer of natural polymeric material). The claimed composition thus is structurally
different from the naturally occurring substances, and this structural difference results in the claimed
composition having different functional characteristics in vivo (e.g., amazonic acid is not released until
the composition reaches the colon, due to the relative indigestibility of the natural polymeric material,
thus increasing the bioavailability of the amazonic acid) than the naturally occurring substances by
themselves. These different structural and functional characteristics rise to the level of a marked
difference, and accordingly the claimed composition is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the
claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Nature-Based Products
Claim 6: Eligible. In nature, amazonic acid is insoluble in water. As explained in the specification,
however, when amazonic acid is combined with a solubilizing agent, it becomes soluble in water and
forms a stable solution. This changed property (solubility) between amazonic acid as a part of the claimed
stable aqueous composition and amazonic acid in nature is a marked difference. Accordingly, the claimed
composition has markedly different characteristics, and is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the
claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 7: Eligible. Although the claim recites a nature-based product (amazonic acid), analysis of the
claim as a whole indicates that the claim is focused on a process of practically applying the product to
treat a particular disease (colon cancer), and not on the product per se. Thus, it is not necessary to apply
the markedly different characteristics analysis in order to conclude that the claim is not directed to an
exception (Step 2A: NO). The claim qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 8: Eligible. Although the claim recites a nature-based product (amazonic acid), analysis of the
claim as a whole indicates that the claim is focused on a process of practically applying the product to
treat a particular disease (breast or colon cancer), and not on the product per se. Thus, it is not necessary
to apply the markedly different characteristics analysis in order to conclude that the claim is not directed
to an exception (Step 2A: NO). The claim qualifies as eligible subject matter.
4. Purified Proteins
This example illustrates that changes in physical/chemical structure (claims 2-5) as compared to a
product’s natural counterpart can demonstrate markedly different characteristics, whether or not
accompanied by changes in biological/pharmacological function or chemical/physical properties.
Background: Newly discovered Streptomyces arizoneus bacteria produce Antibiotic L, which exhibits
antibiotic activity in nature (e.g., it kills other bacterial species in its natural environment). Naturally
occurring Antibiotic L is a protein that occurs in the form of hexagonal-pyramidal crystals (each crystal
has the shape of a six-sided pyramid) that are stored inside the bacteria. The specification describes
several processes that yield Antibiotic L having the same hexagonal-pyramidal crystal form as naturally
occurring Antibiotic L. The specification also discloses a process that yields purified Antibiotic L in the
form of tetrahedral crystals (each crystal has the shape of a tetrahedron or triangular pyramid). The
specification discloses that naturally occurring Antibiotic L has the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:
2, and has a bacillosamine N-glycan on residue 49. In the specification, applicants describe recombinant
yeast that are able to synthesize Antibiotic L (naturally occurring yeast cannot synthesize Antibiotic L or
bacillosamine). Purified Antibiotic L expressed by these recombinant yeast has a high mannose (instead
of a bacillosamine) N-glycan on residue 49, and has lower immunogenicity to humans and a different
half-life in vivo than naturally occurring Antibiotic L. The specification defines “purified Antibiotic L” as
only being either Antibiotic L in the tetrahedral crystal form or Antibiotic L having a high mannose N-
glycan on residue 49.
Applicants disclose substitution modifications of Antibiotic L, e.g., peptides having one or more amino
acids substituted with different amino acids relative to SEQ ID NO: 2. No substitution modifications of
Antibiotic L are known to occur in nature. Some of the modifications result in altering the function of the
peptide, for example by increasing its ability to penetrate the cell membrane of a target organism. The
modified peptides have 90% or greater identity to SEQ ID NO: 2.
1. Antibiotic L.
2. Purified Antibiotic L.
3. The Antibiotic L of claim 1, which is in a tetrahedral crystal form.
4. The Antibiotic L of claim 1, which is expressed by recombinant yeast.
Nature-Based Products
5. A purified antibiotic comprising an amino acid sequence that has at least 90% identity to SEQ ID NO:
2 and contains at least one substitution modification relative to SEQ ID NO: 2.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation.
Because all of the claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES),
and are nature-based products (Antibiotic L or a derivative thereof), the markedly different characteristics
analysis is used to determine if the nature-based products are exceptions.
Claim 1: Ineligible. As described in the specification, some Antibiotic L produced by the applicants is in
its naturally occurring hexagonal-pyramidal crystal form, while other Antibiotic L is in a non-natural
form, e.g., tetrahedral crystals. The claim thus encompasses antibiotic that is identical to the natural
antibiotic, and antibiotic that is changed. Because there is no difference in characteristics (structural,
functional, or otherwise) between the claimed and naturally occurring antibiotic for at least some of the
embodiments encompassed by the claim, the claimed Antibiotic L does not have markedly different
characteristics from what exists in nature, and thus is a “product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the
claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Because the claim does not include any additional
features that could add significantly more to the exception (Step 2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as
eligible subject matter, and should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
Claim 2: Eligible. Based on the specification’s definition of purified Antibiotic L, the claim is limited to
Antibiotic L in the form of tetrahedral crystals or having a high-mannose N-glycan on residue 49. The
claim does not encompass naturally occurring Antibiotic L (which forms hexagonal-pyramidal crystals,
and has a bacillosamine N-glycan on residue 49). The claimed antibiotic has particular structural/physical
characteristics that are different from the naturally occurring antibiotic (e.g., different crystalline form or
different N-glycan). The person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that these structural
differences may result in the claimed antibiotic having different functional characteristics (e.g., different
powder flow behavior or lower immunogenicity and different half-life) than the naturally occurring
antibiotic. These differences rise to the level of a marked difference, and thus the claimed antibiotic is not
a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and
qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 3: Eligible. The claim is limited to Antibiotic L in the form of tetrahedral crystals, and does not
encompass the naturally occurring hexagonal-pyramidal crystals. Although the claimed antibiotic is
chemically unchanged from nature, the claimed antibiotic has particular structural/physical characteristics
that are different from the naturally occurring antibiotic (e.g., different crystalline form). The person of
ordinary skill in the art would understand that these structural differences may result in the claimed
antibiotic having different functional characteristics (e.g., powder flow behavior) than the naturally
occurring antibiotic. These differences rise to the level of a marked difference, and thus the claimed
antibiotic is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A:
NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 4: Eligible. During examination, a product-by-process claim is not limited to manipulations of the
recited steps, but instead is only limited to the structure implied by the steps. In this case, the specification
describes that Antibiotic L produced by recombinant yeast has a different structure (high-mannose N-
glycan) than the natural antibiotic (bacillosamine N-glycan). The claim is therefore limited to a
structurally different Antibiotic L having a high-mannose N-glycan. This structural difference results in a
change to the properties of the claimed antibiotic (lower immunogenicity and different half-life than the
natural antibiotic). These differences rise to the level of a marked difference, and thus the claimed
antibiotic is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A:
NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Nature-Based Products
Claim 5: Eligible. The claim is limited to peptides in which the amino acid sequence has at least 90%
identity to SEQ ID NO: 2, but has been changed to contain at least one non-naturally occurring
substitution modification relative to SEQ ID NO: 2. All of the claimed peptides have different structural
characteristics (e.g., one or more amino acids have been changed relative to the natural sequence). Some
of the claimed peptides may have different functional characteristics, but at least for some conservative
modifications there may be no observable functional difference. Because the structural differences
between the claimed peptides and their natural counterparts are enough to ensure that the claim is not
improperly tying up the future use of naturally occurring Antibiotic L, they rise to the level of a marked
difference, and thus the claimed antibiotic is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not
directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
5. Genetically Modified Bacterium
This example illustrates that a naturally occurring product that is unchanged from its natural state does
not have markedly different characteristics (claim 1), but that changes in biological function between a
claimed product and its natural counterpart can demonstrate markedly different characteristics (claim 2).
Background: Stable energy-generating plasmids that provide hydrocarbon degradative pathways exist
within certain bacteria in nature. Different plasmids provide the ability to degrade different hydrocarbons,
e.g., one plasmid provides the ability to degrade camphor, and a different plasmid provides the ability to
degrade octane. Pseudomonas bacteria are naturally occurring bacteria. Naturally occurring Pseudomonas
bacteria containing one stable energy-generating plasmid and capable of degrading a single type of
hydrocarbon are known. There are no known Pseudomonas bacteria in nature that contain more than one
stable energy-generating plasmid. In the specification, applicant discloses genetically modifying a
Pseudomonas bacterium to include more plasmids than are found in a single naturally occurring
Pseudomonas bacterium.
1. A stable energy-generating plasmid, which provides a hydrocarbon degradative pathway.
2. A bacterium from the genus Pseudomonas containing therein at least two stable energy-generating
plasmids, each of said plasmids providing a separate hydrocarbon degradative pathway.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation.
Because both claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a manufacture or composition of matter
(Step 1: YES), and are nature-based products (plasmid or bacterium), the markedly different
characteristics analysis is used to determine if the nature-based products are exceptions.
Claim 1: Ineligible. Based on the limited background information, there is no indication that the claimed
plasmid has any characteristics (structural, functional, or otherwise) that are different from naturally
occurring energy-generating plasmids. Because there is no difference between the claimed and naturally
occurring plasmid, the claimed plasmid does not have markedly different characteristics, and thus is a
“product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Because
the claim does not include any additional features that could add significantly more to the exception (Step
2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter, and should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. §
Claim 2: Eligible. The claimed bacterium has a different functional characteristic from naturally
occurring Pseudomonas bacteria, i.e., it is able to degrade at least two different hydrocarbons as
compared to naturally occurring Pseudomonas bacteria that can only degrade a single hydrocarbon. The
claimed bacterium also has a different structural characteristic, i.e., it was genetically modified to include
more plasmids than are found in a single naturally occurring Pseudomonas bacterium. The different
functional and structural characteristics rise to the level of a marked difference, and accordingly the
Nature-Based Products
claimed bacterium is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception
(Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
The bacterium of claim 2 was held to be patent-eligible subject matter in Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447
U.S. 303 (1980). Recently, the Supreme Court looked back to this claim as an example of a nature-based
product that is patent-eligible because it has markedly different characteristics than naturally occurring
bacteria, as explained in Myriad, 133 S. Ct. at 2116-17:
In Chakrabarty, scientists added four plasmids to a bacterium, which enabled it to break
down various components of crude oil. 447 U. S., at 305, 100 S. Ct. 2204, 65 L. Ed. 2d
144, and n. 1. The Court held that the modified bacterium was patentable. It explained
that the patent claim was “not to a hitherto unknown natural phenomenon, but to a
nonnaturally occurring manufacture or composition of matter--a product of human
ingenuity ‘having a distinctive name, character [and] use.’” Id., at 309-310, 100 S. Ct.
2204, 65 L. Ed. 2d 144 (quoting Hartranft v. Wiegmann, 121 U. S. 609, 615, 7 S. Ct.
1240, 30 L. Ed. 1012 (1887); alteration in original). The Chakrabarty bacterium was new
“with markedly different characteristics from any found in nature,” 447 U. S., at 310, 100
S. Ct. 2204, 65 L. Ed. 2d 144, due to the additional plasmids and resultant “capacity for
degrading oil.”
6. Bacterial Mixtures
This example illustrates the application of the markedly different characteristics analysis to nature-based
product claims produced by combining multiple components.
Background: Rhizobium bacteria are naturally occurring bacteria that infect leguminous plants such as
clover, alfalfa, beans and soy. Each species of bacteria will only infect certain types of plants, for example
R. meliloti will only infect alfalfa and sweet clover, and R. phaseoli will only infect garden beans. It was
assumed in the prior art that all Rhizobium species were mutually inhibitive, because prior art
combinations of different bacterial species produced an inhibitory effect on each other when mixed
together, with the result that their efficiency was reduced. Applicant has discovered that there are
particular strains of each Rhizobium species that do not exert a mutually inhibitive effect on each other,
and that these strains can be isolated and used in mixed cultures. Applicant has also discovered that
certain Rhizobium species, when mixed together, exhibit biological properties that are different than in
nature. For example, in nature or by itself, R. californiana will only infect lupine. When mixed with R.
phaseoli, however, R. californiana will infect both lupine and wild indigo. R. californiana and R. phaseoli
are not known to occur together in nature.
1. An inoculant for leguminous plants comprising a plurality of selected mutually non-inhibitive strains
of different species of bacteria of the genus Rhizobium, said strains being unaffected by each other in
respect to their ability to fix nitrogen in the leguminous plant for which they are specific.
2. An inoculant for leguminous plants comprising a mixture of Rhizobium californiana and Rhizobium
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation.
Because both claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES), and
are nature-based products (a mixture of bacteria), the markedly different characteristics analysis is used to
determine if the nature-based products are exceptions.
Claim 1: Ineligible. There is no indication in the specification that the claimed mixture of bacteria has any
characteristics (structural, functional, or otherwise) that are different from the naturally occurring
Nature-Based Products
bacteria. Thus, the mixture does not have markedly different characteristics from what occurs in nature,
and is a “product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES).
Because the claim does not include any additional features that could add significantly more to the
exception (Step 2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter, and should be rejected
under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
The inoculant of claim 1 was held to be ineligible subject matter in Funk Brothers Seed Co. v. Kalo
Inoculant Co., 333 U.S. 127, 131 (1948):
Discovery of the fact that certain strains of each species of these bacteria can be mixed
without harmful effect to the properties of either is a discovery of their qualities of non-
inhibition. It is no more than the discovery of some of the handiwork of nature and hence
is not patentable. The aggregation of select strains of the several species into one product
is an application of that newly-discovered natural principle. But however ingenious the
discovery of that natural principle may have been, the application of it is hardly more
than an advance in the packaging of the inoculants. Each of the species of root-nodule
bacteria contained in the package infects the same group of leguminous plants which it
always infected. No species acquires a different use. The combination of species
produces no new bacteria, no change in the six species of bacteria, and no enlargement of
the range of their utility. Each species has the same effect it always had. The bacteria
perform in their natural way. Their use in combination does not improve in any way their
natural functioning. They serve the ends nature originally provided and act quite
independently of any effort of the patentee.
Recently, the Supreme Court looked back to this claim as an example of ineligible subject matter, stating
that “the composition was not patent eligible because the patent holder did not alter the bacteria in any
way.” Myriad, 133 S. Ct. at 2117.
Claim 2: Eligible. In nature, R. phaseoli only infects garden beans, and R. californiana only infects
lupine. When mixed together as claimed, the combination now infects a third species of plant: R.
californiana infects both lupine and wild indigo, but R. phaseoli continues to only infect garden beans.
The combination of species thus has changed R. californiana such that, when combined with R. phaseoli,
it has a different characteristic (biological function) than it had in nature, i.e., the claimed combination
infects a new group of leguminous plants (wild indigo) as compared to the naturally occurring bacteria by
themselves. This functional difference rises to the level of a marked difference, and accordingly the
claimed mixture is not a “product of nature” exception. Note that unless the examiner can show that this
particular mixture of bacteria exists in nature, this mere possibility does not bar the eligibility of this
claim. See, e.g., Myriad, 133 S. Ct. at 2119 n.8 (“The possibility that an unusual and rare phenomenon
might randomly create a molecule similar to one created synthetically through human ingenuity does not
render a composition of matter nonpatentable” (emphasis in original)). Thus, the claim is not directed to
an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
7. Nucleic Acids
This example illustrates that changes in genetic information/structure (claims 2 and 4), or physical
structure (claim 3), as compared to a product’s natural counterpart can demonstrate markedly different
Background: Virginia nightshade is a naturally occurring plant that grows wild in the Shenandoah Valley
of Virginia. When damaged, the leaves of Virginia nightshade produce a hormone called Protein W,
which activates chemical defenses against herbivores. Protein W is naturally encoded by Gene W, which
is part of chromosome 3 in Virginia nightshade and has the nucleic acid sequence disclosed as SEQ ID
NO: 1. The specification also discloses substitution modifications of Gene W, e.g., nucleic acids having
one or more nucleotide bases that are substituted with different bases relative to SEQ ID NO: 1. For
Nature-Based Products
example, one of the disclosed modifications changes a naturally occurring adenine to a guanine, e.g., the
first nine nucleotides are “TAC GGG AAA” in naturally occurring Gene L and “TAC GGG AAG” in the
modified nucleic acid. Some of the modifications are silent, meaning that no change occurs in the
encoded protein. It is known in the art that some silent modifications affect characteristics of nucleic acid
such as transcription rate and splicing, and that some do not. No substitution modifications of Gene W are
known to occur in nature. The modified nucleic acids have 90% or greater identity to SEQ ID NO: 1. The
specification discloses labeling the nucleic acids, e.g., with a fluorescent or radioactive label.
The specification discloses vectors comprising SEQ ID NO: 1 and a heterologous nucleic acid. The
specification defines “heterologous” nucleic acid sequences as nucleic acid sequences that do not
naturally occur in Virginia nightshade, e.g., sequences from other plants, bacteria, viruses, or other
organisms. Disclosed heterologous nucleic acids include plant viral vectors such as tobacco mosaic virus,
and viral promoters such as the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The viral promoters
cause different expression of Gene W as compared to its natural expression levels in Virginia nightshade,
e.g., Gene W is expressed all the time (constitutively) as opposed to only in response to leaf damage.
1. Isolated nucleic acid comprising SEQ ID NO: 1.
2. Isolated nucleic acid comprising a sequence that has at least 90% identity to SEQ ID NO: 1 and
contains at least one substitution modification relative to SEQ ID NO: 1.
3. The isolated nucleic acid of claim 1, further comprising a fluorescent label attached to the nucleic
4. A vector comprising the nucleic acid of claim 1 and a heterologous nucleic acid sequence.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation.
Because all of the claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g. a composition of matter (Step 1: YES),
and are nature-based products (a nucleic acid), the markedly different characteristics analysis is used to
determine if the nature-based products are exceptions.
Claim 1: Ineligible. The claimed nucleic acid has a different structural characteristic than naturally
occurring Gene W, because the chemical bonds at each end were severed in order to isolate it from the
chromosome on which it occurs in nature, but has the same nucleotide sequence as the natural gene. The
claimed nucleic acid has no different functional characteristics, i.e., it encodes the same protein as the
natural gene. Under the holding of Myriad, this isolated but otherwise unchanged nucleic acid is not
eligible because it is not different enough from what exists in nature to avoid improperly tying up the
future use and study of naturally occurring Gene W. In other words, the claimed nucleic acid is different,
but not markedly different, from its natural counterpart in its natural state (Gene W on chromosome 3),
and thus is a “product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A:
YES). Because the claim does not include any additional features that could add significantly more to the
exception (Step 2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter, and should be rejected
under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
Claim 2: Eligible. The claim is limited to nucleic acids in which the nucleotide sequence has been
changed to contain at least one non-naturally occurring substitution modification relative to SEQ ID NO:
1. All of the claimed nucleic acids have different structural characteristics than the naturally occurring
nucleic acid, e.g., one or more nucleotides have been changed relative to the natural sequence. Some of
the claimed nucleic acids may have different functional characteristics, e.g., they may encode a different
protein than the natural gene. Because the structural differences between the claimed nucleic acids and
their natural counterparts are enough to ensure that the claim is not improperly tying up the future use of
naturally occurring Gene W, they rise to the level of a marked difference, and so the claimed nucleic acids
Nature-Based Products
are not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and
qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 3: Eligible. The claim is limited to a molecule that includes a nucleic acid and a fluorescent label,
which combination does not occur in nature as a single molecule. The claimed molecule thus has different
structural characteristics than the naturally occurring nucleic acid and label (single molecule vs. two
separate molecules). It also has different functional characteristics (the labeled nucleic acid is now
fluorescent, whereas the natural gene is not). These differences rise to the level of a marked difference,
and so the claimed molecule is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an
exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 4: Eligible. The claim is limited to vectors comprising a non-natural combination of Gene W (SEQ
ID NO: 1) with a sequence from another organism, and thus does not read on the naturally occurring
chromosome in Virginia nightshade. This non-natural combination results in the vectors having a
different genetic structure and sequence than the naturally occurring nucleic acids, i.e., different structural
characteristics. Some of the claimed vectors may have different functional characteristics, depending on
the selected heterologous sequence. These differences rise to the level of a marked difference, and so the
claimed vector is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step
2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
8. Antibodies
This example illustrates that products created by human manipulation of natural processes (claims 2 and
3), as well as products that are changed in structure as compared to a product’s natural counterpart
(claims 4 and 5), can have markedly different characteristics.
Background: Newly discovered Staphylococcus texana bacteria have an antigen called Protein S on their
outer surface. The specification describes the discovery of naturally occurring antibodies to Protein S in
mice and wild coyotes living in Texas. No human antibodies to Protein S are naturally occurring.
Antibodies have two types of domains: (1) constant domains such as the Fc domain, which are unvarying
in antibodies of a particular class (e.g., IgA) within a species; and (2) variable domains comprising
complementarity determining regions (CDRs) that bind to an antigen and that vary from antibody to
The specification describes multiple types of antibodies to Protein S, including:
murine antibodies, that were created by injecting laboratory mice with Protein S;
human antibodies, that were created by injecting transgenic mice with Protein S;
chimeric antibodies (defined as antibodies that have murine variable domains and human constant
humanized antibodies (defined as antibodies having murine CDRs but are otherwise human); and
antibodies with variant Fc domains (defined as antibodies having an Fc domain that is engineered
to comprise at least one amino acid modification relative to a wild-type Fc domain).
It is well-known in the art that murine antibodies have different constant domains than human and coyote
antibodies, and that murine antibodies may cause allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock when
administered to humans or coyotes. The specification discloses a particular murine antibody created by
applicants, comprising SEQ ID NOs: 7-12 as its six CDR sequences. There is no naturally occurring
antibody that has this particular combination of CDR sequences. It is well-known in the art that chimeric
and humanized antibodies are less immunogenic to humans than murine antibodies. It is also well-known
that antibodies with variant Fc domains may exhibit different characteristics (e.g., increased cytotoxicity
and/or serum half-life) than antibodies with wild-type Fc domains.
1. An antibody to Protein S.
Nature-Based Products
2. The antibody of claim 1, wherein the antibody is a human antibody.
3. The antibody of claim 1, wherein the antibody is a murine antibody comprising complementarity
determining region (CDR) sequences set forth as SEQ ID NOs: 7-12.
4. The antibody of claim 1, wherein the antibody is a chimeric or humanized antibody.
5. The antibody of claim 1, wherein the antibody comprises a variant Fc domain.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation.
Because all of the claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES),
and are nature-based products (an antibody), the markedly different characteristics analysis is used to
determine if the nature-based products are exceptions.
Claim 1: Ineligible. As described in the specification, some antibodies to Protein S are naturally occurring
in mice and wild coyotes living in Texas, while other antibodies to Protein S (such as chimeric
antibodies) have non-natural forms and may contain domains from multiple species. The claim thus
encompasses antibodies that are structurally identical to naturally occurring antibodies, and antibodies
that are structurally changed. Because there is no difference in characteristics (structural, functional, or
otherwise) between the claimed and naturally occurring antibodies for at least some of the embodiments
encompassed by the claim, the claimed antibodies do not have markedly different characteristics, and thus
are a “product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES ).
Because the claim does not include any additional features that could add significantly more to the
exception (Step 2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter, and should be rejected
under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
Claim 2: Eligible. The claim is limited to human antibodies to Protein S. No human antibodies to Protein
S are naturally occurring. The claimed antibodies have different complementarity determining regions
(CDRs) than what exists in nature, and therefore have different structural (e.g., different amino acid
sequences and three-dimensional structures) and functional (e.g., bind to different antigens)
characteristics. These differences rise to the level of a marked difference, and so the claimed antibodies
are not “product of nature” exceptions. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and
qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 3: Eligible. The claim is limited to murine antibodies comprising complementarity determining
region (CDR) sequences set forth as SEQ ID NOs: 7-12. Some murine antibodies to Protein S occur in
nature, and it is possible that nature might randomly create a murine antibody having the CDR sequences
of SEQ ID NOs: 7-12. But unless the examiner can show that this particular murine antibody exists in
nature, this mere possibility does not bar the eligibility of this claim. See, e.g., Myriad, 133 S. Ct. at 2119
n.8 (“The possibility that an unusual and rare phenomenon might randomly create a molecule similar to
one created synthetically through human ingenuity does not render a composition of matter
nonpatentable” (emphasis in original)). Because the claimed antibodies have different CDRs than what
exists in nature, they have different structural (e.g., different amino acid sequences and three-dimensional
structures) and functional (e.g., bind to different antigens) characteristics. These differences rise to the
level of a marked difference, and so the claimed antibodies are not “product of nature” exceptions. Thus,
the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 4: Eligible. The claim is limited to chimeric and humanized antibodies, which are defined as fusion
proteins formed by physically fusing together part of a murine antibody (CDRs or variable domains) and
part of a human antibody (constant domains). The claimed antibodies have different structural
characteristics than natural antibodies, because the combination of murine and human antibody fragments
into a single antibody molecule does not exist in nature. There may also be differences in functional
characteristics, e.g., chimeric antibodies are typically less immunogenic to humans than murine
Nature-Based Products
antibodies. These differences rise to the level of a marked difference, and so the claimed antibodies are
not “product of nature” exceptions. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and
qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 5: Eligible. The claim is limited to antibodies comprising a variant Fc domain, which is defined as
an Fc domain that is engineered to comprise at least one amino acid modification relative to a wild-type
Fc domain. The claimed antibodies have different structural characteristics (e.g., different amino acid
sequences and three-dimensional structures) than natural antibodies, and may also have different
functional characteristics (e.g., different cytotoxicity and/or serum half-life). These differences in
characteristics rise to the level of a marked difference, and so the claimed antibodies are not “product of
nature” exceptions. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible
subject matter.
9. Cells
This example illustrates that a man-made product identical to a naturally occurring product does not
have markedly different characteristics (claim 1), but that changes in phenotype caused by human
manipulation can result in markedly different characteristics (claims 2 and 3). It also demonstrates the
application of the “significantly more” analysis to claims directed to a “product of nature” exception
(claims 4 and 5).
Background: Human stem cells are naturally occurring cells that can develop, through a process called
differentiation, into many different types of cells, such as cardiac cells, skin cells, and so on. Stem cells
have utility in regenerative medicine, which involves repairing diseased tissues or organs. One type of
diseased tissue that often needs repair is the heart’s pacemaker, which is formed from pacemaker cells
that generate electrical impulses to control heart rate. In nature, pacemaker cells can be identified via a
protein called marker P located on the cell surface. The pacemaker cells contain genes that are capable of
expressing a protein called marker Z, but in nature these genes are never expressed (there are no naturally
occurring pacemaker cells that have marker Z on their surface).
Applicant’s specification discloses differentiating stem cells into pacemaker cells, for use in regenerating
damaged heart tissue. Applicant discloses isolating stem cells from human volunteers, and then culturing
those cells in a particular growth medium in the presence of growth factor A, at various temperatures.
Isolation does not change the cells in any way, but applicant’s culture conditions cause the stem cells to
differentiate into pacemaker cells. Some of the man-made pacemaker cells produced by applicant are
genetically and phenotypically identical (e.g., express marker P) to naturally occurring pacemaker cells.
Other man-made pacemaker cells produced by applicant are genetically identical, but have a different
phenotype (e.g., express marker Z and exhibit increased efficiency in utilizing oxygen) than naturally
occurring pacemaker cells. Isolation of these man-made cells does not change them in any way.
The increased oxygen utilization efficiency of the pacemaker cells expressing marker Z is advantageous
in the regeneration of heart tissue in patients who are recovering from damage to the heart, such as that
caused by a myocardial infarction (heart attack). Applicant has discovered that a mixed population of
pacemaker cells that is about 10-15% positive for marker Z (i.e., about 10-15% of the cells in the
population express marker Z), and about 85-90% positive for marker P (i.e., about 85-90% of the cells in
the population express marker P), can be injected into a patient’s heart in order to regenerate a pacemaker
in vivo (in a patient’s body). This successful regeneration is possible because the cells interact with each
other to affect their growth rates, e.g., the cells expressing marker P grow faster in the mixed population
than when they are by themselves. However, a cell population with fewer (or no) cells expressing marker
Z is not capable of regenerating a pacemaker, because the cell population is starved of oxygen before it
can become established in the patient.
The specification discloses compositions including populations of pacemaker cells in containers, such as
flasks and petri dishes, which are routinely and conventionally used in laboratories to hold cells. Also
Nature-Based Products
disclosed are compositions including populations of pacemaker cells in biocompatible three-dimensional
scaffolds. The specification defines “biocompatible three-dimensional scaffolds” as being three-
dimensional structures constructed of naturally occurring materials (such as polysaccharides or proteins)
that are unchanged from their natural state, in which they are associated with non-cardiac cells, but that
have been removed from their natural environment. The specification specifically excludes cardiac tissue
from the definition of “biocompatible three-dimensional scaffolds”. The specification also discloses that
compositions including populations of pacemaker cells in the biocompatible three-dimensional scaffolds
can be implanted directly into a patient, where they facilitate faster tissue regeneration than when
pacemaker cells are implanted by themselves, because the scaffold provides mechanical support for the
implanted cells to grow.
1. An isolated man-made human pacemaker cell.
2. An isolated man-made human pacemaker cell expressing marker Z.
3. A population of human pacemaker cells, wherein the population is about 10-15% positive for marker
Z, and 85-90% positive for marker P.
4. A composition comprising a population of isolated man-made human pacemaker cells in a container.
5. A composition comprising a population of isolated man-made human pacemaker cells in a
biocompatible three-dimensional scaffold.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable interpretation. All
of the claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
Claim 1: Ineligible. Because the claim is a nature-based product, i.e., a cell, the nature-based product is
analyzed to determine whether it has markedly different characteristics from any naturally occurring
counterpart(s) in their natural state. As described in the specification, some of the man-made cells are
identical to what exists in nature (e.g., same genotype and phenotype), while others are phenotypically
different from what exists in nature (e.g., express marker Z and have increased oxygen utilization), and
these difference arose due to applicant’s efforts. The claim thus encompasses cells that are identical (no
difference in characteristics) to naturally occurring cells, and cells that are phenotypically different.
Because there is no difference between the claimed and naturally occurring cells for at least some of the
embodiments encompassed by the claim, the claimed cells do not have markedly different characteristics,
and thus are a “product of nature” exception. In re Roslin Institute (Edinburgh), 750 F.3d 1333, 1338-39
(Fed. Cir. 2014). Accordingly, the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Because the claim
does not include any additional features that could add significantly more to the exception (Step 2B: NO),
the claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter, and should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
Claim 2: Eligible. The claim is limited to human pacemaker cells that express marker Z, which are nature-
based products. No human pacemaker cells expressing marker Z are naturally occurring. As described in
the specification, the claimed cells are exact genetic replicas of naturally occurring pacemaker cells, that
were produced from naturally occurring stem cells. However, the claimed cells are phenotypically
different than natural pacemaker cells, in that they express marker Z and have increased oxygen
utilization efficiency. Further, these phenotypic differences were created by applicant’s efforts (e.g., by
culturing the stem cells in a particular growth medium in the presence of growth factor A, at various
temperatures), and were not the work of nature. These phenotypic differences rise to the level of a marked
difference, and accordingly the claimed cell is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not
directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 3: Eligible. The claim is limited to a population of human pacemaker cells, where about 10-15% of
the cells express marker Z, and about 85-90% express marker P. Because the claim is a nature-based
Nature-Based Products
product, i.e., a combination of cells, the nature-based product (the population) is analyzed to determine
whether it has markedly different characteristics from any naturally occurring counterpart(s) in their
natural state. As discussed above with respect to claims 1 and 2, the cells expressing marker Z have
markedly different characteristics than naturally occurring cardiac pacemaker cells because of their
phenotypic differences, but the cells expressing marker P do not have markedly different characteristics
because they are identical to naturally occurring pacemaker cells. However, as described in the
specification, when these cells are mixed together in the claimed ratio to form the claimed population, the
cells interact with each other to affect their growth rates, e.g., the cells expressing marker P grow faster in
the mixed population than when they are by themselves. Naturally occurring pacemaker cells do not grow
at this rate in their natural state. This difference in biological properties (rate of cell growth) between the
claimed cell population and naturally occurring human pacemaker cells rises to the level of a marked
difference, and accordingly the claimed population is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim
is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Claim 4: Ineligible. Because the claim recites a nature-based product, i.e., the population of cells, the
nature-based product is analyzed to determine whether it has markedly different characteristics from any
naturally occurring counterpart(s) in their natural state. As explained with respect to claim 1, isolated
man-made pacemaker cells do not have markedly different characteristics due to their isolation or human
manufacture. There is no indication in the specification that placing the cells in a generic container results
in the cells having any characteristics (structural, functional, or otherwise) that are different from the
naturally occurring cells in their natural state. Thus, the claimed population of cells does not have
markedly different characteristics from what occurs in nature, and is a “product of nature” exception.
Accordingly, the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed
to determine whether any element, or combination of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim
amounts to significantly more than the exception. Although the claim recites a container, use of a
container to hold cells is not only well-understood, routine and conventional activity already engaged in
by the scientific community, it is also required for growing and using the cells. Additionally, the claim
recites the container at such a high level of generality that it merely tells a scientist to use whatever
container she wishes to use. Therefore, the claim as a whole adds nothing significantly more to the
“product of nature” itself. Thus, the claim does not amount to significantly more than the judicial
exception itself (Step 2B: NO). The claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter, and should be
rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
Claim 5: Eligible. Because the claim is a nature-based product, i.e., a combination of cells and a scaffold,
the nature-based product (the combination) is analyzed to determine whether it has markedly different
characteristics from any naturally occurring counterpart(s) in their natural state. As explained with respect
to claim 1, isolated man-made pacemaker cells do not have markedly different characteristics due to their
isolation or human manufacture. There is also no indication in the specification that placing the cells into
a biocompatible three-dimensional scaffold results in the cells or the scaffold having any characteristics
(structural, functional, or otherwise) that are different from the naturally occurring cells or scaffold in
their natural state. Thus, the claimed population of cells, and the claimed scaffold, do not have markedly
different characteristics from what occurs in nature, and are “product of nature” exceptions. Accordingly,
the claim is directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine
whether any element, or combination of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to
significantly more than the exception. The recitation of the biocompatible three-dimensional scaffold in
combination with the pacemaker cells is not required for growing or using the cells, because the cells can
be grown or used in other containers, and is not recited at a high level of generality. The addition of the
pacemaker cells to the scaffold confines the claim to a particular useful application of the scaffold (repair
of cardiac tissue), because the pacemaker cells are not routinely required for all practical uses of the
scaffold. Further, the combination of these elements does more than generally link these two judicial
exceptions together; as described in the specification, this combination improves the technology of
regenerative medicine, by facilitating faster tissue regeneration than when pacemaker cells are implanted
Nature-Based Products
by themselves. Thus, the claim amounts to significantly more than the judicial exception itself (Step 2B:
YES), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
10. Food
This example illustrates the difference between a nature-based product claim having multiple components
that are unchanged because they are not combined (claim 1), and a nature-based product claim having
multiple components that are changed by their combination (claim 2).
Background: Goats are naturally occurring animals that produce milk to feed their young. Humans have
consumed goat milk and products made from goat milk (e.g., cheese and yogurt) for centuries. One well-
known method of making goat yogurt is to create a starter culture by mixing raw goat milk with bacteria,
and then heating the starter culture to about 115 degrees Fahrenheit for several hours so that the bacteria
can ferment the milk. The fermentation causes the conversion of lactose (milk sugar) in the goat milk into
lactic acid, and this chemical change results in a physical change (the thickened consistency of the yogurt
as compared to the goat milk). The lactic acid also makes the yogurt have a tangy flavor. Multiple species
of bacteria are known as useful in making yogurt, including Streptococcus thermophilus (a naturally
occurring bacterial species).
Applicant has discovered a new naturally occurring bacterial species that it named Lactobacillus
alexandrinus. Goat milk yogurt made with L. alexandrinus has a pleasant tangy flavor. Neither S.
thermophilus nor L. alexandrinus occur naturally in goat milk, and these bacteria do not occur together in
nature. Applicant has also discovered that when mixed, S. thermophilus and L. alexandrinus have
different properties than either bacteria has alone: (1) the mixed bacteria act synergistically to ferment
goat milk at twice the speed than either bacteria can ferment by itself; and (2) the resultant goat yogurt is
much lower in fat than either bacteria can produce when used by itself. Applicant discloses compositions
comprising a goat milk starter comprising goat milk mixed with S. thermophilus and L. alexandrinus.
Applicant also discloses kits for preparing goat milk yogurt. The kits comprise a separate packet of S.
thermophilus, and a separate packet of L. alexandrinus, and may also comprise instructions for combining
the two bacterial species with goat milk to make yogurt.
1. A kit for preparing goat milk yogurt comprising: Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus
2. A yogurt starter culture comprising: goat milk mixed with Streptococcus thermophilus and
Lactobacillus alexandrinus.
Analysis of Claims:
These claims have been analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest reasonable
interpretation. Because both claims are directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step
1: YES), and are nature-based products (goat milk and/or bacteria), the markedly different characteristics
analysis is used to determine if the nature-based products are exceptions.
Claim 1: Ineligible. As described in the specification, both S. thermophilus and L. alexandrinus are
naturally occurring bacteria. There is no indication in the specification that the claimed bacteria have any
characteristics (structural, functional, or otherwise) that are different from the naturally occurring
bacteria. Because the bacterial species in the kit are not mixed, but instead are separate from each other,
their inclusion in the same kit does not change their characteristics. Although the user of the kit may
choose to mix the bacteria together at some time in the future, that mixture, which may or may not exist in
the future is not a part of the claimed invention. In re Venezia, 530 F.2d 956, 958-59 (CCPA 1976). Thus,
the bacterial species in the kit do not have markedly different characteristics from their natural
counterparts in their natural state, and are “product of nature” exceptions. Accordingly, the claim is
directed to an exception (Step 2A: YES). Because the claim does not include any additional features that
Nature-Based Products
could add significantly more to the exceptions (Step 2B: NO), the claim does not qualify as eligible
subject matter, and should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 101.
Claim 2: Eligible. As described in the specification, when S. thermophilus and L. alexandrinus are mixed,
the two bacterial species have different characteristics than either species does on its own, e.g., they act
together to ferment milk into a lower fat yogurt than either bacteria can produce when individually mixed
with the milk. Thus, the mixture of the bacteria and milk has different functional characteristics (lower fat
content) than the naturally occurring bacteria (or milk) by itself. These differences rise to the level of a
marked difference, and accordingly the claimed starter culture is not a “product of nature” exception.
Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Streamlined Example 1
1. A hip prosthesis comprising:
a femoral component and
an acetabular cup,
wherein the acetabular cup has
an inner concave surface for
engaging the femoral component,
and an outer convex surface for
engaging a patient’s acetabulum,
wherein the outer convex surface
is coated with hydroxyapatite.
The claim recites a nature-based
product (hydroxyapatite is a
naturally occurring mineral).
However, the claim clearly does
not seek to tie up the mineral.
Instead, the claim is focused on
the assembly of the femoral
component and the cup that
together form the hip prosthesis.
No need to perform the markedly
different characteristics analysis
on the mineral.
The claim qualifies as eligible
subject matter without a full
Streamlined Example 2
2. A robotic arm assembly
a robotic arm having an end
effector that is capable of movement
along a predetermined motion path,
a sensor that obtains movement
information about the end effector,
a control system that uses the
movement information from the
sensor to adjust the velocity of the
end effector in order to achieve a
smooth motion along the
predetermined motion path.
The claim operates using certain
mathematical relationships, e.g.,
velocity is a relationship between
the position of an object with
respect to time.
However, the claim clearly does
not seek to tie up these
mathematical relationships. For
example, others are clearly free to
use velocity in other applications
such as in a radar gun.
The claim qualifies as eligible
subject matter without a full
 
  
 
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
The following examples should be used in conjunction with the 2014 Interim Guidance on
Subject Matter Eligibility (2014 IEG). As the examples are intended to be illustrative only,
they should be interpreted based on the fact patterns set forth below. Other fact patterns
may have different eligibility outcomes. While some of the fact patterns draw from U.S.
Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decisions, each of the
examples shows how claims should be analyzed under the 2014 IEG. All of the claims are
analyzedfor eligibility inaccordancewiththeirbroadestreasonable interpretation.
Note that the examples herein are numbered consecutively beginning with number 21,
because 20 examples were previously issued. A comprehensive index of all examples for
usewiththe 2014 IEGisprovided inAppendix2totheJuly2015Update.
21. Transmission Of Stock Quote Data
The following hypothetical claims and background are modeled after the technology in
Google Inc. v. Simpleair, Inc., Covered Business Method Case No. CBM 201400170 (Jan. 22,
2015), but are revised to emphasize certain teaching points. The patent at issue was U.S.
Patent No. 7,035,914 entitled “System and Method for Transmission of Data.” Hypothetical
claim 1 is directed to an abstract idea and does not have additional elements that amount to
significantly more than the abstract idea. Hypothetical claim 2 also recites an abstract idea
but does contain additional elements that amount to significantly more because there are
meaningful limitations beyond generally linking the use of the abstract idea to a particular
technological environm ent.
The invention is directed to a stock quote alert subscription service where subscribers
receive customizable stock quotes on their local computers from a remote data source. At
the time of the invention, stock quote subscription services over the Internet were known
in the art. However, existing services experienced challenges when attempting to notify a
subscriber whose computer was offline (not connected to the Internet) at the time of the
alert, since many stock quotes are time sensitive. Further, many previous subscription
services simply transmitted all available stock quote information to the user at a given
time, which required the subscriber to sort through large amounts of data to identify
relevant stock quotes, and often sent information at an inconvenient time (e.g., after the
stock exchanges are closed). The stock quote alert subscription service of the present
During enrollment to the subscription service, the subscriber provides preference
information in the form of stocks of interest, stock price threshold (e.g., when the price
reaches $100 per share), a destination address of a wireless device (e.g., a number for a
cellular phone, pager or PDA), preferred format of the alert, and a transmission schedule
indicating the time/date that alerts should be sent. The subscription service uses a
transmission server to receive data from a data source and send selected data to
subscribers. The transmission server includes a memory, a transmitter, and a
microprocessor. The subscription service provides a stock viewer application to
subscribers for installation on their individual computers. After a subscriber enrolls, the
service receives stock quote information sent from a data source to the transmission
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
server.Theserver filters the stock quoteinformation basedupon the subscriberpreference
information that is stored in memory on the server. That is, the server compares the
received stock quote information to the stored stocks of interest and stock price threshold
preferences to determine which stock quotes to drop and which to further process. Next, a
stock quote alert is built containing the filtered stocks’ name and price information and a
universal resource locator (URL) to a web page at the data source which contains further
informationonthestockquote. Thealertisthenformattedintodata blocksbaseduponthe
alert format preference information. Subsequently, the formatted data blocks are
transmitted to the subscriber’s wireless device in accordance with the transmission
schedule. After receiving the alert, the subscriber can connect the wireless device to the
subscriber’scomputer.Thealert causesthesubscriber’scomputertoauto‐launchthestock
viewer application provided by the service to display the alert. When connected to the
Internet, the subscriber may then click on the URL in the alert to use the stock viewer
application to access more detailed information about the stock quote from the data
1. A method of distributing stock quotes over a network to a remote subscriber computer,
receiving stock quotes at a transmission server sent from a data source over the
Internet, the transmission server comprising a microprocessor and memory that stores the
remote subscriber’s preferences for information format, destination address, specified
stockprice values,and transmission schedule,whereinthe microprocessor
filters the received stock quotes by comparing the received stock quotes to the
generates a stock quote alert from the filtered stock quotes that contains a stock
name, stock price and a universal resource locator (URL), which specifies the location of
formats the stock quote alert into data blocks according to said information format;
transmits the formatted stock quote alert to a computer of the remote subscriber
2. A method of distributing stock quotes over a network to a remote subscriber computer,
providing a stock viewer application to a subscriber for installation on the remote
receiving stock quotes at a transmission server sent from a data source over the
Internet, the transmission server comprising a microprocessor and a memory that stores
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
the remote subscriber’s preferences for information format, destination address, specified
stockprice values,and transmission schedule,whereinthe microprocessor
filters the received stock quotes by comparing the received stock quotes to the
generates a stock quote alert from the filtered stock quotes that contains a stock
name, stock price and a universal resource locator (URL), which specifies the location of
formats the stock quote alert into data blocks according to said information format;
transmits the formatted stock quote alert over a wireless communication channel to
a wireless device associated with a subscriber based upon the destination address and
transmission schedule,
wherein the alert activates the stock viewer application to cause the stock quote
alertto display on theremote subscriber computer andto enable connection via the URL to
the data source over the Internet when the wireless device is locally connected to the
The claim recites a series of acts for distributing stock quotes to selected remote devices.
Thus,theclaimisdirectedtoa process,whichisoneofthestatutory categories ofinvention
(Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim is analyzed to determine whether it is directed to a judicial exception. The
claim recites the steps of receiving, filtering, formatting and transmitting stock quote
information. In other words, the claim recites comparing and formatting information for
transmission. This is simply the organization and comparison of data which can be
performed mentally and is an idea of itself. It is similar to other concepts that have been
identified as abstract by the courts, such as using categories to organize, store and transmit
information in Cyberfone, or comparing new and stored information and using rules to
identify options in SmartGene. Therefore, the claim is directed to an abstract idea (Step 2A:
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the
memory that stores subscriber preferences, a transmitter that receives and sends
information over the Internet, and a microprocessor that performs the generic functions of
comparing and formatting information. The transmission server is recited at a high level of
generality and its broadest reasonable interpretation comprises only a microprocessor,
memory and transmitter to simply perform the generic computer functions of receiving,
processingand transmitting information. Generic computers performing generic computer
functions, alone, do not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea. Finally, the
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
Internet limitations are simply a field of use that is an attempt to limit the abstract idea to a
particular technological environment and, so do not add significantly more. Viewing the
limitations as an ordered combination does not add anything further than looking at the
limitations individually. When viewed either individually, or as an ordered combination,
the additional limitations do not amount to a claim as a whole that is significantly more
thantheabstract idea(Step 2B: NO).Theclaimisnot patenteligible.
A rejection of claim 1 should identify the exception by pointing to the filtering, generating
and formatting steps and explain that the comparing and formatting of information is a
mental process that is similar to the concepts that courts have previously found abstract.
The rejection should also identify the additional limitations regarding the transmission
server and explain why those limitations comprise only a generic computer performing
genericcomputerfunctionsthat donotimposemeaningfullimits ontheclaimedmethod.
The claim recites a series of acts for distributing stock quotes to selected remote devices.
Thus,theclaimisdirectedtoa process,whichisoneofthestatutory categories ofinvention
(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. As
discussed above, the recited steps of comparing and organizing data for transmission are a
mental process and similar to other concepts found to be abstract by the courts. The claim
isdirected to anabstractidea(Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is evaluated to determine if there are additional limitations that
amount to significantly more than the abstract idea. The claim recites the additional
limitations of using a transmission server with a microprocessor and a memory to store
subscriber preferences, transmitting a stock quote alert from the transmission server over
a data channel to a wireless device, and providing a stock viewer application that causes
the stock quote alert to display on the subscriber computer and enables a connection from
the subscriber computer to the data source over the Internet when the subscriber
computer comes online. It is noted that, as discussed above, some of the limitations when
viewed individually do not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea (such as
storing subscriber preferences or transmitting an alert). However, when looking at the
additional limitations as an ordered combination, the invention as a whole amounts to
significantly more than simply organizing and comparing data. The claimed invention
addresses the Internet‐centric challenge of alerting a subscriber with time sensitive
information when the subscriber’s computer is offline. This is addressed by transmitting
the alert over a wireless communication channel to activate the stock viewer application,
which causes the alert to display and enables the connection of the remote subscriber
computer to the data source over the Internet when the remote subscriber computer
comes online. These are meaningful limitations that add more than generally linking the
use of the abstract idea (the general concept of organizing and comparing data) to the
Internet, because they solve an Internet‐centric problem with a claimed solution that is
necessarily rooted in computer technology, similar to the additional elements in DDR
Holdings. These limitations, when taken as an ordered combination, provide
 
 
 
 
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
unconventional steps that confine the abstract idea to a particular useful application.
Therefore, theclaimrecitespatent eligiblesubjectmatter (Step 2B: YES).
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the claim recites the
abstract idea of comparing and organizing data for transmission. However, the claim is
eligible because it recites additional limitations that when considered as an ordered
combination demonstrates a technologically rooted solution to an Internet‐centric problem
and thus amounts to significantly more than comparing and organizing information for
22. Graphical User Interface For Meal Planning
The following claim was found ineligible by the Southern District of New York, and the
judgment was affirmed by the Federal Circuit in Dietgoal Innovations LLC v. Bravo Media LLC,
599 Fed. Appx. 956 (Fed. Cir. Apr. 8, 2015). The patent at issue was U.S. Patent 6,585,516. The
claim is directed to an abstract idea, and the additional elements do not amount to
significantly more than the abstract idea, but merely implement the idea using generic
computer technology. The exemplary analysis shows how an examiner would apply the 2014
IEG analysis to the claim when making a rejection.
The invention addresses a way to solve the issue of obesity, specifically by using visuals to
assist users to follow diet programs designed by health professionals for the purpose of
modifying diet behavior. In particular, the invention is a computer system that “includes[s]
a User Interface (UI), a Meal Database, a Food Database, Picture Menus and Meal Builder.”
The UI functions to receive commands from the user and display results to the user. The
Food and Meal Databases are databases of food information and preselected combinations
of foods that have been compiled into a single repository. The Picture Menus display
pictures of meals on the UI so the user can make a plan by mixing and matching foods to
meet customized eating goals. The Meal Builder permits the user to design meals and view
the impact of the food choices on customized eating goals in real time. In practice, the
invention permits a user to choose meals for a particular day, as well as modify one or
more of the meals to create new meals, while seeing the impact on their dietary plan. The
objectoftheinvention istoinfluenceaperson’s eatingbehavior.
2.Asystemofcomputerized mealplanning,comprising:
a Meal Builder, which displays on the User Interface meals from the Database and
wherein a user can change content of said meals and view the resulting meals’ impact on
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
The broadest reasonable interpretation of the claim encompasses a computer system (e.g.,
hardware such as a processor and memory) that implements a user interface, a database,
and a food data selection program. The system comprises a device or set of devices and,
therefore, isdirectedtoamachine,whichisastatutorycategoryofinvention(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. The
claim recites a system for selecting and modifying meals based upondietarygoals. In other
words, the claim describes a process of meal planning. Meal planning is the organization
and comparison of information to develop a guideline for eating. It is a mental process of
managing behavior that could be performed in the human mind, or by a human using a pen
and paper. Such a basic concept is similar to other mental processes found abstract by the
courts such as comparing new and stored information and using rules to identify options in
SmartGene,andobtainingandcomparing intangibledatain Cybersource.Therefore,claim2
isdirected to anabstractidea (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim is analyzed to determine if there are additional claim limitations that
individually, or as an ordered combination, ensure that the claim amounts to significantly
more than the abstract idea. The only additional limitations in the claim relate to
computerizationofmealplanning withaninterface,adatabase offood objects,anda“meal
builder,” which is a computer program that allows selection and comparison of food data.
The meal builder would require a processor and memory in order to perform basic
computer functions of accepting user input, retrieving information from a database,
manipulating that information and displaying the results. These components are not
explicitly recited and therefore must be construed at the highest level of generality. The
interface is also recited at a high level of generality with the only required function of
displaying, which is a well‐known routine function of interfaces. Further, the database
performs only its basic function of storing information, which is common to all databases.
Thus, the recited generic computer components perform no more than their basic
computer functions. These additional elements are well‐understood, routine and
conventional limitations that amount to mere instructions to implement the abstract idea
of meal planning on a computer. Taking these computer limitations as an ordered
combination adds nothing that is not already present when the elements are taken
individually. Therefore, the claim does not amount to significantly more than the recited
abstractidea (Step 2B: NO).Theclaimisnotpatenteligible.
A rejection of this claim should identify the abstract idea of selecting meals for a
customized eating goal, which is similar to concepts of obtaining and comparing data that
were found to be abstract by the courts. The rejection should also identify the additional
elements and explain the reasons why they amount to no more than merely implementing
theideaof mealplanningusing genericcomputercomponents.
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
23. Graphical User Interface For Relocating Obscured Textual Information
The following claims are hypothetical. Claim 1 demonstrates a claim that is not directed to an
abstract idea. Claims 2 and 3 are directed to an abstract idea and do not recite significantly
more. Claim 4 recites an abstract idea, but there are additional limitations in the claim that
amount to significantly more than the abstract idea.
The invention relates to a graphical user interface (GUI). A GUI manages the interaction
between a computer system and a user through graphical elements such as windows on a
display. Windows display various types of outputs for various computer processes and
may contain controls to accept user input for those processes. In some instances, multiple
windows are displayed at the same time; due to limited display space, however, the
windowsmayoverlapandobscure thecontentofunderlyingwindows.
In the instant application, the inventor has improved upon previous GUIs by dynamically
relocating obscured textual information of an underlying window to become automatically
viewable to the user. In particular, in a graphical user interface that comprises multiple
windows, the invention continuously monitors the boundaries of the windows to ascertain
an overlap condition indicating that the windows overlap such that the textual information
of an underlying window is obscured from a user’s view by the overlapping window. Only
when the textual information of the underlying window is detected to be obscured, the
invention re‐formats and moves the textual information in the underlying window to an
unobscured portion of the underlying window so that the textual information is viewable
by the user. When the overlap condition no longer exists, the textual information is
The inventor’s process is performed by modifying the vertical and horizontal margins of
the underlying window in accordance with the overlap and utilizing a word wrap function
to wrap the text around the obscured area based upon the new margins, and, where
necessary, reducing the text size to permit the entirety of the textual information to be
viewable in the unobscured portion. The textual information is scaled based upon a scaling
factor that is calculated using a mathematical algorithm. First, an area of the underlying
window and an area of the unobstructed portion of the underlying window are calculated.
Next,the scalingfactoriscalculatedwhich isproportional to the differencein areabetween
the underlying window and the unobstructed portion of the underlying window. Finally,
the font size of the textual information is changed in accordance with the scaling factor.
The new scaled textual information is then moved as described above to the unobstructed
portion of the underlying window. When the windows no longer overlap, the textual
information is returned to its original format and location by resetting the vertical and
horizontal margins of the window to their original values and no longer applying the
scaling factor to the font size. By permitting textual information to be dynamically
relocated based upon an overlap condition, the computer’s ability to display information
andinteract withtheuseris improved.
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
1. A computer‐implemented method for dynamically relocating textual information within
anunderlyingwindowdisplayed inagraphicaluserinterface, themethodcomprising:
displaying a first window containing textual information in a first format within a
graphicaluserinterface onacomputerscreen;
displaying a secondwindowwithinthegraphicaluserinterface;
constantlymonitoringthe boundaries of the first windowand the second window to
detect an overlap condition where the second window overlaps the first window such that
thetextualinformation inthe first windowis obscuredfroma user’sview;
automatically relocating the textual information, by a processor, to an unobscured
portion of the first window in a second format during an overlap condition so that the
textualinformation isviewableonthecomputerscreenby theuser; and
automatically returning the relocated textual information, by the processor, to the
firstformat within thefirstwindow whentheoverlapcondition nolongerexists.
2. A computerimplemented method of resizing textual information within a window
displayed inagraphicaluserinterface, themethodcomprising:
generating first datafordescribingtheareaofafirstgraphicalelement;
generating second data for describing the area of a second graphical element
containingtextualinformation; and
calculating a scaling factor for the textual information which is proportional to the
differencebetweenthe first dataandseconddata.
3. A computerimplemented method of resizing textual information within a window
displayed inagraphicaluserinterface, themethodcomprising:
generating first datafordescribingtheareaofafirstgraphicalelement;
generating second data for describing the area of a second graphical element
containingtextualinformation; and
calculating, by the computer, a scaling factor for the textual information which is
proportionaltothedifferencebetween thefirstdataand seconddata.
4. A computer‐implemented method for dynamically relocating textual information within
anunderlyingwindowdisplayed inagraphicaluserinterface, themethodcomprising:
displaying a first window containing textual information in a first format within a
graphicaluserinterface onacomputerscreen;
displaying a secondwindowwithinthegraphicaluserinterface;
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
constantlymonitoringthe boundaries of the first windowand the second window to
detect an overlap condition where the second window overlaps the first window such that
thetextualinformation inthe first windowis obscuredfroma user’sview;
determining the textual information would not be completely viewable if relocated
toanunobstructedportionof thefirstwindow;
calculating a first measure of the area of the first window and a second measure of
calculating a scaling factor which is proportional to the difference between the first
measureandthesecond measure;
scalingthe textualinformationbaseduponthescalingfactor;
automatically relocating the scaled textual information, by a processor, to the
unobscured portion of the first window in a second format during an overlap condition so
that the entire scaled textual information is viewable on the computer screen by the user;
automatically returning the relocated scaled textual information, by the processor,
tothefirstformatwithinthefirst windowwhentheoverlapconditionnolonger exists.
The claim recites a series of steps for relocating textual information in an underlying
window to an unobscured portion of the underlying window. Thus, the claim is directed to
aprocess, whichisoneofthestatutorycategoriesof invention(Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim must be analyzed to determine whether it is directed to a judicial exception.
Here, the claimed method relates to addressing a problem with overlapping windows
within a graphical user interface. In particular, the claim recites dynamically relocating
textual information within a window displayed in a graphical user interface based upon a
detected overlap condition. When the windows overlap, textual information is reformatted
and relocated to an unobscured portion of the underlying window; when the windows no
longer overlap, the textual information is returned to its original format and location. The
claim does not recite a basic concept that is similar to any abstract idea previously
identified by the courts. For example, the claim does not recite any mathematical concept
or a mental process such as comparing or categorizing information that can be performed
in the human mind, or by a human using a pen and paper. Accordingly, the claim does not
set forth or describe an abstract idea. Instead, the claimed method is necessarily rooted in
computer technology to overcome a problem specifically arising in graphical user
interfaces. Additionally, the claim does not recite any other judicial exception. Therefore,
theclaimis notdirectedtoajudicialexception (Step 2A: NO).Theclaimispatenteligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the claim is not directed
 
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
The claim is directed to a series of steps for calculating a scaling factor, and thus is a
processwhichisastatutorycategoryofinvention(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exceptions.
The claim recites the steps of calculating a first area and a second area and using the areas
to calculate a scaling factor. This concept is similar to the other types of basic concepts that
have been found by the courts to be abstract. In particular, the courts have found
mathematical algorithms to be abstract ideas (e.g., a mathematical procedure for
converting one form of numerical representation to another in Benson, or an algorithm for
calculating parameters indicating an abnormal condition in Grams). Therefore, the claim is
directedto anabstract idea (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim is analyzed to determine whether there are additional limitations recited in
the claim that amount to significantly more than the abstract idea, either individually or as
an ordered combination. The body of the claim does not recite any additional limitations
besides the mathematical algorithm for calculating a scaling factor. However, the preamble
of the claim does provide the additional limitations that the process is computer‐
implemented and textual information is contained in a window in a graphical user
interface. These limitations indicate the claimed process is used in a graphical user
interface environment. Where the preamble only states the purpose or the field of use of
an invention, the preamble does not limit the scope of the claim. Such a limitation does not
give life, meaning and vitality to the claim. (See MPEP 2111.02.) Therefore, the
limitations in the preamble do not limit the claim and there are no additional limitations
beyond the mathematical algorithm. Therefore, the claim does not amount to significantly
morethantheabstract idea itself (Step 2B: NO). Theclaimisnotpatenteligible.
A rejection of claim 2 should identify the exception by pointing to the generating and
scalingstepsandexplainthat the steps are a mathematical algorithmsimilarto thosefound
by the courts to be abstract. The rejection should also note that the preamble does not
limit the scope of the claim and, therefore, there are no additional limitations in the claim
besidesthe abstractidea.
The claim is directed to a series of steps for calculating a scaling factor, and thus is a
processwhichisastatutorycategoryofinvention(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exceptions.
The claim recites the steps of calculating a first area and a second area and using the areas
to calculate a scaling factor. As discussed above, these steps describe a mathematical
algorithm which has been found by the courts to be an abstract idea. Therefore, the claim
isdirected to anabstractidea (Step 2A: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exceptions.
The claim recites that the step of calculating a scaling factor is performed by “the
computer”(referencing thecomputerrecited inthepreamble). Such alimitationgives“life,
meaning and vitality to the preamble and, therefore, the preamble is construed to further
limit the claim. (See MPEP 2111.02.) Thus, the claim recites the additional limitations that
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
the mathematical algorithm is implemented by a computer in a graphical user interface
environment. However, the mere recitation of “computer‐implemented” is akin to adding
the words “apply it” in conjunction with the abstract idea. Such a limitation is not enough
to qualify as significantly more. With regards to the graphical user interface limitation, the
courts have found that simply limiting the use of the abstract idea to a particular
technological environment is not significantly more. (See, e.g., Flook.) Even though the
disclosed invention may improve computer technology, the claimed invention provides no
meaningful limitations such that this improvement is realized. Therefore, the claim does
not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea itself (Step 2B: NO). The claim is
notpatent eligible.
A rejection of claim 3 should identify the exception by pointing to the generating and
scalingstepsandexplainthat the steps are a mathematical algorithmsimilarto thosefound
by the courts to be abstract. The rejection should also note that the preamble is limiting on
the scope of the claim, but the additional limitations do not amount to significantly more
because they merely require the abstract idea to be performed by a computer and in a
Asdiscussedabove,theclaimrecitesaseriesofactsandthus isaprocess (Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim is evaluated to determine if the claim is directed toa judicial exception. The
claim recites similar steps to those recited in claim 2; notably calculating a first measure of
the area of a first window and a second measure of the area of the unobstructed portion of
the first window and calculating a scaling factor that is proportional to the difference
between the first and second measure. As explained with regards to claim 2, the courts
have previously found mathematical algorithms to be abstract ideas. Therefore, the claim
isdirected to anabstractidea (Step 2A: YES).
The claim must be analyzed to determine if the claim recites additional limitations that
amount to significantly more than the abstract idea. The claim recites the additional
limitations of a computer screen and processor. The recitation of the computer screen for
displaying and the processor for moving data is not enough by itself to transform the
exception into a patentable invention, because these limitations are generic computer
components performing generic computer functions at a high level of generality. Merely
using these generic computer components to perform the identified basic functions does
not constitute meaningful limitations that would amount to significantly more than the
However, when viewing these computer limitations as an ordered combination with the
remaining limitations, the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea. The
claim further recites the limitations of displaying a first and second window, detecting an
overlap condition indicating the windows overlap such that textual information in the first
window is obscured from view, determining the textual information is too large to fit in an
unobstructed portion of the first window, scaling the textual information based upon the
calculated scale factor, automatically relocating the scaled textual information to an
unobstructed portion of the first window so that it is viewable by the user, and
automatically returning the textual information to its original format when the overlap
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
condition no longer exists. These limitations are not merely attempting to limit the
mathematical algorithm to a particular technological environment. Instead, these claim
limitations recite a specific application of the mathematical algorithm that improves the
functioning of the basic display function of the computer itself. As discussed above, the
scaling and relocating the textual information in overlapping windows improves the ability
Takingall the claim elements bothindividually and asan ordered combination, the claimas
a whole amounts to significantly more than the mathematical algorithm of calculating a
scalingfactor (Step 2B: YES).Thus,theclaimrecitespatenteligiblesubjectmatter.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the claim recites a
mathematical algorithm which is an abstract idea. However, the claim is eligible because it
recites additional limitations that when considered as an ordered combination
demonstrate an improvement to the computer’s basic ability to display information and
24. Updating Alarm Limits
The following claim was held ineligible by the Supreme Court in Parker v. Flook, 437 U.S. 584
(1978) (Flook). The claim is directed to an abstract idea, and has additional elements that do
not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea. This exemplary analysis illustrates a
rejection of the claim using the 2014 IEG analysis.
Applicant has invented a method for updating alarm limits using mathematical formulae.
An alarm limit is a number. During catalytic conversion processes, operating conditions
suchastemperature, pressure, andflow rates are constantlymonitored.Whenanyofthese
“process variables” exceeds a predetermined alarm limit, an alarm may signal the presence
of an abnormal condition indicating either inefficiency or perhaps danger. At certain points
in the catalytic conversion processes, it may be necessary to update the alarm limits
Applicant’s patent application describes a method of updating alarm limits consisting of
three steps that are known in the art: an initial step which merely measures the present
value of the process variable (e.g., the temperature); an intermediate step which calculates
an updated alarm‐limit value; and a final step in which the actual alarm limit is adjusted to
the updated value. Applicant also describes mathematical formulae used to calculate the
updated alarmlimit value in the second step, which were discovered by applicant and are
(1.0‐F) + PVL(F), where B
F is a weighting factor greater than zero and less than 1.0, and PVL is the present
+K, where UAV is the updated alarm limit, and K is a predetermined alarm
offset that represents a margin of safety.
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
Using the formulae, an operator can calculate an updated alarm limit once he knows the
original alarm base, the appropriate margin of safety, the time interval that should elapse
between each updating, the current temperature (or other process variable), and the
appropriate weighting factor to be used to average the original alarm base and the current
temperature. The formulae for updating alarm limits are used in a catalytic conversion
processing system; however, applicant’s specification contains no disclosure relating to
that system, such as the chemical processes at work, the monitoring of process conditions,
the determination of variables in the formulae from process conditions, or the means of
setting off an alarm or adjusting an alarm system. Applicants specification makes it clear
thatthemethodisimplementedonacomputerforautomaticadjustmentof alarmsettings.
1. A method for updating the value of at least one alarm limit on at least one process
variable involved in a process comprising the catalytic chemical conversion of
hydrocarbons wherein said alarm limit has a current value of B
+K wherein B
is the
currentalarmbaseandKisapredeterminedalarmoffset which comprises:
(1) Determining the present value of said process variable, said present value being
defined as PVL;
(2)Determining anew alarmbase B
,usingthefollowing equation:
whereFisapredeterminednumbergreater thanzero andlessthan1.0;
(3)Determininganupdatedalarmlimitwhichisdefined asB
+K;and thereafter
(4)Adjustingsaid alarm limittosaidupdated alarmlimit value.
The claim is analyzed for eligibility in accordance with its broadest reasonable
interpretation,whichherecoversperformanceofthemethodby handorbyacomputer.
The claim recites a series of acts including determining the value of a process variable,
calculating a new alarm base and an updated alarm limit, and adjusting the alarm limit to
the updated alarm limit value. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the
statutorycategoriesof invention(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception.
The claim recites a formula for updating alarm limits that comprises the limitations of
calculatingthealarmbaseusingthe mathematicalformulaB
calculating the updated alarm limit (UAV) using the mathematical formula UAV=B
These limitations set forth a judicial exception, because mathematical relationships have
been characterized by the courts as abstract ideas (e.g., the mathematical formula in
   
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
Mackay Radio). It should be noted that in this case, the formula is novel, yet is an abstract
idea. Thus,theclaimis directedto anexception(Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the
exception. The claim recites additional elements/steps of determining the value of an
unspecified processvariableinvolvedincatalyticchemicalconversionofhydrocarbonsand
adjusting the alarm limit to the calculated updated alarm limit value. The preamble
specifies the field of use, which is catalytic conversion of hydrocarbons, but in this case
imposes no limits on the process of calculating an alarm limit value using the specified
Taken alone, none of the additional elements amounts to significantly more than the
exception. Determining the value of an unspecified process variable is mere data gathering
and the claimed adjusting the alarm limit to an updated limit is mere post‐solution activity
that could be attached to almost any formula. By failing to explain how the process variable
is selected, integrate the formula into any specified chemical processes at work in the
catalytic conversion, or specify the means of setting off an alarm or adjusting the alarm
limit, the claim fails to improve the recited technological field. The steps merely calculate a
result using a novel equation and do not add any meaningful limits on use of the equation.
Taken alone or as an ordered combination, these additional elements do not amount to a
claim as a whole that is significantly more than the exception. (Step 2B: NO). The claim is
For purposes of discussion, it is noted that if the broadest reasonable interpretation of this
claim were limited to a computer implementation, adding a generic computer to perform
generic functions that are well‐understood, routine and conventional, such as gathering
data, performing calculations, and outputting a result would not transform the claim into
eligible subject matter. Generic computer‐implementation of the method is not a
meaningful limitation that alone can amount to significantly more than the exception.
Moreover, when viewed as a whole with such additional elements considered as an
ordered combination, the claim modified by adding a generic computer would be nothing
more than a purely conventional computerized implementation of applicant’s formula in
the general field of industrial chemical processing and would not provide significantly
morethanthejudicialexception itself.
A rejection of claim 1 should identify the exception by pointing to the formula in the claim
and explain that the formula is a mathematical relationship similar to those found by the
courts to be abstract. The rejection should also identify the additional elements in the
claim and explain why they do not amount to significantly more, in this case, because they
merelyadd datagathering andafieldofuse.
25. Rubber Manufacturing
The following illustrates an exemplary analysis using the 2014 IEG for actual and
hypothetical claims modeled after the technology in Diamond v. Diehr, 450 U.S. 175 (1981)
(Diehr). As the claims in this example are eligible, no written analysis would be provided in an
Office action. The application at issue was granted as U.S. Patent No. 4,344,142. Actual claim
 
 
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
1 recites a method that is directed to a mathematical relationship and steps that could be
performed mentally and has additional elements/steps that amount to significantly more
than the abstract ideas because as a whole they transform a particular article to a different
state or thing and use the abstract ideas to improve another technology/technical field, either
of which can show eligibility. Claim 2 is a hypothetical claim in the form of computerized
instructions. Claim 2, which also is directed to the mathematical relationship and steps that
could be performed mentally, is eligible due to the additional elements/steps that use the
abstract ideas to improve another technology/technical field.
Applicant has invented a process of controlling a rubber molding press with a computer to
precisely shape uncured material under heat and pressure and then cure the synthetic
rubber in the mold to obtain a product that retains its shape. Raw (uncured) synthetic
rubber comprises independent polymeric chains, e.g., a mixture of isobutylene and
isoprene polymers. Curing cross‐links the polymeric chains together, thereby changing the
rubber from its raw state into a more durable form that will retain a molded shape. Proper
curing depends upon several factors including the thickness of the article to be molded, the
temperature of the molding process, and the amount of time that the article is allowed to
remainin thepress.
At the time of applicants invention, the usual way of operating rubber‐molding presses is
for the operator to load and close the press manually. Closure of the press operates a timer
that is preset for an estimated cure time. Due to the manual operation, the actual mold
temperature may vary, and result in overcured or undercured rubber because the preset
timeis not equivalent totheactualtimerequiredforpropercuring.
In the instant application, applicant’s process improves upon conventional molding
processes by constantly measuring the actual temperature inside the mold using a
thermocouple, and automatically feeding these temperature measurements into a standard
digital computer that repeatedly recalculates the cure time by use of the Arrhenius
equation. The Arrhenius equation has long been used to calculate the cure time in rubber
molding processes, and can be expressed as ln v = CZ+x, where ln is natural logarithm
conversiondata,visthetotal requiredcuretime,Cisthe activationenergyconstantunique
to each batch of said compound being molded, Z is the temperature of the mold, and x is a
constant dependent upon the geometry of the particular mold of the press. When the
recalculated time equals the actual time that has elapsed since the press was closed, the
cures, which results in substantially reducing the number of defectively cured batches that
must be discarded. The improved process also substantially reduces the amount of time in
whichthepresses areclosedunnecessarily,therebyresultinginmoreefficient employment
1. A method of operating a rubber‐molding press for precision molded compounds with
theaidof a digitalcomputer,comprising:
providing said computer with a data base for said press including at least, natural
logarithm conversion data (ln), the activation energy constant (C) unique to each batch of
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
said compound being molded, and a constant (x) dependent upon the geometry of the
particular moldofthepress,
initiating an interval timer in said computer upon the closure of the press for
monitoring theelapsed timeofsaid closure,
constantly determining the temperature (Z) of the mold at a location closely
adjacenttothemoldcavity inthepressduring molding,
constantlyprovidingthecomputerwiththetemperature (Z),
repetitively calculating in the computer, at frequent intervals during each cure, the
Arrhenius equation for reaction time during the cure, which is ln v = CZ+x, where v is the
repetitively comparing in the computer at said frequent intervals during the cure
each said calculation of the total required cure time calculated with the Arrhenius equation
opening thepressautomaticallywhenasaidcomparisonindicatesequivalence.
2. A nontransitory computer readable medium with computer executable instructions
stored thereon executed by a processor to perform the method of controlling a rubber
molding press having a mold with a cavity for precision molded compounds, the method
accessing a data base in the computer including at least, natural logarithm
conversion data (ln), the activation energy constant (C) unique to each batch of said
compoundbeingmolded,andaconstant(x) dependentuponthegeometryoftheparticular
initiating an interval timer in the computer upon the closure of the press for
monitoring theelapsed timeofthe closure,
constantly receiving data relating to the temperature (Z) of the mold at a location
closelyadjacenttothe moldcavity inthepress duringmolding,
repetitively calculating in the computer, at frequent intervals during each cure, the
Arrhenius equation for reaction time during the cure, which is ln v = CZ + x where v is the
repetitively comparing in the computer at the frequent intervals during the cure
each calculation of the total required cure time calculated with the Arrhenius equation and
theelapsed time,and
initiating a signal that controls the press to open when the comparison indicates
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
The claim recites a series of acts including determining the temperature of the mold and
providing that temperature to the computer. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which
isoneof thestatutory categories ofinvention(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception.
The claim recites a limitation of repetitively calculating the Arrhenius equation (the
mathematical formula: ln v = CZ+x) for reaction time during the cure. This limitation sets
forth a judicial exception, because calculating the reaction time using the Arrhenius
equation is a mathematical relationship that the courts have held is representative of a law
of nature (e.g., the mathematical formula in Flook). Mathematical relationships such as this
have also been characterized by the courts as abstract ideas. Additionally, the claim
limitations of performing repetitive calculations and comparisons between the calculated
time and the elapsed time could be performed by a human using mental steps or basic
critical thinking, which are types of activities that have also been found by the courts to
represent abstract ideas (e.g., the mental comparison in Ambry Genetics). Thus, the claim is
directedtoatleastoneexception(Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or
combination of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly
more than the exceptions (the mathematical relationship and the critical thinking steps of
calculating and comparing). Since there are multiple abstract ideas recited in the claim, the
Step 2B analysis needs to be conducted for each abstract idea individually, until the
analysisshowsineligibilityfor one oreligibilityforall.
The Step 2B analysis is first conducted for the mathematical relationship. Besides the
mathematical relationship, the claim recites additional elements of providing a digital
computerwithadata baseofvalues,initiatinganintervaltimer,constantlydeterminingthe
temperature of the mold, constantly providing the computer with the temperature, using
the computer to perform the calculations and comparisons, and opening the press
automatically when the comparison indicates equivalence. Some of the additional
elements/steps, such as accessing a database and using a computer to perform calculations
and comparisons, are routine computer activities or generic functions performed by a
computer that taken alone do not add significantly more to the process instructions in the
claim. By themselves, these limitations are recited at a high level of generality and perform
the basic functions of a computer that are well‐understood, routine and conventional (e.g.,
accessing a data base to receive and store data, and performing mathematical operations
on a computer). Likewise, initiating a timer and determining a temperature, taken alone,
are mere data gathering steps to obtain data necessary to calculate the time using the
However, when viewing the claim as a whole, the combination of all these steps taken
together, including the constant determination of the temperature of the mold, the
repetitive calculations and comparisons, and the opening of the press based on the
calculations, amount to significantly more than simply calculating the mold time using the
Arrhenius equation because they add meaningful limits on use of the equation. The claim
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
does not merely recite the equation in isolation, but integrates these ideas into the molding
process. The additional steps specifically relate to the particular variables used, how the
variables are gathered, the process by which the rubber is molded and cured, and how the
result of the cure time calculation is used. The totality of the steps act in concert to
improve another technical field, specifically the field of precision rubber molding, by
controlling theoperationofthe mold.Inaddition,theclaimedsteps takenasacombination
effect a transformation of the raw, uncured synthetic rubber into a different state or thing,
themathematicalrelationship(i.e.,theabstractideaof the Arrhenius equation).
Because the claim is eligible with respect to the first abstract idea, it is expected that the
additional limitations will amount to significantly more than the second abstract idea (the
critical thinking steps of calculating and comparing). This is true in this example. The
additional limitations discussed above are significantly more than the critical thinking
skills of calculating and comparing results. As previously stated, evaluating the additional
limitations both individually and as an ordered combination demonstrates that the claim
improves the technical field of precision rubber molding and transforms the raw, uncured
synthetic rubber into a different state or thing. Taking all the claim elements both
individually and as an ordered combination, the claim as a whole amounts to significantly
more than the abstract ideas (Step 2B: YES). The claim recites patent eligible subject
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the claim recites
exceptions including the Arrhenius equation, which is a law of nature or abstract idea.
However,theclaimiseligiblebecauseit recitesadditionallimitationsthatwhenconsidered
as an ordered combination provide meaningful limits on the use of the equation and
The claim recites a non‐transitory computer‐readable medium with stored instructions
that are used to control a rubber molding press. The claim is directed to a manufacture (an
article produced from materials), which is a statutory category of invention (Step 1: YES).
Note that the term “non‐transitory” ensures the claim does not encompass signals and
othernon‐statutory transitory formsofsignal transmission.
The claim recites the same steps of performing repetitive calculations of the reaction time
using the Arrhenius equation and comparing the results as claim 1, albeit in the form of
computer executable instructions. Therefore, the claim is directed to the same abstract
ideas identified inclaim1(Step 2A: YES).
Conducting the Step 2B analysis for the first abstract idea (the Arrhenius equation), the
claim recites additional elements including computer instructions to access a database,
initiate an interval timer, constantly receive data, and initiate a signal to control the press.
Thestepsalsoincludecomputer instructionstoimplementtheequation.Whilesomeofthe
elements taken alone are well‐understood, routine and conventional use of a computer, or
mere data gathering, the combination of the additional elements when the claim is viewed
as a whole amounts to significantly more than simply calculating the mold time using the
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
Arrhenius equation. The totality of the steps governed by the claimed instructions provides
software that improves another technical field, specifically the field of precision rubber
molding, through controlling the operation of the mold by initiating a signal to control the
press to open when the comparisonindicatesequivalenceandthe moldedproductiscured.
This software enhances the ability of a specific rubber molding device to open the press at
the optimal time for curing the rubber therein. This process does not merely link the
Arrhenius equation to a technical field, but adds meaningful limitations on the use of the
mathematical relationship by specifying the types of variables used (temperature and
time), how they are selected (their relationship to the reaction time), how the process uses
the variables in rubber molding, and how the result is employed to improve the operation
of the press. For at least these reasons, the elements/steps recited in addition to the
mathematical formula, particularly taken in combination, show that claim 2 is not directed
to instructions to use the formula in isolation, but rather integrate the concept into an
eligiblecontrolschemetoimproveanother technologicalprocess.
Similarly, the claim recites additional limitations that when viewed as an ordered
combination amount to significantly more than the second abstract idea (the critical
thinking steps of calculating and comparing the timing data). As already discussed, these
additional limitations demonstrate an improvement in the field of precision rubber
molding technology and amount to more than simple instructions to perform the
calculating/comparing steps in isolation. Thus, the claim amounts to significantly more
thanthejudicialexceptions(Step 2B: YES).Theclaimrecitespatent eligiblesubjectmatter.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the claim recites
exceptions including the Arrhenius equation, which is a law of nature or abstract idea.
However,theclaimiseligiblebecauseit recitesadditionallimitationsthatwhenconsidered
as an ordered combination provide meaningful limits on the use of the equation and
26. Internal Combustion Engine
This hypothetical example demonstrates the use of the st reamlined analysis. The claim below
is based on the technology from U.S. Pat. 5,533,489. As a streamlined analysis would not result
in a written rejection, the discussion sets forth exemplary reasoning an examiner might use in
drawing a conclusion of eligibility.
Nitrogen oxides are constituents of exhaust gas that are produced during the operation of
an internal combustion engine. It is generally understood that nitrogen oxides are harmful
to our atmosphere and cause air pollution. The amount of nitrogen oxides produced in the
exhaust gas is relative to the temperature that the fuel and air mixture burns in the engine.
Therefore, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) has been developed to recirculate the exhaust
gas back to the air intake, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the combustion mixture
and causes it to burn at a lower temperature, thereby reducing the amount of nitrogen
oxides produced. However, as the amount of EGR increases there may be a resulting
decline inengineperformance(e.g.,adecreaseinpoweroutput).
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
The invention is an internal combustion engine that solves this problem by automatically
modifying the amount of EGR based upon current engine operations. In particular, the
inventor has discovered that engine performance can be optimized by turning off the EGR
during acceleration, which permits the engine to operate at maximum power output while
retaining the reduction in nitrogen oxides. Therefore, the invention uses a control system
to control the opening and closing of an exhaust gas recirculation valve based upon a rate
ofchangeof theenginethrottle, inordertomodifytheamount ofEGR.
1.Aninternalcombustionengine providingexhaustgasrecirculationcomprising:
anexhaust manifold;
a combustion chamber to receive air from the air intake manifold, combust a
combination of the received air and fuel to turn a drive shaft, and output resulting exhaust
gastothe exhaustmanifold;
athrottlepositionsensortodetect theposition ofan engine throttle;
an exhaust gas recirculation valve to regulate the flow of exhaust gas from the
exhaustmanifoldtotheair intake manifold;and
a control system, comprising a processor andmemory, to receive the engine throttle
position from the throttle position sensor, calculate a position of the exhaust gas
recirculationvalvebasedupon the rateof changeof the engine throttleposition andchange
theposition oftheexhaustgasrecirculationvalvetothecalculatedposition.
The claim recites an internal combustion engine with an intake manifold, exhaust manifold,
combustion chamber, throttle position sensor, exhaust gas recirculation valve and a control
system comprising a processor and memory. Thus, the claim is directed to a machine (a
combination of mechanical parts), which is one of the statutory categories of invention
(Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim must be evaluated to determine if the claim is directed to a law of nature,
natural phenomenon or abstract idea. But when the claim is reviewed, it is immediately
evident that although the claim operates by calculating the rate of change, which is a
mathematical relationship describing how a variable changes over a specific period of time,
the claim clearly does not seek to tie up this mathematical relationship so that others
cannot practice it. In particular, the claim’s description of an internal combustion engine
having manifolds, valves, and sensors forming a specific structure that uses the control
system to optimize exhaust gas recirculation makes it clear that the claim as a whole would
clearly amount to significantly more than any recited exception. The claim as a whole adds
meaningful limitations to the use of the mathematical relationship. Additionally, use of the
mathematical relationship improves engine technology. Thus, eligibility of the claim is self‐
 
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
evident, and there is no need to perform the full eligibility analysis (e.g., Steps 2A and 2B).
Theclaimis patenteligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that while the claim may
recite a mathematical relationship, the claim clearly amounts to significantly more than the
rate of change by providing meaningful limitations to the mathematical relationship and
improving engine technology.
27. System Software ‐BIOS
This example demonstrates the use of the streamlined analysis. The claim below is taken from
U.S. Pat. 5,230,052 and was suggested as an example by comments received in response to the
June 2014 Preliminary Examination Instructions. As a streamlined analysis would not result
in a written rejection, the discussion sets forth exemplary reasoning an examiner might use in
drawing a conclusion of eligibility.
BIOS is an acronym that stands for Basic Input/Output System. When a computer is
powered on, BIOS code runs to initialize and test the hardware components. BIOS also acts
as an insulation layer between the hardware and software of a computer, by providing an
interfacebetweentheapplicationprogram/operatingsystemand thehardware devices.At
the time of the invention, conventional computers stored BIOS code in non‐volatile read
only memory (ROM) on the computers motherboard. However, as computers have grown
more sophisticated, two disadvantages have arisen. First, the size of the BIOS code has
increased such that it exceeds the memory space in ROM. Second, storing BIOS code in
ROM also makes it difficult to modify or rewrite the code as new input/output devices are
In order to overcome these disadvantages, the inventors utilize a local area network (LAN)
to store the BIOS code remotely from the computer. Upon startup, a computer connected
to the LAN loads code to initialize and test only those system components and functions
necessary to load the BIOS from a remote computer. Subsequently, the computer requests
a remote memory location, which is also connected to the LAN, for the BIOS code. In
response to the request, the remote system builds the appropriate BIOS for that computer
including a master boot record and transmits the BIOS to the local computer system. The
local computersystem stores the receivedBIOS codein random access memory (RAM), and
15. A method for loading BIOS into a local computer system which has a system processor
andvolatilememoryandnon‐volatilememory,themethodcomprising thestepsof:
(a) responding to powering up of the local computer system by requesting from a
memory location remote from the local computer system the transfer to and storage in the
July 2015 Update Appendix 1: Examples
volatile memory of the local computer system of BIOS configured for effective use of the
(b)transferring andstoringsuchBIOS,and
The claim recites a series of steps for loading BIOS on a local computer system from a
remote storage location. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the
statutorycategoriesof invention(Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim must be evaluated to determine if the claim is directed to a law of nature,
natural phenomenon or abstract idea. But when the claim is reviewed, it is immediately
evident that even if the claim did recite a judicial exception, the claim is not attempting to
tie up any such exception so that others cannot practice it. In particular, the claims
description of initializing a local computer system using BIOS code stored at a remote
memory location, by triggering the processor to transfer BIOS code between two memory
locations upon a powering up of the computer and transferring control of the processor
operations to that BIOS code, makes it clear that the claim as a whole would clearly amount
to significantly more than any potential recited exception. Thus, eligibility of the claim is
self‐evident in the streamlined analysis, without needing to perform the full eligibility
analysis(e.g.,Steps2A and2B).Theclaimispatenteligible.
It is important to point out as well that there is no apparent exception recited in the claim,
which alone would be sufficient for eligibility. While computers operate on mathematical
theory, that underlying operation should not trigger an eligibility analysis – computers and
computer operations are not automatically subjected to an eligibility analysis. The cases in
which courts find mathematical relationships to represent abstract ideas (thus raising
eligibility issues) are those in which the mathematical relationship is recited in the claim as
part of the invention, such as a method of performing a mathematical calculation to obtain
a result. Courts have found computers and computer implemented processes to be
ineligible when generic computer functions are merely used to implement an abstract idea,
suchasanideathatcould bedonebyhumananalog(i.e.,byhandorbymerelythinking).
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
1 May 2016
The following examples should be used in conjunction with the 2014 Interim Guidance on Subject
Matter Eligibility (2014 IEG). As the examples are intended to be illustrative only, they should be
interpreted based on the fact patterns set forth below. Other fact patterns may have different
eligibility outcomes. While some of the fact patterns draw from U.S. Supreme Court or U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Federal Circuit decisions, each of the examples shows how claims should be analyzed
under the 2014 IEG. All of the claims are analyzed for eligibility in accordance with their broadest
reasonable interpretation.
Note that the examples herein are numbered consecutively beginning with number 28, because 27
examples were previously issued. A comprehensive index of all examples for use with the 2014 IEG
is provided in the attached appendix (which is an updated version of Appendix 2 to the July 2015
28. Vaccines
This example illustrates the application of the markedly different characteristics and significantly more
analyses to claims reciting hypothetical nature-based products. It also illustrates the importance of
applying the broadest reasonable interpretation in the eligibility analysis, and how that interpretation
assists in the identification of appropriate naturally occurring counterparts of claimed nature-based
products. Hypothetical claims 1, 2 and 4-6 are eligible in Step 2A, because the claimed nature-based
products have markedly different characteristics from what exists in nature. Hypothetical claim 3 is
ineligible, because the claimed nature-based product lacks markedly different characteristics from what
exists in nature, and the claim fails to amount to significantly more than the exceptions. Hypothetical
claim 7 is eligible in Step 2B, because although the claim is directed to an exception, it recites a
particular and unconventional device that amounts to significantly more than the exception.
Applicant discloses an influenza A viral strain, which was named the “Pigeon flu” because it was
discovered in pigeons. Applicant filed an application disclosing several types of Pigeon flu vaccines,
and evaluating their functional characteristics (such as immunogenicity) in terms of their
seroprotection rate, i.e., the percentage of vaccinated patients who developed immunity to the Pigeon
flu. The disclosed vaccines include:
Vaccines comprising “live attenuated Pigeon flu virus”, which the specification defines as a
live mutant virus that has been attenuated so that it has at least one mutation (i.e., a change
in the nucleotide sequence) of its polymerase gene, which reduces its virulence as compared
to naturally occurring Pigeon flu virus. No mutations of this polymerase gene are known to
occur in nature. Applicant created this mutant attenuated virus by isolating Pigeon flu virus
from infected pigeons, and passaging the isolated virus through a cell culture at least 50 times
until the desired mutation occurred. The live attenuated Pigeon flu virus is safe (unable to
cause disease in pigeons or other test animals) and strongly immunogenic, e.g., it has a high
seroprotection rate of about 85%.
Vaccines comprising “inactivated Pigeon flu virus”, which the specification defines as a dead
virus that is formalin-inactivated, i.e., the naturally occurring Pigeon flu virus was contacted
with a chemical solution called formalin that causes structural changes to the virus (e.g., it
chemically modifies the viral nucleic acids in a manner that does not occur in nature) so that
it can no longer reproduce. Because the inactivated virus can no longer replicate, it is unable
to cause disease in pigeons or other test animals, but it is still strongly immunogenic, e.g., it
has a high seroprotection rate of about 75%.
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
2 May 2016
Vaccines comprising Peptide F (a naturally occurring peptide isolated from the Pigeon flu
virus) either alone or mixed with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier such as water. Prior
to applicant’s invention, and at the time of filing the application, water was routinely and
conventionally used as a carrier for peptide vaccines. Isolation does not change any structural
or functional characteristics of Peptide F. Applicant discloses vaccines where the suitable
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier is selected from a group consisting of a cream, emulsion,
gel, liposome, nanoparticle, or ointment. Applicant discloses that although the carriers in this
group comprise naturally occurring components (such as water and oil), when the
components are assembled into the carrier form, the carrier has changed structural and
physical characteristics that distinguish it from the closest counterpart in nature. E.g., a
pharmaceutically acceptable cream comprising water and vegetable oil has a form (a semi-
solid homogeneous emulsion) that is structurally and physically distinct from the water and
oil in nature. These vaccines are weakly immunogenic, e.g., they have a low seroprotection
rate of about 30%, meaning that many people who are vaccinated with these vaccines will
not develop immunity to the Pigeon flu.
Vaccines comprising Peptide F mixed with aluminum salt adjuvants (a well-known class of
adjuvants) such as aluminum phosphate (AlPO
). While many of these adjuvants including
aluminum phosphate are naturally occurring, none of them occur together with Peptide F in
nature. Adjuvants are commonly added to vaccines in order to improve their functional
characteristics, e.g., by increasing the strength of the immune response that the vaccines
produce (immunogenicity). The amount of adjuvant sufficient to increase a vaccine’s
immunogenicity to a level high enough to effectively vaccinate a typical patient is called the
“immuno-effective amount”, and those skilled in the art understand that this amount may
vary depending on the particular adjuvant and formulation selected. Adjuvants can increase
immunogenicity in several ways, such as by slowing the release of Peptide F to tissue around
the injection site, and/or by improving the delivery of Peptide F to the patient’s lymph nodes.
On their own or combined with water or other common carriers, Peptide F induces only a
weak protective immune response to Pigeon flu virus (seroprotection rate of 30%), and the
adjuvants do not induce any protective immune response to Pigeon flu virus (seroprotection
rate of 0%). When immuno-effective amounts of the disclosed adjuvants are combined with
Peptide F, however, the combined vaccine induces a strong immune response to Pigeon flu
virus (seroprotection rate of 80%).
Applicant also discloses vaccine delivery devices comprising coated microneedle arrays for delivery
of a vaccine comprising Peptide F. Prior to applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was
filed, it was routine and conventional in the field to use syringes, but not coated microneedle arrays,
for vaccine delivery. A pre-filled syringe is a tube that has been loaded with a vaccine dose prior to
distribution of the vaccine to health professionals. The syringe can be fitted with a hollow needle
about 5/8” to 1.5” long to administer the vaccine subcutaneously or intramuscularly. A coated
microneedle array comprises a plurality of very small solid needles (e.g., less than 0.05” long) that
are coated with a vaccine formulation, which is placed against a patient’s skin to administer the
vaccine into the skin (transcutaneously). Because the microneedles are very small, administration of
a vaccine with a microneedle array is virtually painless.
1. A vaccine comprising live attenuated Pigeon flu virus.
2. A vaccine comprising inactivated Pigeon flu virus.
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
3 May 2016
3. A vaccine comprising:
Peptide F; and
a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
4. A vaccine comprising:
Peptide F; and
a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier selected from the group consisting of a cream,
emulsion, gel, liposome, nanoparticle, or ointment.
5. A vaccine comprising:
Peptide F; and
an immuno-effective amount of an aluminum salt adjuvant.
6. A vaccine comprising:
Peptide F;
an immuno-effective amount of an aluminum salt adjuvant; and
a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
7. A vaccine delivery device comprising a microneedle array that is coated with a vaccine
comprising Peptide F.
Claim 1: Eligible.
The claim recites a vaccine comprising live attenuated Pigeon flu virus. Based on the plain meaning
of “vaccine”, and the specification’s definition of “live attenuated Pigeon flu virus”, the broadest
reasonable interpretation of the claim is live mutant Pigeon flu virus that has been attenuated so that
it has at least one mutation (i.e., a change in its nucleotide sequence) that reduces its virulence as
compared to naturally occurring Pigeon flu virus, in an amount sufficient to produce an immunogenic
response in a typical patient. Because viruses are composed of matter, the claim is directed to a
statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The recited
live attenuated virus is a nature-based product that must be compared to its naturally occurring
counterpart to determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the counterpart. Here, the
closest natural counterpart is the naturally occurring Pigeon flu virus from which the live attenuated
virus was mutated. When the live attenuated virus is compared to this counterpart, the comparison
indicates that the live attenuated virus has a different structural characteristic (the nucleotide
sequence of its polymerase gene was changed due to the mutation), which has resulted in the live
attenuated virus having a different functional characteristic (reduced virulence). No mutations of this
gene are known to occur in nature. Thus, under the holding in Myriad, this structural difference is a
markedly different characteristic, because it causes the claimed virus to have a nucleotide sequence
that is different from anything found in nature. Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad
Genetics, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 2107, 2119 (2013). While in other fact patterns, a functional change may be
enough by itself to confer eligibility, for this claim the functional change is a result of the structural
change and thus is inseparable from it. Because the live attenuated virus has markedly different
characteristics from what exists in nature, it is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is
not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not performed.
Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for this claim.
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
4 May 2016
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
Claim 2: Eligible.
The claim recites a vaccine comprising inactivated Pigeon flu virus. Based on the plain meaning of
“vaccine”, and the specification’s definition of “inactivated Pigeon flu virus”, the broadest reasonable
interpretation of the claim is dead Pigeon flu virus that has been structurally altered by contacting it
with formalin so that its nucleic acids are chemically modified in a manner that does not occur in
nature and it can no longer reproduce, in an amount sufficient to produce an immunogenic response
in a typical patient. Because viruses are composed of matter, the claim is directed to a statutory
category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The recited
inactivated virus is a nature-based product that must be compared to its naturally occurring
counterpart to determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the counterpart. Here, the
closest natural counterpart is the naturally occurring Pigeon flu virus. When the inactivated virus is
compared to this counterpart, the comparison indicates that the inactivated virus has a different
structural characteristic (its exposure to formalin has chemically modified its nucleic acids in a
manner that does not occur in nature), which has resulted in the inactivated virus having different
functional characteristics (inability to replicate or cause disease). Like the Chakrabarty bacterium,
which had markedly different characteristics “due to the additional plasmids and resultant ‘capacity
for degrading oil,’” Myriad, 133 S. Ct. at 2117, the inactivated virus has markedly different
characteristics, due to the non-natural chemical modification of its nucleic acids and the resultant
change in the virus’s ability to replicate or cause disease. While in other fact patterns, a functional
change may be enough by itself to confer eligibility, for this claim the functional change is a result of
the structural change and thus is inseparable from it. Because the inactivated virus has markedly
different characteristics from what exists in nature, it is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus,
the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not performed.
Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
Claim 3: Ineligible.
The claim recites a vaccine comprising Peptide F and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Based
on the plain meaning of “vaccine” and “pharmaceutically acceptable carrier”, the broadest reasonable
interpretation (BRI) of the claim is a sufficient amount of Peptide F to produce an immunogenic
response in a typical patient, which is mixed with a pharmaceutically sufficient amount of a carrier
such as water. Thus, one embodiment within the BRI is a mixture of Peptide F and water. Because the
peptide and carrier are composed of matter, the claim is directed to a statutory category, e.g., a
composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The recited
mixture of Peptide F and water is a nature-based product that must be compared to its closest
naturally occurring counterpart to determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the
counterpart. Because Peptide F and water do not occur together in nature, there is no naturally
occurring counterpart mixture for comparison, and so the claimed mixture is compared to its
naturally occurring components, i.e., Peptide F, and water. Peptide F is naturally occurring, and water
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
5 May 2016
is naturally occurring, so neither would be eligible as claimed on their own. While the mixture of
these two naturally occurring components is novel and does not occur in nature, there is no
indication that mixing these components changes the structure, function, or other properties of the
peptide or water. For example, the claim encompasses a mixture where the peptide is
heterogeneously dispersed in the water, but such heterogeneous mixing does not change the
structure, function, or other properties of the peptide or the water in any marked way. Instead, the
peptide retains its naturally occurring structure and function, and is merely dispersed in the water,
which also retains its naturally occurring structure and function. Thus, for at least one embodiment
within the broadest reasonable interpretation, the claimed mixture as a whole does not display
markedly different characteristics compared to the naturally occurring counterparts. Accordingly,
each component (the peptide and the carrier) is a “product of nature” exception, and the claim is
directed to at least one exception (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exceptions.
Because the component elements (the peptide and carrier “product of nature” exceptions) do not
occur together in nature and are not markedly changed by their combination into a mixture, each is
considered as an additional element to the other. This consideration provides an opportunity to
explore whether this combination of products of natureamounts to significantly more than the
products themselves. As discussed above, mixing the peptide with a carrier such as water does not
markedly change the characteristics of either component, because each component continues to have
the same properties in the mixture as it had alone. In addition, using a carrier in a peptide vaccine
was well-understood, routine & conventional prior to applicant’s invention and at the time of filing
the application, so the mixing of the peptide and carrier, when recited at this high level of generality,
does not meaningfully limit the claim. Thus, the claim as a whole does not amount to significantly
more than each “product of nature” by itself (Step 2B: NO). The claim does not qualify as eligible
subject matter.
A rejection of claim 3 should identify the exceptions by pointing to the nature-based products in the
claim (the peptide and carrier) and explaining why they lack markedly different characteristics from
their naturally occurring counterparts, e.g., because there are no changes in structure, function, or
other characteristics. The rejection should also explain that combining the peptide and carrier does
not amount to significantly more than the exceptions, because their combination is well-understood,
routine and conventional in the field.
If the examiner believes that it would be helpful to cite an analogous court decision, the rejection
could include an explanation of how the claimed mixture is like the novel bacterial mixture of Funk
Brothers, which was held ineligible because each species of bacteria in the mixture (like each
component in the peptide-carrier mixture) continued to have “the same effect it always had”, i.e., it
lacked markedly different characteristics. Funk Brothers Seed Co. v. Kalo Inoculant Co., 333 U.S. 127,
131 (1948), discussed in Myriad Genetics, 133 S. Ct. at 2117 (explaining that the bacterial mixture of
Funk Brothers “was not patent eligible because the patent holder did not alter the bacteria in any
Claim 4: Eligible.
The claim recites a vaccine comprising Peptide F in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier selected
from the group consisting of a cream, emulsion, gel, liposome, nanoparticle, or ointment. Based on
the plain meaning of “vaccine” and “pharmaceutically acceptable carrier”, the broadest reasonable
interpretation (BRI) of the claim is a sufficient amount of Peptide F to produce an immunogenic
response in a typical patient, which is mixed with a sufficient amount of other substances to produce
a carrier form suitable for administration to a patient. The BRI thus encompasses, for example, a
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
6 May 2016
vaccine comprising Peptide F in a carrier that is a cream. Because the plain meaning of a “cream” in
the pharmaceutical arts is a semi-solid homogeneous emulsion comprising water and oil, the
recitation of a cream necessarily requires (i) the presence of water and an oil (such as naturally
occurring cottonseed oil) in addition to Peptide F, and (ii) that the water and oil be structurally
arranged into a homogenous emulsion to produce a semi-solid form. Thus, one embodiment within
the BRI is an emulsion comprising Peptide F mixed with small uniform droplets of cottonseed oil that
are homogenously dispersed in water. Because the peptide and the carrier are composed of matter,
the claim is directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claimed
cream containing Peptide F, cottonseed oil, and water is a nature-based product that must be
compared to its closest naturally occurring counterpart to determine if it has markedly different
characteristics than the counterpart. Here, all three substances (the peptide, cottonseed oil, and
water) do not occur together in nature, so there is no naturally occurring counterpart mixture for
comparison. The mixture is therefore compared to its naturally occurring components, i.e., Peptide
F, cottonseed oil, and water. The claimed cream has different structural and physical characteristics
than its naturally occurring components, for example the oil droplets are small, uniform in size, and
homogenously dispersed in the water, which causes the resultant cream to have a semi-solid and
non-flowable form at room temperature as compared to the oil and water, which are both flowable
liquids at room temperature in nature. Because the oil and water are emulsified, the cream will also
adhere to a patient’s skin or mucous membranes much longer than oil or water in their natural non-
emulsified form, thus permitting a sufficient amount of peptide to transfer from the cream into the
patient’s tissues where it will then stimulate an immune response. In contrast, the oil or water, if used
in their natural state, would simply slide off the patient’s skin after a short time. The cream’s changed
form and adherence are marked differences in structural and physical characteristics as compared
to the natural counterparts, and therefore the cream is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the
claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not performed.
Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
Practice Note: The BRI of claim 4 also encompasses cream embodiments in which the oil is a non-
naturally occurring oil, or is a naturally occurring oil other than cottonseed oil, or in which the
homogenous emulsion is a water-in-oil emulsion instead of an oil-in-water emulsion, as well as
embodiments in which the carrier is something other than a cream, e.g., a liposome or nanoparticle
carrier. If the examiner were to analyze such embodiments for markedly different characteristics, the
analysis may differ slightly due to the choice of different counterparts, but the same result of
eligibility would be achieved because in every embodiment, the plain meaning of each carrier recited
in the claim requires that the carrier have structural and physical characteristics that distinguish it
from the closest counterpart in nature.
Claim 5: Eligible.
The claim recites a vaccine comprising Peptide F and an immuno-effective amount of an aluminum
salt adjuvant. Based on the plain meaning of “vaccine” and “immuno-effective amount”, the broadest
reasonable interpretation (BRI) of the claim is a mixture of (i) a sufficient amount of Peptide F to
produce an immunogenic response in a typical patient, and (ii) a sufficient amount of an aluminum
salt adjuvant (e.g., aluminum phosphate; AlPO
) to increase the vaccine’s immunogenicity (measured
here by seroprotection rate) to a level high enough to effectively vaccinate a typical patient. Thus,
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
7 May 2016
one embodiment within the BRI is a mixture of Peptide F with a sufficient amount of aluminum
phosphate to increase the vaccine’s immunogenicity. Because the peptide and adjuvant are
composed of matter, the claim is directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step
1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claimed
mixture of Peptide F and aluminum phosphate is a nature-based product that must be compared to
its closest naturally occurring counterpart to determine if it has markedly different characteristics
than the counterpart. Because Peptide F and aluminum phosphate do not occur together in nature,
there is no naturally occurring counterpart mixture for comparison, and so the claimed mixture is
compared to its naturally occurring components, i.e., Peptide F, and the adjuvant (e.g., aluminum
phosphate). There is no indication that mixing these components changes the structure of the peptide
or aluminum phosphate. However, the mixture has a changed functional property, in that the
immunogenicity of the mixture is different (higher) than the mere “sum” of the immunogenicity of
the individual components. In other words, the peptide by itself has poor immunogenicity (30%
seroprotection rate) and the adjuvant by itself has no immunogenicity (0% seroprotection rate) with
respect to Pigeon flu virus, but when combined, the resultant mixture has a greatly enhanced
immunogenicity (80% seroprotection rate) with respect to Pigeon flu virus. The mixture’s changed
immunogenicity is a marked difference in functional characteristics as compared to the natural
counterparts, and therefore the mixture is not a product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not
directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not performed.
Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
Practice Note: The BRI of claim 5 also encompasses embodiments in which the adjuvant is a non-
naturally occurring aluminum salt, or is a naturally occurring aluminum salt other than aluminum
phosphate. If the examiner were to analyze such an embodiment for markedly different
characteristics, the analysis may differ slightly due to the choice of different counterparts, but the
same result of eligibility would be achieved because in every embodiment, the immuno-effective
amount of the adjuvant will result in the claimed mixture exhibiting the same marked difference in
immunogenicity described in the preceding analysis.
Claim 6: Eligible.
The claim recites a vaccine comprising Peptide F, an immuno-effective amount of an aluminum salt
adjuvant, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Based on the plain meaning of “vaccine,
“immuno-effective amount”, and “pharmaceutically acceptable carrier”, the broadest reasonable
interpretation of the claim is a mixture of (i) a sufficient amount of Peptide F to produce an
immunogenic response in a typical patient, (ii) a sufficient amount of an aluminum salt adjuvant (e.g.,
aluminum phosphate; AlPO
) to increase the vaccine’s immunogenicity (measured here by
seroprotection rate) to a level high enough to effectively vaccinate a typical patient, and (iii) a
pharmaceutically sufficient amount of a carrier such as water. Thus, one embodiment within the BRI
is a mixture of Peptide F, a sufficient amount of aluminum phosphate to increase the vaccine’s
immunogenicity, and water. Because the peptide, adjuvant, and carrier are composed of matter, the
claim is directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claimed
mixture of Peptide F, aluminum phosphate, and water is a nature-based product that must be
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
8 May 2016
compared to its closest naturally occurring counterpart to determine if it has markedly different
characteristics than the counterpart. Here, all three substances (the peptide, aluminum phosphate,
and water) do not occur together in nature, so there is no naturally occurring counterpart mixture
for comparison. However, aluminum phosphate does occur naturally in combination with water (e.g.,
in soil). Accordingly, the closest naturally occurring counterparts to which the claimed mixture is
compared are Peptide F, and the naturally occurring water/aluminum phosphate combination. There
is no indication that mixing the peptide with the water/aluminum phosphate combination changes
the structure of either component, but the mixture does have a changed functional property, in that
the immunogenicity of the mixture is different (higher) than the mere “sum” of the immunogenicity
of the individual components. In other words, the peptide by itself has poor immunogenicity (30%
seroprotection rate), and the water/aluminum phosphate combination by itself has no
immunogenicity (0% seroprotection rate) with respect to Pigeon flu virus, but when combined, the
resultant mixture has a greatly enhanced immunogenicity (80% seroprotection rate) with respect to
Pigeon flu virus. The mixture’s changed immunogenicity is a marked difference in functional
characteristics as compared to the natural counterparts, and therefore the mixture is not a “product
of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as
eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not performed.
Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
Practice Note: The BRI of claim 6 also encompasses embodiments in which the adjuvant is a non-
naturally occurring aluminum salt, or is a naturally occurring aluminum salt other than aluminum
phosphate, and embodiments in which the carrier is something other than water. If the examiner
were to analyze such an embodiment for markedly different characteristics, the analysis may differ
slightly due to the choice of different counterparts, but the same result of eligibility would be
achieved because in every embodiment, the immuno-effective amount of the adjuvant will result in
the claimed mixture exhibiting the same marked difference in immunogenicity described in the
preceding analysis.
Claim 7: Eligible.
The claim recites a vaccine delivery device comprising a microneedle array that is coated with a
vaccine comprising Peptide F. Based on the plain meaning of “microneedle array” and “vaccine”, the
broadest reasonable interpretation (BRI) of the claim is an array of small solid needles coated with a
sufficient amount of Peptide F to produce an immunogenic response in a typical patient. Thus, one
embodiment within the BRI is an array of small solid needles (the microneedle array) coated with
Peptide F. The microneedle array is a manufacture and the peptide is composed of matter; thus, the
claim is directed to at least one statutory category, e.g., a manufacture and/or a composition of matter
(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The
microneedle array is not a nature-based product, but the Peptide F is a nature-based product that
must be compared to its closest naturally occurring counterpart (naturally occurring Peptide F) to
determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the counterpart in its natural state as part
of the virus. There is no indication in the specification that isolation changes any structural or
functional characteristics of Peptide F, or that coating the needles in the array with Peptide F results
in the peptide having any characteristics (structural, functional, or otherwise) that are different from
the naturally occurring peptide in its natural state. Thus, the claimed peptide does not display
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
9 May 2016
markedly different characteristics compared to the naturally occurring counterpart. Accordingly, the
peptide is a “product of nature” exception, and the claim is directed to at least one exception (Step
2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception.
Besides the exception, the claim recites an additional element of the microneedle array, which is
coated with the peptide. Prior to applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was filed,
coated microneedle arrays were known to most scientists in the field, but were not routinely or
conventionally used to administer vaccines. The conventional delivery device was a syringe that was
routinely pre-filled with the vaccine. Thus, the claim’s recitation of a microneedle array coated with
the peptide is an application of the exception with a particular manufacture that is not a conventional
delivery device, and thus is more than a mere instruction to “apply” the peptide (the exception) using
a well-understood, routine or conventional device in the field. It is an unconventional limitation that
confines the exception to a particular useful application of the exception. Thus, the recitation of the
coated microneedle array yields a claim as a whole that amounts to significantly more than the
“product of nature” exception itself (Step 2B: YES). The claim is eligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the peptide is a “product of nature” exception
because it lacks markedly different characteristics from its naturally occurring counterpart, e.g.,
because there are no changes in structure, function, or other characteristics. However, the claim is
eligible because it recites a particular, unconventional limitation (the coated microneedle array) that
confines the exception to a particular useful application, and that is more than a mere instruction to
“apply” the exception using a well-understood, routine or conventional device in the field.
29. Diagnosing and Treating Julitis
This hypothetical example illustrates the application of the significantly more analysis to diagnostic and
treatment claims using a hypothetical disease. Claims 1 and 7 are eligible in Step 2A, because they are
not directed to any judicial exception. Claim 2 is ineligible, because it is directed to a judicial exception
that could be termed either a law of nature or an abstract idea, and the recited additional elements do
not amount to significantly more than the exception. Claims 3-6 are directed to the same exception, but
are eligible in Step 2B because they recite specific and unconventional reagents and/or treatments that
amount to significantly more than the exception.
“Julitis” is an autoimmune disease affecting more than 17 million people in North America, which
develops when the immune system mistakes normal skin cells for pathogens. Julitis causes chronic
inflammation of the skin that results in an itchy and extremely painful rash on the face, hands, and
feet. Conventionally, julitis is diagnosed by a physical examination of the characteristic rash.
However, because the rash caused by julitis looks similar to rashes caused by rosacea, doctors often
misdiagnosed people as having rosacea when they actually had julitis.
Applicant has discovered that the presence of a protein known as “JUL-1” in a person’s body is
indicative that the person has julitis. All julitis patients have JUL-1 in their plasma, skin, hair and nails,
but this protein is not found in persons who do not have julitis (e.g., patients with rosacea). Applicant
discloses detecting JUL-1 by routine and conventional methods such as (i) physical biopsies of skin,
hair or nails, or (ii) immunoassays in which a sample from a patient (e.g., a plasma or skin sample) is
contacted with an antibody to the protein being detected, and then binding between the antibody
and the protein is detected using a laboratory technique such as fluoroscopy. In particular, applicant
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
10 May 2016
discloses detecting JUL-1 using anti-JUL-1 antibodies that may be naturally occurring (e.g., a human
anti-JUL-1 antibody isolated from a patient known to have julitis), or non-naturally occurring (e.g., a
porcine anti-JUL-1 antibody created by injecting pigs with JUL-1, or a specific monoclonal antibody
named “mAb-D33” that was created by applicant). Prior to applicant’s invention, and at the time the
application was filed, the use of porcine antibodies in veterinary therapeutics was known to most
scientists in the field, but these antibodies were not routinely or conventionally used to detect human
proteins such as JUL-1.
Prior to applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was filed, julitis was conventionally
treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antibodies, but for unknown reasons, some patients
do not respond well to this conventional treatment. Because rosacea treatments (e.g., antibiotics) are
not effective against julitis, julitis patients who were misdiagnosed as having rosacea also did not
respond well to the treatments they were given. Some anti-TNF antibodies are naturally occurring in
patients with other autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Applicant has successfully treated julitis
patients (even those who are non-responsive to anti-TNF antibodies) with topical vitamin D. Prior to
applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was filed, vitamin D was commonly used as an
oral supplement to maintain bone health (e.g., in fortified dairy products), but doctors were not
commonly or routinely administering topical vitamin D to patients with julitis or other diseases.
1. A method of detecting JUL-1 in a patient, said method comprising:
a. obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient; and
b. detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample by contacting the plasma sample
with an anti-JUL-1 antibody and detecting binding between JUL-1 and the antibody.
2. A method of diagnosing julitis in a patient, said method comprising:
a. obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient;
b. detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample by contacting the plasma sample
with an anti-JUL-1 antibody and detecting binding between JUL-1 and the antibody; and
c. diagnosing the patient with julitis when the presence of JUL-1 in the plasma sample is
3. A method of diagnosing julitis in a patient, said method comprising:
a. obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient;
b. detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample by contacting the plasma sample
with a porcine anti-JUL-1 antibody and detecting binding between JUL-1 and the porcine
antibody; and
c. diagnosing the patient with julitis when the presence of JUL-1 in the plasma sample is
4. A method of diagnosing julitis in a patient, said method comprising:
a. obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient;
b. detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample by contacting the plasma sample
with antibody mAb-D33 and detecting binding between JUL-1 and antibody mAb-D33;
c. diagnosing the patient with julitis when the presence of JUL-1 in the plasma sample is
5. A method of diagnosing and treating julitis in a patient, said method comprising:
a. obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient;
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
11 May 2016
b. detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample;
c. diagnosing the patient with julitis when the presence of JUL-1 in the plasma sample is
detected; and
d. administering an effective amount of topical vitamin D to the diagnosed patient.
6. A method of diagnosing and treating julitis in a patient, said method comprising:
a. obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient;
b. detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample;
c. diagnosing the patient with julitis when the presence of JUL-1 in the plasma sample is
detected; and
d. administering an effective amount of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antibodies to the
diagnosed patient.
7. A method of treating a patient with julitis, the method comprising administering an effective
amount of anti-TNF antibodies to a patient suffering from julitis.
Claim 1: Eligible.
The claim recites a series of steps or acts, including detecting the presence of JUL-1 in a plasma
sample. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the statutory categories of invention
(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claim
recites steps of obtaining a plasma sample from a patient (step a) and detecting whether JUL-1 is
present in the plasma sample by contacting the plasma sample with an anti-JUL-1 antibody and
detecting resultant binding between JUL-1 and the antibody (step b). These steps do not recite or
describe any recognized exception. See, e.g., Mayo Collaborative Svcs. v. Prometheus Labs., 566 U.S.
__, 132 S. Ct. 1289, 1297 (2012) (recited steps of administering a drug to a patient and determining
the resultant level of 6-thioguanine in the patient “are not themselves natural laws”). Accordingly,
the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and is eligible.
Note that although nature-based product limitations are recited in the claim (e.g., the plasma sample
and JUL-1), analysis of the claim as a whole indicates that the claim is focused on a process of
detecting whether JUL-1 is present in a plasma sample, and is not focused on the products per se.
Thus, there is no need to perform the markedly different characteristics analysis on the recited
nature-based product limitations. In addition, note that because the analysis of this claim ends with
eligibility at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis does not need to be performed. Thus, the examiner would
not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
Claim 2: Ineligible.
The claim recites a series of steps or acts, including detecting the presence of JUL-1 in a plasma
sample. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the statutory categories of invention
(Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. In step c, the
claim recites diagnosing the patient with julitis when the presence of JUL-1 in the plasma sample is
detected, which describes a correlation or relationship between the presence of JUL-1 in a patient’s
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
12 May 2016
plasma and the presence of julitis in the patient. This limitation sets forth a judicial exception, because
this type of correlation is a consequence of natural processes, similar to the naturally occurring
correlation found to be a law of nature by the Supreme Court in Mayo). Additionally, step c could be
performed by a human using mental steps or basic critical thinking, which are types of activities that
have been found by the courts to represent abstract ideas (e.g., the mental comparison in Ambry
Genetics, or the diagnosing an abnormal condition by performing clinical tests and thinking about
the results in Grams). Thus, the claim is directed to at least one exception (Step 2A: YES), which may
be termed a law of nature, an abstract idea, or both. Note that although the claim recites several
nature-based product limitations (e.g., the plasma sample and JUL-1), the claim as a whole is focused
on a process of detecting whether JUL-1 is present in a plasma sample, and is not focused on the
products per se. Thus, there is no need to perform the markedly different characteristics analysis on
the recited nature-based product limitations.
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception. Besides the
law of nature, the claim recites additional steps of obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient
(step a), and detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample by contacting the plasma
sample with an anti-JUL-1 antibody and detecting resultant binding between JUL-1 and the antibody
(step b). Obtaining a sample in order to perform tests is well-understood, routine and conventional
activity for those in the field of diagnostics. Further, the step is recited at a high level of generality
such that it amounts to insignificant presolution activity, e.g., a mere data gathering step necessary
to use the correlation. Detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample merely instructs a
scientist to use any detection technique with any generic anti-JUL-1 antibody. When recited at this
high level of generality, there is no meaningful limitation, such as a particular or unconventional
machine or a transformation of a particular article, in this step that distinguishes it from well-
understood, routine, and conventional data gathering activity engaged in by scientists prior to
applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was filed, e.g., the routine and conventional
techniques of detecting a protein using an antibody to that protein. Further, it is well established that
the mere physical or tangible nature of additional elements such as the obtaining and detecting steps
does not automatically confer eligibility on a claim directed to an abstract idea (see, e.g., Alice Corp.
v. CLS Bank Int’l, 134 S.Ct. 2347, 2358-59 (2014)).
Consideration of the additional elements as a combination also adds no other meaningful limitations
to the exception not already present when the elements are considered separately. Unlike the eligible
claim in Diehr in which the elements limiting the exception are individually conventional, but taken
together act in concert to improve a technical field, the claim here does not invoke any of the
considerations that courts have identified as providing significantly more than an exception. Even
when viewed as a combination, the additional elements fail to transform the exception into a patent-
eligible application of that exception. Thus, the claim as a whole does not amount to significantly
more than the exception itself (Step 2B: NO). The claim is not eligible.
A rejection of claim 2 should identify step c as an exception by pointing to it in the claim and
explaining why it is an exception, e.g., that the recited correlation is a law of nature because it is a
consequence of a natural process in the body, and/or that the critical thinking step is an abstract idea
similar to those found by the courts to be an exception. The rejection should also identify the
additional elements in the claim and explain why they do not amount to significantly more, in this
case, because they merely add data gathering and well-understood, routine and conventional
activities that do not impose meaningful limits on the law of nature.
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
13 May 2016
Claim 3: Eligible.
The claim recites a series of steps or acts, including detecting the presence of JUL-1 in a plasma
sample. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the statutory categories of invention
(Step 1: YES). Because claim 3 recites the same correlation and critical thinking step (step c) as claim
2, which as explained above is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea, the claim is directed to a
judicial exception (Step 2A: YES). Although this claim recites several nature-based product limitations
(the plasma sample, JUL-1, and the antibody), there is no need to perform the markedly different
characteristics analysis on them, for the reasons discussed above for claim 2.
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception. Besides the
exception, the claim recites additional steps of obtaining a plasma sample from a human patient (step
a), and detecting whether JUL-1 is present in the plasma sample by contacting the plasma sample
with a porcine anti-JUL-1 antibody and detecting resultant binding between JUL-1 and the antibody
(step b). The additional element of obtaining a plasma sample (step a) does not by itself add
significantly more, for the reasons discussed above for claim 2. Step b, however, also requires
detecting using a porcine anti-JUL-1 antibody. Prior to applicant’s invention, and at the time the
application was filed, the use of porcine antibodies in veterinary therapeutics was known to most
scientists in the field. But significantly, there is no evidence that porcine antibodies were routinely or
conventionally used to detect human proteins such as JUL-1. Thus, the claim’s recitation of detecting
JUL-1 using a porcine antibody is an unconventional step that is more than a mere instruction to
“apply” the correlation and critical thinking step (the exception) using well-understood, routine or
conventional techniques in the field. Whether taken alone or as a combination with the other
additional elements, the recitation of detecting JUL-1 using a porcine anti-JUL-1 antibody yields a
claim as a whole that amounts to significantly more than the exception itself (Step 2B: YES). The claim
is eligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the correlation and critical thinking step
(step c) is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea. However, the claim is eligible because it recites
additional limitations that when considered as a combination are unconventional steps that are more
than a mere instruction to “apply” the exception using well-understood, routine or conventional
techniques in the field.
Claim 4: Eligible.
The claim recites a series of steps or acts, including detecting the presence of JUL-1 in a plasma
sample. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the statutory categories of invention
(Step 1: YES). Because claim 4 recites the same correlation and critical thinking step (step c) as claim
2, which as explained above is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea, the claim is directed to a
judicial exception (Step 2A: YES). Although this claim recites several nature-based product limitations
(the plasma sample, JUL-1, and the antibody), there is no need to perform the markedly different
characteristics analysis on them, for the reasons discussed above for claim 2.
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception. Besides the
exception, the claim recites the additional elements of obtaining a plasma sample from a human
patient (step a) and detecting the presence of JUL-1 in the sample by contacting the plasma sample
with antibody mAb-D33 and detecting resultant binding between the antibody and JUL-1 (step b).
The additional element of obtaining a plasma sample (step a) does not add significantly more by itself,
for the reasons discussed above for claim 2. Step b, however, requires detecting using a specific anti-
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
14 May 2016
JUL-1 antibody (mAb-D33). Prior to applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was filed,
antibody mAb-D33 was not routinely or conventionally used to detect human proteins such as JUL-
1. Thus, the claim’s recitation of detecting JUL-1 using mAb-D33 is an unconventional step that is
more than a mere instruction to “apply” the correlation and critical thinking step (the exception)
using well-understood, routine or conventional techniques in the field. Whether taken alone or as a
combination with the other additional elements, the recitation of detecting JUL-1 using mAb-D33
yields a claim as a whole that amounts to significantly more than the exception itself (Step 2B: YES).
The claim is eligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the correlation and critical thinking step
(step c) is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea. However, the claim is eligible because it recites
additional limitations that when considered as a combination are unconventional steps that are more
than a mere instruction to “apply” the exception using well-understood, routine or conventional
techniques in the field.
Claim 5: Eligible.
The claim recites a series of steps or acts, including detecting the presence of JUL-1 in a plasma
sample. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the statutory categories of invention
(Step 1: YES). Because claim 5 recites the same correlation and critical thinking step (step c) as claim
2, which as explained above is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea, the claim is directed to a
judicial exception (Step 2A: YES). Although the claim recites several nature-based product limitations
(the plasma sample, JUL-1, and vitamin D), there is no need to perform the markedly different
characteristics analysis on them, for the reasons discussed above for claim 2.
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception. Besides the
exception, the claim recites the additional elements of obtaining a plasma sample from a human
patient (step a) and detecting the presence of JUL-1 in the sample (step b). When considered
individually, steps a and b by themselves do not add significantly more to the exception for the
reasons discussed above for claim 2 (e.g., step b in this claim is recited at an even higher level of
generality than in claim 2, that encompasses any protein detection method, whether or not it uses
antibodies). However, this claim further recites an additional element of administering an effective
amount of topical vitamin D to the diagnosed patient (step d). Vitamin D was known to doctors, and
was routinely and conventionally used as an oral supplement to maintain bone health prior to
applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was filed. However, mere knowledge of vitamin
D or its use in other ways to treat other medical conditions does not make the administration of
topical vitamin D to treat julitis a conventional step that those in this field would routinely practice.
The evaluation turns on whether the use of topical vitamin D was widely prevalent in the field at the
time the invention was made and the application was filed. Because it was not, the recitation of
administering topical vitamin D is an unconventional step that is more than a mere instruction to
“apply” the correlation and critical thinking step (the exception) using well-understood, routine or
conventional techniques in the field. Whether taken alone or as a combination with the other
additional elements, the recitation of administering topical vitamin D yields a claim as a whole that
amounts to significantly more than the exception itself (Step 2B: YES). The claim is thus eligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the correlation and critical thinking step
(step c) is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea. However, the claim is eligible because it recites
additional limitations that when considered as a combination are unconventional steps that are more
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
15 May 2016
than a mere instruction to “apply” the exception using well-understood, routine or conventional
techniques in the field.
Claim 6: Eligible.
The claim recites a series of steps or acts, including detecting the presence of JUL-1 in a plasma
sample. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the statutory categories of invention
(Step 1: YES). Because claim 6 recites the same correlation and critical thinking step (step c) as claim
2, which as explained above is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea, the claim is directed to a
judicial exception (Step 2A: YES). Although the claim recites several nature-based product limitations
(the plasma sample, JUL-1, and the anti-TNF antibodies), there is no need to perform the markedly
different characteristics analysis on them, for the reasons discussed above for claim 2.
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception. Besides the
exception, the claim recites the same additional elements of obtaining a plasma sample from a human
patient (step a) and detecting the presence of JUL-1 in the sample (step b) as claim 5. When
considered individually, steps a and b do not by themselves add significantly more to the exception
for the reasons discussed above for claims 2 and 5. This claim further recites an additional element
of administering an effective amount of anti-TNF antibodies to the diagnosed patient (step d). Prior
to applicant’s invention, and at the time the application was filed, however, administering these
antibodies to treat a patient diagnosed with julitis was well-understood, routine and conventional
activity engaged in by doctors in the field. Further, it is well established that the mere physical or
tangible nature of additional elements such as the obtaining, detecting, and administering steps does
not automatically confer eligibility on a claim directed to an exception (see, e.g., Alice Corp., 134 S.Ct.
at 2358-59).
When the additional elements are viewed as a combination, however, the additional elements (steps
a, b and d) amount to a claim as a whole that adds meaningful limits on the use of the exception (the
correlation and critical thinking step). The totality of these steps including the recitation of a
particular treatment (administration of an effective amount of anti-TNF antibodies) in step d
integrate the exception into the diagnostic and treatment process, and amount to more than merely
diagnosing a patient with julitis and instructing a doctor to generically “treat it.” Further, the
combination of steps, which is not routine and conventional, ensures that patients who have julitis
will be accurately diagnosed (due to the detection of JUL-1 in their plasma) and properly treated with
anti-TNF antibodies, as opposed to being misdiagnosed as having rosacea as was previously
commonplace. See Diamond v. Diehr, 450 U.S. 175, 188 (1981) (a new combination of steps in a
process may be patentable even though all the constituents of the combination were well known and
in common use before the combination was made”). Thus, the administration of anti-TNF antibodies,
when considered as a combination with the other additional elements, yields a claim as a whole that
amounts to significantly more than the exception itself (Step 2B: YES). The claim is eligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the correlation and critical thinking step
(step c) is a law of nature and/or an abstract idea. However, the claim is eligible because it recites
additional limitations that when considered as a combination are a meaningful way of applying the
exception that is more than a mere instruction to “apply” the exception.
Claim 7: Eligible.
The claim recites at least one step or act, e.g., administering an effective amount of anti-TNF
antibodies to a patient suffering from julitis. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of
the statutory categories of invention (Step 1: YES).
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
16 May 2016
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. Although the
claim recites a nature-based product limitation (the anti-TNF antibodies), analysis of the claim as a
whole indicates that the claim is focused on a process of practically applying the product to treat a
particular disease (julitis), and not on the product per se. Accordingly, it is not necessary to perform
the markedly different characteristics analysis on the antibodies. The recited step of administering
antibodies to a patient suffering from julitis does not recite or describe any recognized exception.
See, e.g., Mayo, 132 S. Ct. at 1297 (recited steps of administering a drug to a patient and determining
the resultant level of 6-thioguanine in the patient “are not themselves natural laws”). Thus, the claim
is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO). The claim is eligible.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends in eligibility at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis does
not need to be performed. Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more
considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
30. Dietary Sweeteners
This example illustrates the application of the markedly different characteristics and significantly more
analyses to claims reciting hypothetical nature-based products including mixtures. It also illustrates the
importance of applying the broadest reasonable interpretation in the eligibility analysis, and how that
interpretation assists in the identification of appropriate naturally occurring counterparts of claimed
nature-based products. Hypothetical claims 1 and 2 are ineligible, because the claimed nature-based
products lack markedly different characteristics from what exists in nature, and the claims fail to
amount to significantly more than the exceptions (even though claim 2 recites specific amounts of the
components in the nature-based product). Hypothetical claims 3-6 are eligible in Step 2A, because the
claimed nature-based products have markedly different characteristics from what exists in nature.
The “Texas mint” plant is a relative of stevia, which has a thin liquid sap containing about 10% texiol
(a newly discovered glycoside similar to rebaudioside A). When the Texas mint plant is damaged, e.g.,
by a leaf or stem breaking, sap is released from the injury site, and over time dries to form irregular
crystals of texiol. Texiol is lower in calories and tastes sweeter than table sugar, but it has a bitter
aftertaste. Texiol can be used as crystals or as a powder, and is soluble in water at various
concentrations. Applicant filed an application defining a “dietary sweetener as one of the following
formulations, noting that all percentages are by weight:
A dietary sweetener comprising texiol mixed with other components such as water to form a
heterogeneous or homogenous mixture, e.g., a solution or suspension. Applicant discloses
that trained sensory panels reviewed formulations having varying concentrations of texiol in
water, and found that the sensory perceptions of texiol’s sweetness and bitter aftertaste both
increased with concentration, e.g., higher concentrations of texiol were perceived as having
stronger sweet and bitter tastes. Based on the panel’s review, and from a consumer’s
perspective, applicant discloses a preferred dietary sweetener comprising 1-5% texiol and at
least 90% water. This preferred sweetener retains the naturally occurring texiol’s sweetness
and bitter aftertaste.
A dietary sweetener comprising texiol mixed with water and Compound N (a natural flavor
excreted from mushrooms and having a mild umami taste). Applicant discloses that when
combined with texiol in particular amounts, Compound N neutralizes the bitter aftertaste of
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
17 May 2016
texiol. Applicant discloses that this neutralization does not involve a chemical reaction. The
same sensory panel tasted mixtures having various concentrations of Compound N and texiol,
and found that a formulation comprising 1-5% texiol, 1-2% Compound N, and the balance
water produced the most palatable results for a dietary sweetener with no bitter aftertaste.
When Compound N is added in the specified amount, the changed taste perception occurs
whether or not the texiol is fully dissolved, e.g., even when large crystals of texiol are used.
A dietary sweetener solid gel formulation comprising 5% texiol mixed with water and/or
fruit juice and sufficient pectin to provide a solid gel. The Texas mint plant does not contain
pectin in nature. Solid gel formulations are useful commercial sweeteners because their solid,
jelly-like consistency makes them spreadable onto other foods, such as bread, cake layers, or
pastry dough. Solid gels can also be formed into candies such as jellybeans. Applicant
discloses that the same sensory panel tasted the gel formulation and found that it had
improved organoleptic properties (e.g., a more pleasant mouthfeel) and a solid but easily-
spreadable consistency as compared to naturally occurring texiol (either in the sap or
A dietary sweetener comprising texiol in granular form for use by consumers. Naturally
occurring texiol forms irregular crystals that aggregate into large chunks of varying size and
shape. Due to this variation, sweeteners formed from these irregular crystals do not have
consistent and commercially acceptable dissolution rates. For example, a consumer
attempting to sweeten iced tea with irregular texiol crystals will typically experience a need
to add more than the expected amount of texiol in order to obtain the desired level of
sweetness, because the larger particles of texiol dissolve more slowly (if at all) than the
smaller particles even with vigorous stirring. The presence of these undissolved crystals may
also cause an undesirable gritty mouth feel as the sweetened tea is consumed. To solve the
problem of inconsistent and slow dissolution rates, applicant has produced granulated texiol
formulations having even and regular particle size distributions, e.g., by grinding or milling
coarse texiol crystals into an even and regular powder, or by crystallizing texiol in a
controlled manner that forms regularly sized and shaped crystals. Granular texiol having a
particle size of X10 of 80 microns and X90 of 300 microns is preferred, because this particle
size distribution results in a greatly increased (and consistent) dissolution rate in water-
based liquids as compared to naturally occurring texiol crystals. The terms “X10” and “X90”
refer to the median diameter of the particles, as measured on a volume basis by a laser
diffraction particle sizing system. For “X10”, 10 percent of the particles have a diameter
smaller than the specified size, and 90 percent of the particles have a larger diameter, and for
“X90”, 90 percent of the particles have a diameter smaller than the specified size, and 10
percent of the particles have a larger diameter.
A dietary sweetener comprising texiol in a controlled release formulation. Applicant discloses
that the same sensory panel, upon tasting naturally occurring texiol, reported perceiving an
immediate burst of sweetness that rapidly dissipated. Applicant discloses formulations that
achieve controlled release (e.g., release of specific amounts of texiol from the formulation at
specific time intervals, or over a prolonged period of time) by mixing the texiol with other
substances such as polymers and/or changing the form of the texiol so that a controlled
perception of sweetness is achieved. For example, in one such formulation, texiol particles
are encapsulated in a polymer-emulsifier mixture that delays release of the texiol as
compared to unencapsulated (e.g., naturally occurring) texiol particles. These controlled
release formulations prolong enjoyment of a texiol-sweetened product such as chewing gum,
by altering the time over which texiol’s sweetness is perceived.
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
18 May 2016
1. A dietary sweetener comprising:
texiol; and
2. A dietary sweetener comprising:
1-5 percent texiol; and
at least 90 percent water.
3. A dietary sweetener comprising:
1-5 percent texiol;
at least 90 percent water; and
1-2 percent Compound N.
4. A dietary sweetener comprising:
5 percent texiol;
water, fruit juice, or a combination of water and fruit juice; and
sufficient amounts of pectin to provide a solid gel.
5. A dietary sweetener comprising:
granular particles of texiol having a particle diameter of X10 of 80 microns and X90 of 300
6. A dietary sweetener comprising texiol in a controlled release formulation.
Claim 1: Ineligible
The claim recites a dietary sweetener comprising texiol and water. Based on the specification’s
definition of “dietary sweetener”, the broadest reasonable interpretation (BRI) of the claim is a
mixture of texiol and water in any amount that will be understood as a sweetener to those of ordinary
skill in the art. Thus, the BRI covers the naturally occurring sap of the Texas mint plant, which
contains texiol and water. Because texiol and water are composed of matter, the claim is directed to
a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed in Step 2A to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception.
As noted above, the BRI of this claim encompasses the naturally occurring sap. Because the sap is
naturally occurring, it cannot have markedly different characteristics from how it exists in nature,
and therefore the claimed mixture of texiol and water (i.e., the sap) is a “product of nature” exception.
Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, 133 S. Ct. 2107, 2116 (2013) (naturally
occurring things are “products of nature” which cannot be patented). Thus, the claim is directed to at
least one exception (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception.
In this case, the combination as claimed occurs in nature (as sap) so there are no additional elements
to the claimed combination. The claim is to a “product of nature” exception with nothing that adds
significantly more (Step 2B: NO). Claim 1 is not eligible.
A rejection of claim 1 should identify the exception(s) by pointing to the nature-based product in the
claim (the combination of texiol-water) and explaining that it is a “product of nature” exception
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
19 May 2016
because it is naturally occurring. The rejection should also explain that because the combination of
the texiol and water is the exception, there are no additional elements in the claim that could amount
to significantly more than the exception.
If the examiner believes that it would be helpful to cite an analogous court decision, the rejection
could include an explanation of how the claimed mixture is like the cloned mammals of Roslin, which
were held ineligible because, as claimed, the cloned mammals lacked markedly different
characteristics from their naturally occurring counterparts. In re Roslin Institute (Edinburgh), 750
F.3d 1333, 1339 (2014).
Claim 2: Ineligible
The claim recites a dietary sweetener comprising 1-5 percent texiol and at least 90 percent water.
Based on the specification’s definition of “dietary sweetener”, the broadest reasonable interpretation
(BRI) of the claim is a mixture of texiol and water in the specified amounts. In this case, the BRI does
not cover the naturally occurring sap of the Texas mint plant, which contains a different amount of
texiol. Because texiol and water are composed of matter, the claim is directed to a statutory category,
e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed in Step 2A to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception.
The claimed mixture is a nature-based product that is compared to its closest naturally occurring
counterpart, in order to determine if it has markedly different characteristics from this counterpart.
As noted above, the BRI of this claim is limited to the recited percentages and thus does not
encompass the naturally occurring sap of the Texas mint plant. Accordingly, the closest naturally
occurring counterpart is not the sap, but the naturally occurring texiol-water mixture in the sap. By
comparing the claimed mixture and its component parts to the naturally occurring texiol-water
mixture in the sap, all potential changes in characteristics can be investigated.
Texiol is naturally occurring, and water is naturally occurring, so neither would be eligible as claimed
on its own. Although the combination as claimed is novel and does not occur in nature, there is no
indication that mixing them in the recited amounts (i.e., 1-5 percent texiol and at least 90 percent
water) changes the structure, function, or other properties of the texiol or water in any marked way.
Instead, the texiol retains its naturally occurring structure and properties (e.g., its sweetness and
bitter aftertaste), and is merely located in water, which also retains its naturally occurring structure
and properties (e.g., its liquid form at room temperature). These characteristics are also the same as
the naturally occurring texiol and water in the sap, which is also a sweet liquid at room temperature.
Thus, the claimed mixture as a whole does not display markedly different characteristics compared
to the closest naturally occurring counterpart. Accordingly, each component (the texiol and the
water) is a “product of nature” exception, and the claim is directed to at least one exception (Step 2A:
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exceptions.
Because the component elements (the texiol and water “product of nature” exceptions) do not occur
together in nature as claimed (i.e., in the recited amounts) and are not markedly changed by their
combination into a mixture, each component is considered as an additional element to the other to
determine whether their combination results in significantly more than the products of nature. This
consideration of the texiol as an additional element to the water, and vice-versa, provides an
opportunity to explore whether this combination of products of nature amounts to significantly
more than the products themselves. As discussed above, mixing the sweetener with water does not
markedly change the characteristics of either component, because each component continues to have
the same properties in the mixture as it had alone. Prior to applicant’s invention and at the time of
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
20 May 2016
filing the application, mixing a sweetener with water (or vice-versa) was well-understood, routine
and conventional in the field, as evidenced by, e.g., the ubiquity of simple syrup and stevia-based
liquid sweeteners. The recitation of specific amounts of texiol and water does not affect this analysis,
because it was also well-understood, routine and conventional at the time to mix specific amounts of
sweeteners with water (or vice-versa) and to vary the amounts of the combination, e.g., to achieve
commercially acceptable sweetness levels and provide sweeteners for different purposes. Thus, the
mixing of texiol and water, when recited at this high level of generality, does not meaningfully limit
the claim, and the claim as a whole does not amount to significantly more than each “product of
nature” by itself (Step 2B: NO). The claim does not qualify as eligible subject matter.
A rejection of claim 2 should identify the exceptions by pointing to the nature-based product
limitations in the claim (texiol and water) and explaining why they lack markedly different
characteristics from their naturally occurring counterparts, e.g., because there are no marked
changes in structure, function or other characteristics. The rejection also should explain that mixing
texiol and water does not amount to significantly more than the exceptions, because mixtures of
sweeteners and water are well-understood, routine and conventional in the field.
If the examiner believes that it would be helpful to cite an analogous court decision, the rejection
could include an explanation of how the claimed mixture is like the novel bacterial mixture of Funk
Brothers, which was held ineligible because each species of bacteria in the mixture (like each
component in the texiol mixture) continued to have “the same effect it always had”, i.e., it lacked
markedly different characteristics. Funk Brothers Seed Co. v. Kalo Inoculant Co., 333 U.S. 127, 131
(1948), discussed in Myriad Genetics, 133 S. Ct. at 2117 (explaining that the bacterial mixture of Funk
Brothers “was not patent eligible because the patent holder did not alter the bacteria in any way”).
While not discussed in the opinion, it is noted that several of the claims held ineligible in Funk
Brothers recited specific amounts of the bacterial species in the mixture, e.g., claims 6, 7 and 13. Funk
Brothers, 333 U.S. at 128 n.1.
Practice Note: In this set of facts, the specificity of the amounts of each component in this mixture did
not result in markedly different characteristics of the sweetener. However, under different facts,
other mixtures or combinations with specific amounts may result in markedly different
characteristics or, when viewed as a whole, may result in adding significantly more to the claimed
product of nature. If that is the case, it would be a best practice to indicate why the claim is eligible
by explaining which characteristics are markedly different, and not simply noting that the
percentages or ratios do not occur in nature.
Claim 3: Eligible
The claim recites a dietary sweetener comprising 1-5 percent texiol, at least 90 percent water, and 1-
2 percent Compound N. Based on the specification’s definition of “dietary sweetener”, the broadest
reasonable interpretation (BRI) of the claim is a mixture of texiol, water, and Compound N in the
specified amounts. Because texiol, water, and Compound N are composed of matter, the claim is
directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed in Step 2A to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception.
The claimed mixture is a nature-based product that must be compared to its closest naturally
occurring counterpart to determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the counterpart.
Because texiol, water and Compound N do not occur together in nature, there is no naturally
occurring counterpart mixture for comparison. However, texiol does occur naturally in combination
with water, in the sap of the Texas mint plant. Accordingly, the closest naturally occurring
counterparts to which the claimed mixture is compared are Compound N, and the naturally occurring
texiol-water combination. Each of these components is naturally occurring, so none would be eligible
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
21 May 2016
as claimed on its own. There is no indication that mixing these components changes the structure of
the components, and no chemical reaction occurs between or among the components. However, the
mixture has a changed organoleptic property (e.g., taste), because its flavor profile (sweet and lacking
bitterness) is different than the mere sum of the flavors of the individual components, e.g., texiol’s
sweetness and bitter aftertaste, and Compound N’s mild umami flavor. This altered property is a
marked difference in characteristics, because it results in the claimed mixture being distinct from its
natural counterparts in a way that is relevant to the nature of the invention as a dietary sweetener,
e.g., because the taster no longer perceives the bitter aftertaste of naturally occurring texiol. Cf. In re
Roslin Institute (Edinburgh), 750 F.3d 1333, 1339 (2014) (claimed cloned mammals do not have
markedly different characteristics from their naturally occurring counterparts). Thus, the claimed
dietary sweetener has markedly different characteristics as compared to its natural counterparts,
and is not a “product of nature” exception. Accordingly, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step
2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends in eligibility at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not
performed. Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for
this claim. If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any
judicial exception.
Claim 4: Eligible
The claim recites a dietary sweetener comprising 5 percent texiol, water and/or fruit juice, and
sufficient amounts of pectin to provide a solid gel. Based on the specification’s definition of “dietary
sweetener” and the plain meaning of “solid gel”, the broadest reasonable interpretation of the claim
is a mixture of texiol, pectin, and water that has the form of a solid gel (i.e., has a jelly-like spreadable
consistency). Because the gel is composed of matter, the claim is directed to a statutory category, e.g.,
a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claimed
gel is a nature-based product that must be compared to its closest naturally occurring counterpart to
determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the counterpart. Because texiol, pectin,
and water do not occur together in nature (the Texas mint plant does not contain any pectin), there
is no naturally occurring counterpart mixture for comparison. However, pectin does occur naturally
in combination with water (e.g., in apples), and texiol occurs naturally in combination with water in
the thin liquid sap of the Texas mint plant. Accordingly, the closest naturally occurring counterparts
to which the claimed gel is compared are the naturally occurring water-pectin and texiol-water
combinations. There is no indication that mixing the texiol-water combination with the water-pectin
combination changes the structure of the water or pectin. However, the texiol in the claimed mixture
does have changed properties as compared to naturally occurring texiol in the plant sap, in that the
claimed texiol is present in a solid yet spreadable gel form and has improved organoleptic properties
(e.g., a more pleasant mouthfeel). These altered properties are a marked difference in characteristics,
because they result in the claimed formulation being distinct from its natural counterparts in a way
(jelly-like spreadable consistency and more pleasant mouthfeel) that is relevant to the nature of the
invention as a dietary sweetener, e.g., because the claimed formulation can be spread onto other
foods such as pastry dough, or formed into candies such as jellybeans. Cf. Roslin, 750 F.3d at 1339
(claimed cloned mammals do not have markedly different characteristics from their naturally
occurring counterparts). Because the claimed dietary sweetener formulation thus has markedly
different characteristics as compared to its natural counterpart, it is not a “product of nature”
exception. Accordingly, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible
subject matter.
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22 May 2016
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends in eligibility at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not
performed. Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for
this claim. If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any
judicial exception.
Claim 5: Eligible
The claim recites a dietary sweetener comprising granular particles of texiol having a specific particle
size distribution, where X10 is 80 microns and X90 is 300 microns. Based on the specification’s
definition of “dietary sweetener” and the plain meaning of “X10” and “X90, the broadest reasonable
interpretation of the claim is a texiol formulation having a specific particle size distribution, i.e., 10
percent of the particles have a diameter smaller than 80 microns, 10 percent of the particles have a
diameter greater than 300 microns, and the remaining 80 percent have a diameter between 80 and
300 microns. Because texiol is composed of matter, the claim is directed to a statutory category, e.g.,
a composition of matter (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claimed
texiol formulation having a specific particle size distribution is a nature-based product that must be
compared to its closest naturally occurring counterpart (texiol in its natural irregular crystal state)
to determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the counterpart. As disclosed by
applicant, the specific particle size distribution results in the claimed texiol formulation having a
changed property, i.e., an increased (and consistent) dissolution rate, as opposed to the slow and
inconsistent dissolution rate of naturally occurring texiol. This altered property is a marked
difference in characteristics, because it results in the claimed formulation being distinct from its
natural counterpart in a way (release of sweetness over time) that is relevant to the nature of the
invention as a dietary sweetener, e.g., because the claimed formulation will dissolve evenly and
rapidly in a cool liquid. Cf. Roslin, 750 F.3d at 1339 (claimed cloned mammals do not have markedly
different characteristics from their naturally occurring counterparts). Because it has markedly
different characteristics as compared to its natural counterpart, the claimed formulation is not a
“product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and
qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends in eligibility at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not
performed. Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for
this claim. If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any
judicial exception.
Claim 6: Eligible
The claim recites a dietary sweetener comprising texiol in a controlled release formulation. Based on
the specification’s definition of dietary sweetener” and the plain meaning of “controlled release
formulation”, the broadest reasonable interpretation of the claim is a texiol formulation that has
altered time release properties so that its sweetness is now released in a controlled manner over
time due to (a) a change in form or structure or (b) being mixed with other substances (e.g., by being
encapsulated in a polymer-emulsifier mixture). In either case, the texiol formulation is composed of
matter, and thus the claim is directed to a statutory category, e.g., a composition of matter (Step 1:
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claimed
formulation is a nature-based product that must be compared to its closest naturally occurring
counterpart to determine if it has markedly different characteristics than the counterpart. There is
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
23 May 2016
no naturally occurring mixture for comparison, and so the claimed formulation is compared to
naturally occurring texiol in its natural state. As disclosed by applicant, the claimed formulation has
altered time release properties, in that it releases the sweetness of texiol in a controlled manner over
time, as opposed to the naturally occurring texiol, which releases all of its sweetness at one point in
time. These altered properties are a marked difference in characteristics, because they result in the
claimed formulation being distinct from its natural counterpart in a way (release of sweetness over
time) that is relevant to the nature of the invention as a dietary sweetener. Cf. Roslin, 750 F.3d at
1339 (claimed cloned mammals do not have markedly different characteristics from their naturally
occurring counterparts). Because it has markedly different characteristics as compared to its natural
counterpart, the claimed formulation is not a “product of nature” exception. Thus, the claim is not
directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and qualifies as eligible subject matter.
Note that because the analysis of this claim ends in eligibility at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis is not
performed. Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for
this claim. If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
added to an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any
judicial exception.
31. Screening For Gene Alterations
The following illustrates an exemplary analysis using the 2014 IEG for actual claim 1 and hypothetical
claims 70, 75, 80, and 85 modeled after the technology in U.S. Patent 5,753,441. Actual claim 1 was held
ineligible by the Federal Circuit as directed to an abstract idea without additional elements that amount
to significantly more than the abstract idea in Association for Molecular Pathology v. U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, 689 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (“Myriad CAFC”), aff’d in part and rev’d in part on
other grounds, Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 133 S. Ct. 2107 (2013). (It
is noted that claims 7 and 8 of the same patent were held ineligible in University of Utah Research
Foundation v. Ambry Genetics Corp., 774 F.3d 755 (Fed. Cir. 2014).) Hypothetical claims 70 and 80 are
eligible in Step 2B, because they recite specific and unconventional ways of gathering data that amount
to significantly more than the abstract idea, e.g., amplifying nucleic acids via a hypothetical technique
known as “Cool-Melt PCR.” Hypothetical claims 75 and 85 are eligible in Step 2A, because they are not
directed to any judicial exception.
Applicant discovered the “wild-type” sequence of the human BRCA1 gene (i.e., the typical sequence
of the gene in humans), and has also discovered naturally occurring alterations from the wild-type
sequence that are correlated with an increased likelihood of developing breast or ovarian cancer.
Applicant’s disclosure provides methods of screening patients for alterations in the BRCA1 gene by
comparing a patient’s BRCA1 sequence with the wild-type BRCA1 sequence. The compared
sequences can be germline (genomic) DNA sequences, RNA sequences, or cDNA sequences.
At the time the invention was made and the application was filed, scientists routinely compared DNA
sequences using two data-gathering techniques. The first technique seeks to hybridize two different
DNA molecules (e.g., a probe and DNA isolated from a patient sample), and detects whether the
molecules bind to each other and form a hybridization product. The second technique amplifies
(makes copies of) at least part of a DNA molecule such as DNA isolated from a patient sample, by
using a set of primers to produce amplified nucleic acids, and then sequences the amplified nucleic
acids. The probes and primers used in these techniques are short single-stranded DNA molecules
that typically have a naturally occurring nucleotide sequence, for example a probe to the BRCA1 gene
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
24 May 2016
may have a nucleotide sequence that is identical to a portion of the germline sequence of the wild-
type BRCA1 gene.
In one embodiment, applicant discloses using a computer-implemented micromechanical method
known as Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) to detect hybridization of a single probe
to its target. SNOM is a technique that achieves high spatial resolution of a nanometric sample, using
a laser and optical microscope that are controlled by a computer. At the time the invention was made
and the application was filed, the use of SNOM to study DNA hybridization had been discussed in
several articles in widely-read scientific journals. However, scientists were not commonly or
routinely using SNOM to study DNA hybridization at the time the invention was made and the
application was filed. Instead, scientists at the time typically used autoradiography to detect
hybridization products.
In another embodiment, applicant discloses using Cool-Melt polymerase chain reaction (Cool-Melt
PCR) to amplify BRCA1 DNA from the patient sample. Cool-Melt PCR uses lower melting and
annealing temperatures than conventional PCR. Because these lower temperatures result in
preferential amplification of mutant nucleic acids as compared to wild-type nucleic acids, Cool-Melt
PCR has a 20-fold higher sensitivity of mutation detection than conventional PCR. At the time the
invention was made and the application was filed, Cool-Melt PCR was known and used by a few
scientists in the field. Several years after filing the application, Cool-Melt PCR became a standard
laboratory technique that appeared in virtually every laboratory manual and was conventionally
used by most scientists in the field to amplify mutant nucleic acids.
1. A method for screening germline of a human subject for an alteration of a BRCA1 gene which
comprises comparing germline sequence of a BRCA1 gene or BRCA1 RNA from a tissue
sample from said subject or a sequence of BRCA1 cDNA made from mRNA from said sample
with germline sequences of wild-type BRCA1 gene, wild-type BRCA1 RNA or wild-type
BRCA1 cDNA, wherein a difference in the sequence of the BRCA1 gene, BRCA1 RNA or BRCA1
cDNA of the subject from wild-type indicates an alteration in the BRCA1 gene in said subject.
70. The method of claim 1, wherein said comparing BRCA1 sequences further comprises:
hybridizing a wild-type probe to a BRCA1 gene isolated from said sample; and
detecting the presence of a hybridization product by measuring conformational changes in
the probe that are indicative of hybridization to the BRCA1 gene with scanning near-field
optical microscopy.
75. A method for hybridizing BRCA1 sequences comprising:
hybridizing a wild-type probe to a BRCA1 gene isolated from a tissue sample from a human
subject; and
detecting the presence of a hybridization product by measuring conformational changes in
the probe that are indicative of hybridization to the BRCA1 gene with scanning near-field
optical microscopy.
80. The method of claim 1, wherein said comparing BRCA1 sequences further comprises:
amplifying by Cool-Melt PCR all or part of a BRCA1 gene from said sample using a set of
primers to produce amplified nucleic acids; and
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
25 May 2016
sequencing the amplified nucleic acids.
85. A method for amplifying BRCA1 sequences comprising:
amplifying by Cool-Melt PCR all or part of a BRCA1 gene from a tissue sample from a human
subject using a set of primers to produce amplified nucleic acids; and
sequencing the amplified nucleic acids.
Claim 1: Ineligible.
The claim recites a step or act, i.e., comparing the patient’s genetic sequence with wild type genetic
sequences. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is one of the statutory categories of
invention (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claim
recites a step of comparing the patient’s BRCA1 sequence with wild-type BRCA1 sequences, and a
wherein clause stating the result of the comparison, which is that a difference in the compared
sequences indicates that the patient has an alteration in the BRCA1 gene. This step of comparing is
recited at a high level of generality that merely requires a comparison of two pieces of information
and imposes no limits on how the comparison is performed. In Myriad CAFC, the court found this step
of comparing to be an abstract idea.
When applying the 2014 IEG and interpreting the claim during examination, it is apparent that the
step of comparing could be performed by a human using mental steps or basic critical thinking.
Similar mental processes have been held by the courts to be abstract ideas, e.g., collecting and
comparing known information in Classen, or comparing information regarding a sample or test
subject to a control or target data in Ambry and Myriad CAFC. The specific information that is being
compared (sequences of a BRCA1 gene, BRCA1 RNA, or BRCA1 cDNA with wild-type sequences)
merely narrows the abstract idea, which does not make the comparison step less abstract and is not
sufficient to provide eligibility on its own. Thus, the claim is directed to an abstract idea (Step 2A:
Note that although nature-based product limitations are recited in the claim (e.g., genes), analysis of
the claim as a whole indicates that this claim is focused on a process of comparing information about
the products, and is not focused on the products per se. Thus, there is no need to perform the
markedly different characteristics analysis on the recited nature-based product limitations in this
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea.
The claim recites a single step of comparing, along with a wherein clause, all of which were identified
as the abstract idea explained above. There are no other elements/steps recited in the claim.
Accordingly, the claim as a whole does not amount to significantly more than the abstract idea of
comparing information (Step 2B: NO). The claim is not patent eligible.
A rejection of claim 1 should identify the exception by pointing to the comparison of sequences in the
claim and explain that this type of comparison of information has been held by the courts to be an
abstract idea and that limits on the type of information being compared merely narrow the abstract
idea. The rejection should also identify that there are no additional elements/steps in the claim. For
clarity, the rejection can explain why the wherein clause does not impose any additional limitations
on the claimed method, but merely breathes meaning into the comparison step by stating the result
of the comparison.
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26 May 2016
Claim 70: Eligible
Claim 70 depends from claim 1 and recites at least one step or act, e.g., comparing the patient’s genetic
sequence with wild type genetic sequences. Thus, the claim is directed to a statutory category of
invention (a process; Step 1: YES). As a dependent claim, claim 70 incorporates the comparing step
of claim 1, which as explained above is an abstract idea. Therefore, the claim is directed to a judicial
exception (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception.
Claim 70 recites two additional elements, i.e., that the comparing of claim 1 further comprises a
hybridizing step and a detecting step.
The step of hybridizing a wild-type probe to a BRCA1 gene isolated from a sample is recited at a high
level of generality, and merely instructs a scientist performing the process to use any hybridization
techniques with any probe that she wishes to use to detect any alteration. When recited at this high
level of generality, there is nothing in this step that distinguishes it from well-understood, routine
and conventional activity engaged in by scientists at the time the invention was made and the
application was filed. While this step specifies that the compared sequences are of a probe and a gene,
limiting the comparison in this way imposes no limits on how the comparison is performed. Further,
it is well established that the mere physical or tangible nature of additional elements such as the
hybridizing step does not automatically confer eligibility on a claim directed to an abstract idea (see,
e.g., Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Int’l, 134 S.Ct. 2347, 2358-59 (2014)). Thus, taken alone, the hybridizing
step does not amount to significantly more.
Claim 70, however, further recites a detecting step in which conformational changes in the gene
probe that are indicative of hybridization with the patient’s BRCA1 gene are measured by scanning
near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). Although SNOM was known to scientists at the time the
invention was made and the application was filed, e.g., because it had been discussed in several
widely-read scientific journals, mere knowledge of this technique does not make the use of SNOM to
detect DNA hybridization routine or conventional in this field. Instead, the evaluation turns on
whether the use of SNOM to detect DNA hybridization was actually routinely or conventionally used
by scientists at the time the invention was made and the application was filed. Because it was not, the
recitation of SNOM to detect DNA hybridization distinguishes claim 70 from well-understood, routine
and conventional methods of detecting DNA hybridization such as autoradiography. Thus, the claim’s
recitation of using SNOM is more than a mere instruction to “apply” the abstract idea using well-
understood, routine or conventional techniques in the field. Whether taken alone or as a combination
with the other additional elements, the recitation of detecting hybridization using SNOM yields a
claim as a whole that is significantly more than the judicial exception itself (Step 2B: YES). The claim
recites patent eligible subject matter.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the claim recites the abstract idea of
comparing sequence information. However, the claim is eligible because it recites additional
limitations that when considered as a combination are more than a mere instruction to “apply” the
abstract idea using well-understood, routine or conventional techniques in the field.
Claim 75: Eligible
Claim 75 recites at least one step or act, e.g., hybridizing a wild-type probe to a BRCA1 gene isolated
from a sample. Thus, the claim is directed to a statutory category of invention (a process; Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claim
recites a step of hybridizing a wild-type probe to a BRCA1 gene isolated from a sample and a detecting
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
27 May 2016
step in which conformational changes in the gene probe that are indicative of hybridization with the
patient’s BRCA1 gene are measured by scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). These steps
do not recite or describe any recognized exception. See, e.g., Mayo Collaborative Svcs. v. Prometheus
Labs., 566 U.S. __, 132 S. Ct. 1289, 1297 (2012) (recited steps of administering a drug to a patient and
determining the resultant level of 6-thioguanine in the patient “are not themselves natural laws”).
Accordingly, the claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and is eligible.
Note that although nature-based product limitations are recited in the claim (e.g., the probe and
BRCA1 gene), analysis of the claim as a whole indicates that the claim is focused on a process of
detecting whether the probe has hybridized to the BRCA1 gene, and is not focused on the products
per se. Thus, there is no need to perform the markedly different characteristics analysis on the recited
nature-based product limitations. In addition, note that because the analysis of this claim ends with
eligibility at Step 2A, the Step 2B analysis does not need to be performed. Thus, the examiner would
not need to evaluate the significantly more considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
Claim 80: Eligible
Claim 80 depends from claim 1 and recites at least one step or act, e.g., comparing the patient’s genetic
sequence with wild type genetic sequences. Thus, the claim is directed to a statutory category of
invention (a process; Step 1: YES). As a dependent claim, claim 80 incorporates the comparing step
of claim 1, which as explained above is an abstract idea. Therefore, the claim is directed to a judicial
exception (Step 2A: YES).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any additional element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure that the claim amounts to significantly more than the exception.
Claim 80 recites two additional elements, i.e., that the comparing of claim 1 further comprises an
amplifying by Cool-Melt PCR step, and a sequencing step.
The step of sequencing the amplified nucleic acids is recited at a high level of generality, and merely
instructs a scientist performing the process to use any sequencing technique that she wishes to use.
When recited at this high level of generality, there is nothing in this step that distinguishes it from
well-understood, routine and conventional activities previously engaged in by scientists in the field
at the time the invention was made and the application was filed. Further, it is well established that
the mere physical or tangible nature of an additional element such as the sequencing step does not
automatically confer eligibility on a claim directed to an abstract idea (see, e.g., Alice Corp., 134 S.Ct.
at 2358-59).
Claim 80, however, further recites a step in which Cool-Melt PCR is used to amplify the patient’s
BRCA1 gene. Although Cool-Melt PCR was used by a few scientists in the field to amplify nucleic acids
at the time the invention was made and the application was filed, use by only a few scientists does
not make the technique routine or conventional in the field as a whole. Nor does it matter that at a
later time, Cool-Melt PCR became a routine and conventional technique. Instead, the evaluation turns
on whether the use of Cool-Melt PCR to amplify nucleic acids was actually routinely or conventionally
used by scientists in this field at the time the invention was made and the application was filed.
Because it was not, the recitation of amplification using Cool-Melt PCR distinguishes claim 80 from
well-understood, routine and conventional methods of amplification such as standard PCR. Thus, the
claim’s recitation of amplifying nucleic acids using Cool-Melt PCR is more than a mere instruction to
“apply” the abstract idea using well-understood, routine or conventional techniques in the field.
Whether taken alone or as a combination with the other additional elements, the recitation of
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
28 May 2016
amplifying using Cool-Melt PCR yields a claim as a whole that is significantly more than the judicial
exception itself (Step 2B: YES). The claim recites patent eligible subject matter.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that the claim recites the abstract idea of
comparing sequence information. However, the claim is eligible because it recites additional
limitations that when considered as a combination are more than a mere instruction to “apply” the
abstract idea using well-understood, routine or conventional techniques in the field.
Claim 85: Eligible
Claim 85 recites at least one step or act, e.g., amplifying nucleic acids using Cool-Melt PCR. Thus, the
claim is directed to a statutory category of invention (a process; Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine whether it is directed to any judicial exception. The claim
recites a step of amplifying nucleic acids (all or part of a human subject’s BRCA1 gene) using Cool-
Melt PCR and a step of sequencing the amplified nucleic acids. These steps do not recite or describe
any recognized exception. See, e.g., Mayo Collaborative Svcs. v. Prometheus Labs., 566 U.S. __, 132 S.
Ct. 1289, 1297 (2012) (recited steps of administering a drug to a patient and determining the
resultant level of 6-thioguanine in the patient “are not themselves natural laws”). Accordingly, the
claim is not directed to an exception (Step 2A: NO), and is eligible.
Note that although nature-based product limitations are recited in the claim (e.g., the primers and
BRCA1 gene), analysis of the claim as a whole indicates that the claim is focused on a process of
amplifying and sequencing a BRCA1 gene, and is not focused on the products per se. Thus, there is no
need to perform the markedly different characteristics analysis on the recited nature-based product
limitations. In addition, note that because the analysis of this claim ends with eligibility at Step 2A,
the Step 2B analysis does not need to be performed. Thus, the examiner would not need to evaluate
the significantly more considerations for this claim.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
32. Paper-Making Machine
This hypothetical example demonstrates the use of the streamlined analysis. The claim below is based
on the technology from U.S. Patent 845,224, which was upheld by the Supreme Court in Eibel Process
Co. v. Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co., 261 U.S. 45 (1923). As a streamlined analysis would not result in
a written rejection, the discussion sets forth exemplary reasoning an examiner might use in drawing a
conclusion of eligibility.
Fourdrinier machines are used to make paper from a slurry of wood pulp mixed with water (called
“stock”). The paper-forming section of the machines typically comprises a headbox that feeds the
stock onto one end of a conveyor belt called a “paper-making wire”, which is passed over a series of
rolls at a constant speed. The belt carries the stock from the headbox end of the machine (called the
“breast-roll end”) to the other end (called the “couch-roll end”), while simultaneously draining and
shaking the stock to form a continuous paper web. The paper web is then passed into the press
section of the machine for further processing.
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
29 May 2016
At the time applicant made the invention and filed the application, it was routine and conventional
to arrange the paper-making wire so that the breast-roll end was at the same or a lower height than
the couch-roll end, and to feed the stock from the headbox onto the paper-making wire at a speed
substantially slower than the wire speed. However, this arrangement necessitated running the
machine at an overall slow speed (less than 500 feet/minute) in order to avoid undesirable effects
(e.g., waves, wrinkles and ripples) on the quality of the paper web.
Applicant’s invention is a Fourdrinier machine that solves the problem of running the process at a
slow speed by raising the breast-roll end of the paper-making wire to a height substantially above
the couch-roll end, and by using gravity to feed the stock into the machine at a speed approximately
equal to the wire speed. This gravity-fed arrangement permits applicant’s machine to be run at an
overall speed that is much higher (e.g., more than 700 feet/minute) than conventional machines,
without producing undesirable effects on the quality of the paper web.
Hypothetical Claim
1. A Fourdrinier machine having a breast-roll end of a paper-making wire maintained at a
substantial elevation above level, whereby stock is caused to travel by gravity, rapidly, in the
direction of movement of the paper-making wire, and at a speed approximately equal to the
speed of the paper-making wire.
Claim 1: Eligible.
The claim recites a Fourdrinier machine with a paper-making wire (conveyor belt) that is passed
over a breast-roll. The claim is directed to a machine (a combination of mechanical parts), which is
one of the statutory categories of invention (Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim must be evaluated to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. But
when the claim is reviewed, it is immediately evident that although the claimed machine operates
using gravity, which is a law of nature, the claim clearly does not seek to tie up this law of nature so
that others cannot utilize it. In particular, the claim’s recitation of a Fourdrinier machine (which is
understood in the art to have a specific structure comprising a headbox, a paper-making wire, and a
series of rolls) that is arranged in a particular way to optimize the speed of the machine while
maintaining quality of the formed paper web makes it clear that the claim as a whole would clearly
amount to significantly more than any recited exception. The claim as a whole adds meaningful
limitations to the use of the law of nature (gravity). Additionally, use of the law of nature improves
paper-making technology. Thus, eligibility of the claim is self-evident for these reasons, and there is
no need to perform the full eligibility analysis (e.g., Steps 2A and 2B). The claim is patent eligible.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance indicating that while the claim recites gravity - a law of
nature - the claim clearly amounts to significantly more than the mere use of gravity by providing
meaningful limitations to the law of nature and additionally improving paper-making technology.
It is noted that although Eibel Process Co. was decided prior to the 1952 Patent Act, the Supreme
Court has subsequently described the decision as upholding the eligibility of process claims
containing a law of nature. See, e.g., Diamond v. Diehr, 450 U.S. 175, 187-88 (1981); Parker v. Flook,
437 U.S. 584, 590-91 and n.12 (1978).
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
30 May 2016
33. Hydrolysis of Fat
This hypothetical example demonstrates the use of the streamlined analysis. The claim below is based
on the technology from U.S. Patent 11,766, which was upheld by the Supreme Court in Tilghman v.
Proctor, 102 U.S. 707 (1881). As a streamlined analysis would not result in a written rejection, the
discussion sets forth exemplary reasoning an examiner might use in drawing a conclusion of eligibility.
Fats are naturally occurring chemicals that are found in many plants and animals, e.g., in tree nuts
such as walnuts. As shown in Figure 1, each fat molecule comprises a glycerol backbone to which
three fatty acid chains are bound.
As also shown in Figure 1, fat molecules can be broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol (also
called glycerine) via a chemical reaction. At the time applicant made the invention and filed the
application, it was routine and conventional to carry out this chemical reaction using either the
alkaline saponification process, or the sulphuric-acid distillation process. Both of these conventional
processes required the use of a steam distillation step in order to produce free fatty acids, and also
required the fat to be mixed with either lye or sulphuric acid.
Applicant invented a process of hydrolyzing fat molecules into free fatty acids and glycerol without
steam distillation, and using only water as opposed to lye or sulphuric acid. This hydrolysis process
begins with a mixture of substantially equal quantities of fat and water in a vessel that is closed and
strong enough to resist the effort of the mixture to convert itself into steam. The mixture is then
gradually heated to a high temperature (at least 600 degrees Fahrenheit) and kept at that
temperature for at least 10 minutes, so that a chemical reaction takes place between the water and
fat. While it is heated, the mixture is also subjected to sufficient pressure to prevent the water-fat
mixture from forming steam inside the closed vessel.
Hypothetical Claim
1. A process for obtaining free fatty acids and glycerol from fat comprising:
mixing substantially equal quantities of fat and water in a closed vessel; and
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Life Sciences
31 May 2016
heating the mixture to an elevated temperature of at least 600 degrees Fahrenheit under
sufficient pressure to prevent the formation of steam in the closed vessel; and
maintaining the elevated temperature for at least 10 minutes so that the fat and water react
with each other to form free fatty acids and glycerol.
Claim 1: Eligible.
The claim recites a series of steps for mixing and heating fat and water. Thus, the claim is directed to
a process, which is one of the statutory categories of invention (Step 1: YES).
Next, the claim must be evaluated to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. But
when the claim is reviewed, it is immediately evident that although the claim is founded upon a
chemical principle relating to neutral fats, it is not attempting to tie up any judicial exception so that
others cannot practice it. In particular, the claim’s description of mixing substantially equal quantities
of fat and water, heating the mixture to an elevated temperature of at least 600 degrees Fahrenheit
under sufficient pressure to prevent the formation of steam in the closed vessel, and maintaining the
elevated temperature for at least 10 minutes so that the fat and water react with each other to form
free fatty acids and glycerol, makes it clear that the claim as a whole would clearly amount to
significantly more than any potential recited exception. For example, the claim as a whole effects a
transformation of the fat and water into different chemicals, i.e., from fat and water into the fatty
acids and glycerol, by means of specific and unconventional steps. Thus, eligibility of the claim is self-
evident in the streamlined analysis, without needing to perform the full eligibility analysis (e.g., Steps
2A and 2B). The claim is patent eligible.
It is important to point out as well that there is no apparent exception recited in the claim, which
alone would be sufficient for eligibility. Although the claim is clearly based upon a law of nature (the
chemical principle or scientific fact that the elements of neutral fat require that they be severally
united with an atomic equivalent of water in order to separate from each other and become free), the
law of nature is not recited in the claim. The cases in which courts found claims directed to laws of
nature are those in which the law is recited in the claim as part of the invention, such as when the
claim sets forth or describes a naturally occurring principle.
If the examiner believes that the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to
an Office action or reasons for allowance, indicating that the claim is not directed to any judicial
It is noted that although Tilghman was decided prior to the 1952 Patent Act, the Supreme Court has
subsequently described the decision as upholding the eligibility of process claims containing a law of
nature. See, e.g., Parker v. Flook, 437 U.S. 584, 590-91 and n.12 (1978); Gottschalk v. Benson, 409 U.S.
63, 70 (1972).
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Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
The following examples should be used in conjunction with the 2014 Interim Guidance on Subject
Matter Eligibility (2014 IEG) and the follow‐on guidance. As the examples are intended to be
illustrative only, they should be interpreted based on the fact patterns set forth below. Other fact
patterns may have different eligibility outcomes. While some of the fact patterns draw from U.S.
Supreme Court or U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decisions, each of the examples shows
how claims should be analyzed under the 2014 IEG. All of the claims are analyzed for eligibility in
accordance withtheir broadestreasonableinterpretation. Citations forthe cases discussedinthese
examples are providedin the chartofcourtdecisionsavailable ontheOffice’swebsite.
Note that the examples herein are numbered consecutively beginning with number 34, because 33
34. System for Filtering Internet Content
The following was a claim found eligible by the Federal Circuit in BASCOM Global Internet v. AT&T
Mobility LLC, 119 USPQ2d 1236 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (BASCOM). The patent at issue is U.S. Patent No.
5,987,606. As the claim in this example is eligible, no written analysis would be provided in an Office
action. Claim 1 is directed to an abstract idea and has additional elements that amount to significantly
more than the abstract idea because they add specific limitations other than what are wellunderstood,
routine, conventional activities in the field and result in an improvement to the technology of filtering
content on the Internet. The court’s rationale for eligibility is explained below in the context of the 2014
Applicant has invented a system for filtering content from an Internet computer network by an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) server using individual controlled access network accounts. At the
time of applicants invention in 1997, there was a need to block access to certain web sites for certain
end users. For example, a corporation may want to allow access to certain technical or business sites,
while blocking access to certain entertainment sites, and a parent may seek to block access by their
Previous systems controlled access to content received by client machines over the Internet by
filtering the information available using “black‐listing” (i.e., preventing access to all web sites on a
predetermined list of web sites), “white‐listing” (i.e., allowing access to all web sites that are on a
predetermined list of web sites), or word‐screening or phrase‐screening (i.e., preventing access to a
web page that contains any word or phrase on a predetermined list). Initially, the filtering software
was placed on a client computer. However, this configuration suffered from several disadvantages
because the end user could modify or work around the filtering software, the difficulty and time to
install on each client computer was great, each client computer required configuration of the
software based on its hardware and operating system, and a database storing the allowed or
disallowed websites needed to be frequently updated. To overcome the disadvantages of installing
the filtering software on a client computer, the filtering software was placed on a local server. In this
configuration, client computers on a local area network connected to the Internet through a local
server. If an end user on a client computer requested a website on the Internet, the local server would
filter allrequestsfor Internet content. This approach suffered fromsimilardisadvantagesincluding
being limited to one set of filtering criteria, time‐consuming installation and maintenance, and the
filtering software being tied to one local area network or local server platform. Finally, ISPs used a
server‐based configuration in which a filter was installed on their remote servers to prevent
December 2016 1
 
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
subscribers from accessing certain websites. However, this configuration only allowed for a single
setoffilteringcriteriafor allofthesubscriber’send users.
In the instant application, applicants system improves upon the prior art filtering systems by
providing a system for filtering Internet content by subscribers on an individually customizable basis.
An ISP server stores a filtering scheme in memory and a database of a plurality of sets of filtering
elements associated with individual end users. The filtering scheme is executable code, including
object code, interpreted code (e.g., Java™ or Javascript™), other high‐level code, or a combination
thereof. The ISP server associates an end user account with a set of filtering elements from a plurality
of filtering elements (e.g., a master list of words or phrases that are not allowed) and one or more
filteringschemes(e.g.,aword‐screeningtype orphrase‐screening typefilteringscheme).
In applicant’s system, the ISP server receives a log‐in request from an end user. After verifying the
identity of the end user, the ISP server determines the filtering scheme and filtering elements
associated with the end user based on the end user account. The ISP server then receives a request
to access a website from the end user and identifies the particular website requested. The ISP server
implements the filtering scheme associated with the end user account utilizing the customized
filtering elements that are associated with the end user account. The ISP server then determines
whether thefiltering scheme authorizes the request. Ifthe request is authorized, it is processed and
forwarded to the Internet. If it is not authorized, the ISP server provides a rejection notice to the end
In one embodiment, a request to access the Internet from an end user is partially processed while the
ISP server monitors the content for certain words or phrases using the filtering scheme (e.g., a word‐
screening orphrase‐screening scheme).Inthisembodiment,the ISPserver stores a table of logged‐
in end users associated with the filtering scheme. The request for Internet access is forwarded
directly to the Internet. The ISP server then monitors all data packets transmitted to the ISP server
to determine which packets will be forwarded to the end users stored in the table. If a data packet is
being sent to a user stored in the table, the ISP server screens the packet based on the filtering scheme
and filtering elements associated with that end user’s account. If the data packet(s) match the
filtering elements of the filtering scheme, such as by containing specific words or phrases, the
transmissionofthedatapacket(s)to theuser isterminated.
1.Acontent filteringsystem for filteringcontent retrieved from anInternetcomputernetworkby
a localclientcomputer generatingnetworkaccessrequestsfor saidindividualcontrolled
a pluralityofsetsoflogicalfiltering elements; and
a remote ISP servercoupledtosaidclientcomputer andsaid Internetcomputernetwork,
saidISPserverassociatingeach saidnetworkaccounttoat least one filtering scheme andatleast
onesetof filtering elements,saidISPserverfurtherreceivingsaidnetworkaccessrequestsfrom
saidclientcomputerandexecutingsaidassociated filteringscheme utilizing saidassociatedsetof
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Claim 1: Eligible
The claim recites a local client computer and a remote ISP server that implements at least one
filtering scheme and a plurality of sets of logical filtering elements. The system comprises a device
or set of devices and, therefore, is a machine, which is a statutory category of invention (Step 1: YES).
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. The claim
recitesasystemfor filteringcontentretrieved from anInternet computer network,which generates
access requests for individual accounts, associates each account with at least one filtering scheme
and at least one set of filtering elements from a plurality of sets of filtering elements, receives the
access requests, and executes the associated filtering scheme utilizing the associated set of filtering
elements. Thus,the focusoftheclaim anditscharacter as a whole is on the idea of filtering content,
whichisimplementedby asystem thatusescomputerandnetworkingcomponents.
Filtering content is according to the court a “method of organizing human behavior that is similar to
other concepts that have been identified as abstract by the courts, such as tracking financial
transactions to determine whether they exceed a pre‐set spending limit in Intellectual Ventures I v.
Capital One Bank; 1) collecting data, 2) recognizing certain data within the collected data set, and 3)
storingthatrecognizeddatainamemoryin Content Extraction; andorganizinginformationthrough
mathematical correlations in Digitech. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude based on the similarity
of the idea described in this claim to several abstract ideas found by the courts that claim 1 is directed
toanabstract idea(Step 2A: Yes).
This conclusion isnot altered by Enfish, where the Federal Circuit stated that certain claims directed
to improvements in computer‐related technology, including claims directed to software, are not
necessarily abstract (Step 2A). Unlike the claims in Enfish, claim 1 is not clearly directed to an
improvement in computer‐related technology (e.g., computer functionality). Thus, because it is not
readily apparent that claim 1 is directed to a non‐abstract idea under Step 2A, it is necessary to
analyzetheadditionalelementsinclaim 1under Step 2B
It is noted, however, that the Federal Circuit in BASCOM described claim 1 as presenting a “close call” as
to what it is directed to. Thus, if an examiner skilled in this art recognizes that the claim is directed to
an Internetcentric problem, for example, or clearly to an improvement in the computer technology of
filtering, it would be appropriate to find that the claim, while “involving” an abstract idea is not
“directed” to that idea standing alone, thus ending the analysis with a finding of eligibility at Step 2A.
Under Step 2B, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination
of elements, is sufficient to ensure the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea.
The claim recites the additional limitations of 1)controlled access network accounts, 2)a local client
computer to generate network access requests for the controlled access network accounts, 3)an
Internet computer network, and 4)a remote ISP server coupled to the client computer and the
Internet computer network. The remote ISP server associates each account with at least one filtering
scheme and at least one set of filtering elements from a plurality of sets of filtering elements, receives
the access requests, and executes the associated filtering scheme utilizing the associated set of
filtering elements. The local computer, ISP server, Internet computer network, and controlled access
network account are generic computer and networking components performing generic computer
and networking functions at a high level of generality. As the Federal Circuit determined, these
limitations do not amount to significantly more when “taken individually, [because they] recite
However, the analysis under Step 2B (also called the “inventive concept inquiry”) requires more than
determining that each additional claim element the controlled access network accounts, a local
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Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
client computer, an Internet computer network, and a remote ISP server is well known by itself.
Here, an inventive concept can be found in the unconventional and non‐generic combination of
known elements, and more specifically “the installation of a filtering tool at a specific location, remote
from the end‐users, with customizable filtering features specific to each end user where the filtering
tool at the ISP is able to “identify individual accounts that communicate with the ISP server, and to
associate a request for Internet content with a specific individual account.” The Federal Circuit also
determined that the claimed arrangement of elements in the system results in an improvement in the
technology of filtering content on the Internet, because it offers “both the benefits of a filter on the
localcomputer,andthebenefits ofafilteronthe ISPserver.”
Further, these limitations confine the abstract idea to a particular, practical application of the
abstract idea and, as explained in the specification, this combination of limitations is not well‐
understood, routine or conventional activity. Unlike the claimed system, previous content filtering
systems were able to be modified by end users when the systems were located on local client
computers rather than on the ISP server and were dependent on hardware and software on the local
computer,or limited to aconfiguration basedon the particular local client computer, local server, or
ISP server. In addition, these limitations do not simply recite an instruction to apply the abstract idea
of filtering content on the Internet or to perform the abstract idea on a generic set of computers.
Instead, the claim recites a technologybased solution of filtering content on the Internet that
overcomes the disadvantages of prior art filtering systems. Thus, when viewed as an ordered
combination, the claim limitations amount to significantly more than the abstract idea of content
filtering (Step 2B: Yes). Theclaim ispatent eligible.
In practice, if an examiner believes the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be
addedtotheOfficeactionorreasonsfor allowanceindicating thattheclaim recitestheabstractidea
of filtering content. However, the claim is eligible because analyzing the claim limitations as an
orderedcombinationdemonstrates thattheclaimisaparticular applicationof andanimprovement
to the technology of filtering content on the Internet, rather than well‐understood, routine,
conventional activity or a simple instruction to apply the abstract idea of filtering content on the
Internetor to performthe abstractidea on a genericsetofcomputers.
Additionalexplanation of priordecisionsfrom BASCOM
The following discussion of case law is informative regarding the reasoning that led the court in
BASCOM to hold claim 1 patent‐eligible. It may be useful to examiners to recognize the similarities
and differences as identified by the Federal Circuit between claim 1 and the claims at issue in DDR,
OIP, Intellectual Ventures I, Content Extraction, Ultramercial, and Accenture. A discussion of the case
lawtothisextent isnotrequired during examination.
In DDR, the claimed invention solved the problem of retaining potential customers on a website by
“sending the viewer to a hybrid webpage that combined visual elements of the first website with the
desired content from the second website that the viewer wished to access. The claimed invention
in DDR was not a business method per se.” Similarly, even though claim 1 in BASCOM was
“engineered in the context of filtering content,” claim 1 is not simply directed to the abstract idea of
filtering content applied to the Internet, i.e., abstract idea + apply it. Instead, claim 1 recites a
“technology‐based solution” of filtering content on the Internet that overcomes the problems in the
prior art with other Internet content filtering systems rather than “an abstract‐idea‐based solution”
(i.e.,asolution “implementedwith generictechnicalcomponentsin aconventionalway”).
In contrast, in OIP, the claims were directed to the performance of the abstract idea of price
optimization on generic computer components using conventional computer functions. In other
words, the claimed invention was “simply the generic automation of traditional price‐optimization
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Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
techniques” and was not a “technology‐based solution” of the abstract idea. Claim 1 of BASCOM
presents a technology‐based solution” of filtering content on the Internet that overcomes the
problemsinthepriorartwithother Internet content filtering systemsasdiscussedabove.
Finally, the claims in Intellectual Ventures I, Content Extraction, Ultramercial, and Accenture are
directed to an abstract idea performed on generic computer components, “without providing a
specific technical solution beyond simply using generic computer concepts in a conventional way.”
In Intellectual Ventures I, the claims were directed to the abstract idea of tracking financial
transactions to determine whether they exceed a pre‐set spending limit simply implemented on a
generic computer and the Internet. In Content Extraction, the claims were directed to the abstract
idea of collecting data, recognizing certain data within the collected data set, and storing that
recognized data in a memory performed on generic scanning devices and computers. In Ultramercial,
the claims were directed to the abstract idea of using advertising as an exchange or currency on the
Internet. And finally, the claims in Ac centure were directed to the abstract idea of generating rule‐
based tasks for processing an insurance claim using generic computer components performing
conventional activities. Unlike the claims in Intellectual Ventures I, Content Extraction, Ultramercial,
and Accenture, claim 1 of BASCOM is not simply directed to the abstract idea of filtering content on
the Internet or on generic computer components performing conventional activities. Instead, claim
1 “carve[s] out a specific location for the filtering system (a remote ISP server) and require the
filtering system to give users the ability to customize filtering for their individual network accounts.
35. Verifying A Bank Customer’s Identity To Permit An ATM Transaction
The following fact pattern and claims are hypothetical. Assume that the claims are presented in a
recently filed application that is under examination and thus each claim is given its broadest reasonable
interpretation in view of the specification as it would be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art.
In this example, the terms in the claim are given their plain meaning in the art because no special
definitions have been set forth in the specification. An abbreviated version of the hypothetical
specification is provided below. Claim 1 is ineligible, because it is directed to an abstract idea and does
not recite additional elements that amount to significantly more. Claims 2 and 3 are directed to the
same abstract idea, but are eligible because they have additional elements that amount to significantly
more than the abstract idea (i.e., provide an inventive concept) because they implement the abstract
idea with specific meaningful limitations.
Financial institutions routinely provide automated teller machines (ATMs) for customers to conduct
banking transactions at convenient locations other than brick‐and‐mortar banks, and without the
need to interact with a bank teller. Typical ATMs include a customer interface with a keypad, function
key, display, outlet slot for statements or other information, cash dispenser slot, deposit inlet, and
oftena speakertoprovide customervoice guidance and a camera tomonitortransactions.Areader
is provided for customers to present data bearing records, which can include data corresponding to
the customer, financial accounts, or other data, and are commonly embodied as a bank card with a
magnetic strip or a contactless card with a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. Other input
devices, such as a biometric reader to receive customer identifying inputs such as fingerprints, iris
scans, and face topography data, a camera, or speech recognition device, used to identify a user can
be providedas well. Thecustomer interface is coupled to a controller witha processor andmemory
and a network communicator to enable communication between the controller and a financial
institution to exchange information about the transactions. To conduct a transaction, a customer
typically inserts a bank card into the appropriate slot in the ATM and inputs a personal identification
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Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
number (PIN) that verifies that the user is an authorized user for the bank account associated with
the bank card. The account data is read from the card using the reader in the ATM and the PIN
associated with the card. The network communicator transmits the read data and PIN to a remote
computer at the financial institution, which then transmits instructions back to the ATM regarding
authorizationtocarryout therequestedtransaction.
Due to its speed and convenience, the use of ATMs to conduct banking business has become
ubiquitous, but so have problems with theft and fraud. For example, if another person illegally or
fraudulently obtains a user’s PIN, that person can gain access to funds in the account. Another
problem associated with ATMs is “skimming” where a false card reader that appears to be a
legitimate reader is affixed to an ATM to obtain an authorized user’s account information and PIN. In
skimming operations, an authorized user unwittingly presents their bank card to the skimming
device on the ATM and enters their PIN, which is then captured and stored for subsequent fraudulent
There have been various solutions attempting to reduce the instance of fraud associated with ATMs
and to improve security when verifying an authorized user. For example, some bank cards are
provided with chips that interact with a special reader to generate a unique transaction number each
time a transaction is conducted to reduce the chance that a user’s account information and PIN can
be stolen for later use (so‐called “chip and pin” cards). Bank cards have also been outfitted with RFID
tags or “smart labels” (non‐contact transponders) that allow account information to be transmitted
to an ATM without inserting the card into the machine, and thus exposing it to theft or skimming.
The smart label can contain various types of customer information, including profile data,
preferences, and unique customer identification data. To conduct a transaction using such a
contactless card, the customer brings the card into range of an ATM reader, which uses radio
frequencies to interrogate the smart label to receive information about the customer. The
interrogation can be encrypted to provide additional security. The customer can then start a
transaction, e.g.,bypressing an enter key ontheATM. Whilesuchcardscanpreventfraudbased on
skimming, these non‐contact cards have given rise to other security issues, such as allowing a
maliciouspersontoobtaincardinformation byuseof anunauthorizedRFIDreader.
Applicant has invented a method of ensuring secure transmission of data from a card using a smart
label and encryption techniques. The invention leverages the widespread use of mobile personal
communication devices (smart phones) to facilitate the secure transmission. When a customer is
issued a bank card with a smart label, the financial institution also provides a downloadable software
application to the customer to install on their mobile communication device. The software
applicationis designedto assistcommunicationwithaspeciallyoutfittedATM.
The ATM in accordance with this invention includes a controller that is programmed with a time
variant random code generator. The code generator generates a random code when activated in
response to the reader receiving data from the customer’s bank card. In other words, when the
customer is within a certain range of the ATM with their bank card, the smart label is read from the
RFID reader in the ATM, which signals the code generator to generate a time‐variant random code,
which can be a plurality of digits, numbers and/or letters. The ATM then provides the random code
to the customer. In one embodiment, the ATM provides the random code by displaying it. The
customer is prompted to enter the displayed code into their mobile device, which already has the
institutional software installed. In another embodiment, the random code is transmitted by the ATM
to the customers mobile device, e.g., by a near‐field communication or Bluetooth link, if the customer
has installed the institutional software on their mobile device and registered their mobile device with
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Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
The software provided by the institution generatesdatainresponsetotherandomcode,whichmay
be, e.g., a customer confirmation code or an encryption that includes the code data and the card’s
data. The software then causes the mobile device to communicate the responsive data to the ATM.
In one embodiment, the mobile device displays theencrypted data as an image on its display screen.
The image can be machine readable data in the form of a bar code or an image such as a colored
pattern. The customer is prompted to allow the ATM to scan the image displayed by the mobile
device. The reader of the ATM reads the encrypted image and verifies that it is authentic by, for
example, determining if it is readable, recognizable, or properly formatted. Once verified, the
processor in the ATM decrypts the data and confirms that the decrypted code matches the random
code that was generated for the current transaction session. In another embodiment, the customer
confirmation code is obtained by the ATM (e.g., by transmission over near‐field communication or
Bluetooth link), and the ATM then confirms that the customer confirmation code matches the random
code. The outcome of thecomparison between the responsive code data (e.g., the decrypted codeor
the customer confirmation code) and the random code is used to control access to the keypad. In
particular, if the responsive code data and the generated code match and the elapsed time is within
a certain time frame, the transaction is continued in conventional fashion with the customer entering
aPIN usingthekeypad. Ifthe responsivecodedata and generatedcodedonotmatchortheelapsed
time exceeds the time frame, a signal is sent to lock the keypad so that any attempts at entering a PIN
Applicant’s method allows the ATM to receive user card data in a more secure and efficient manner.
Customer card data entry begins before PIN entry and verification, so if the ATM user is not the
authorized customer and does not have the appropriate verification software on their mobile device,
the transaction is concluded before entry of the PIN. This method prevents skimming and other
techniques to fraudulently obtain a customer’s PIN and even theft of the card since the downloaded
software can authenticate the userand likewise authenticate the ATMbefore thePINisproduced.
1. A method of conducting a secure automated teller transaction with a financial institution by
comparing, by a processor, the obtained customer‐specific information with customer
determining whether the transaction should proceed when a match from the comparison verifies
theauthenticityofthecustomer’s identity.
2. A method of conducting a secure automated teller transaction with a financial institution by
comparing, by a processor, the obtained customer‐specific information with customer
informationfromthefinancialinstitutiontoverifythecustomer’s identity, by
generating a random code and transmitting it to a mobile communication device that is
registeredto thecustomer associated withthe bank card,
reading, by the automated teller machine, an image from the customer’s mobile
communication device that is generated in response to receipt of the random code, wherein
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decryptingthecode data from the readimage, and
analyzing the decrypted code data from the read image and the generated code to
determine if the decrypted code data from the read image matches the generated code data,
determining whether the transaction should proceed when a match from the analysis verifies the
3. A method of conducting a secure automated teller transaction with a financial institution by
comparing, by a processor, the obtained customer‐specific information with customer
informationfromthefinancialinstitutiontoverifythecustomer’s identity, by
generating a random code and visibly displaying it on a customer interface of the
obtaining, by the automated teller machine, a customer confirmation code from the
customer’s mobile communication device that is generated in response to the random code,
determiningwhetherthecustomer confirmationcodematchesthe randomcode,and
automaticallysendingacontrolsignal toaninputfortheautomated teller machine to provide
accessto a keypadwhen a match fromtheanalysisverifies the authenticityofthecustomer’s
identity,andtodenyaccesstoa keypadsothat the transaction is terminated when the comparison
The claim recites a method of conducting a secure automated teller transaction comprising a series
of steps. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is a statutory category of invention (Step 1:
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. The claim
recites the steps of obtaining customer‐specific information, comparing the obtained customer‐
specific information with customer information from the financial institution to authenticate the
customer’s identity, and determining whether the transaction should proceed when a match from
the comparison verifies the authenticity of the customer’s identity. These steps describe a method
of fraud prevention by verifying the authenticity of the customer’s identity prior to proceeding with
a banking transaction, which is a “long prevalent” business practice that bank tellers have used for
many years. Fraud prevention by verifying the identity of the customer is as fundamental to business
as the economic concepts that were identified as abstract ideas by the Supreme Court, such as
intermediatedsettlement (Alice Corp.) andriskhedging(Bilski). The claim as a wholeis alsosimilar
to the claimed invention in CyberSource, which the Federal Circuit described as directed to an
abstractmentalprocessfordetectingfraudby obtaining and comparingintangibledatapertinentto
business risks. The method of claim 1 similarly recites steps of obtaining and comparing data
pertinent to business risks. More particularly, it describes a method of fraud prevention by
authenticating a customer’s identity. Therefore, claim 1 is directed to an abstract idea (Step 2A: Yes).
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Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea. In addition to
thestepsthatdescribe the abstract idea ofpreventingfraudthrough verifyinga customer’sidentity,
the claim recites the additional limitation of obtaining customer‐specific information from a bank
card. This additional element taken individually represents a conventional action of an ATM, as
evidenced by the discussion of the prior art in the background specification. Further, the step is
recited at a high level of generality such that it amounts to insignificant pre‐solution activity, e.g., a
mere data gathering step necessary to use the abstract idea. The claim also recites the additional
element of a processor comparing data. This processor is no more than a generic computer
component, and the comparison performed by the processor does not represent any computer
function beyond what processors typically perform. Taken individually therefore, the additional
elementsof claim1 do notprovidesignificantlymore, i.e.,aninventive concept,tothe claim.
Looking at the combination of elements in claim 1 also fails to show an inventive concept. Unlike the
eligible claims in Diehr and Bascom, in which the elements limiting the exception were individually
conventional but taken together provided an inventive concept because they improved a technical
field, the claim here does not invoke any of the considerations that courts have identified as providing
significantly morethanan exception. Thecombination ofelementsis no morethan the sum oftheir
parts,andprovidesnothingmorethan mere automation of verificationstepsthatwere inyearspast
performed mentally by tellers when engaging with a bank customer. Mere automation of an
economic business practice does not provide significantly more (i.e., provide an inventive concept).
Forthesereasons,claim1isineligible (Step 2B: No).
A rejection of claim 1 should identify the abstract idea by pointing to the language of the claim that
describes fraud prevention by identity verification (i.e., obtaining customer information, comparing
the obtained customer information to customer information from a financial institution, and
determining whether the transaction should proceed when a match from the comparison verifies the
authenticity ofthecustomer’sidentity)andexplaining that fraudpreventionbyidentityverification
is similar to concepts that courts have previously found abstract. The rejection should identify the
additional limitations regarding obtaining customer‐specific information from a bank card and a
processor that compares data, and explain why those limitations are conventional or are only generic
computer components performing generic functions and are mere automation of economic business
The claim recites a method of conducting a secure automated teller transaction comprising a series
of steps. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is a statutory category of invention (Step 1:
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. Claim 2 recites
steps of obtaining customer‐specific information, comparing the obtained customer‐specific
information withcustomerinformation fromthefinancial institutionto authenticatethecustomer’s
identity, and determining whether the transaction should proceed when a match from the analysis
verifies the authenticity of the customer’s identity. Like the steps of obtaining and comparing
customer information in claim 1, these steps in claim 2 describe a method of fraud prevention by
identity verification before proceeding with a banking transaction, which as explained above is a
fundamental business practice and is similar to ideas found abstract by the courts. Therefore, claim
2isdirected toanabstract idea(Step 2A: Yes).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea. In addition to
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the steps that describe the abstract idea of preventing fraud through identity verification, the claim
recites the additional limitations of obtaining customer‐specific information from a bank card, a
processor comparing data, generating a random code and transmitting it to the customers mobile
communication device, and the processor reading an image that was generated by the customer’s
mobile communication device in response to receipt of the random code, where the image includes
encrypted code data. The encrypted code data from the image is then used by the processor to verify
the customer’s identity by decrypting the code data and analyzing the decrypted code data.
Considered individually, the steps of obtaining information from a bank card and the comparing data
do not provide significantly more for the same reasons as in claim 1. Similarly, the processor and the
mobile communication device are recited at a high level of generality and perform programmed
functions that represent conventional and generic operations for these devices, including reading
data,generatingrandom codes,andanalyzingdata.
However, the combination of the steps (e.g., the ATM providing a random code, the mobile
communication device’s generation of the image having encrypted code data in response to the
random code, the ATM’s decryption and analysis of the code data, and the subsequent determination
of whether the transaction should proceed based on the analysis of the code data) operates in a non‐
conventional and non‐generic way to ensure that the customer’s identity is verified in a secure
manner that is more than the conventional verification process employed by an ATM alone. In
combination, these steps do not represent merely gathering data for comparison or security
purposes, but instead set up a sequence of events that address unique problems associated with bank
cards and ATMs (e.g., the use of stolen or skimmed” bank cards and/or customer information to
perform unauthorized transactions). Thus, like in BASCOM, the claimed combination of additional
elements presents a specific, discrete implementationof the abstract idea. Further, the combination
of obtaining information from the mobile communication device (instead of the ATM keypad) and
using the image (instead of a PIN) to verify the customers identity by matching identification
information does not merely select information by content or source, in contrast to Electric Power,
but instead describes a process that differs from the routine and conventional sequence of events
normally conducted by ATM verification, such as entering a PIN, similar to the unconventional
sequence of events in DDR. The additional elements in claim 2 thus represent significantly more (i.e.,
provide an inventive concept) because they are a practical implementation of the abstract idea of
fraud prevention that performs identity verification in a non‐conventional and non‐generic way, even
though the steps use well‐known components (a processor and mobile communication device).
Claim2iseligible(Step 2B: Yes).
While an examiner would not be required to provide an explanation of eligibility, the record would
be enhanced if clarifying remarks were provided to point to the reason for eligibility. In this instance,
clarification could easily be made by simply pointing to the combination of elements used in the non‐
conventionalimplementationof identityverification inthemethodoffraudprevention.
Claim 3: Eligible
The claim recites a method of conducting a secure automated teller transaction comprising a series
of steps. Thus, the claim is directed to a process, which is a statutory category of invention (Step 1:
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. Claim 3 recites
steps of obtaining customer‐specific information, comparing the obtained customer‐specific
information withcustomerinformation fromthefinancial institutionto authenticatethecustomer’s
identity, and permitting the transaction to proceed when a match from the analysis verifies the
authenticity of the customer’s identity, and terminating the transaction when there is no match. Like
the steps of obtaining and comparing customer information in claim 1, these steps in claim 3 describe
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a method of fraud prevention by identity verification before proceeding with a banking transaction,
which as explained above is a fundamental business practice and is similar to ideas found abstract by
thecourts.Therefore,claim3isdirectedtoanabstractidea (Step 2A: Yes).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea. In addition to
the steps that describe the abstract idea of preventing fraud through identity verification, the claim
recites the additional limitations of obtaining customer‐specific information from a bank card, a
processor comparing data, the ATM generating a random code and visibly displaying it on a customer
interface, and the ATM obtaining a customer confirmation code that was generated by the customers
mobile communication device in response to the random code. The customer confirmation code is
then used by the ATM to verify the customer’s identity by analyzing the customer confirmation code
with respect to the random code, and controlling the transaction by providing or preventing access
to a keypad of the ATM based on the analysis of the code data. Considered individually, the ATM
obtaining information from a bank card and the processor comparing data do not provide
significantly more for the same reasons as in claim 1. Similarly, the ATM and the mobile
communication device are recited at a high level of generality and perform programmed functions
that represent conventional and generic operations for these devices, including reading data,
generating random codes,andanalyzingdata.
However, the combination of the steps (e.g., the ATM’s provision of the random code, the mobile
communication device’s generation of the customer confirmation code in response to the random
code, the ATM’s analysis of the customer confirmation code, and the ATM’s subsequent sending of a
control signal to provide or prevent access to the keypad of the ATM and thus allow or prevent a
transaction based on the analysis of the code data sets) operates in a non‐conventional and non‐
generic way to ensure that the customers identity is verified in a secure manner that is more than
the conventional verification process employed by an ATM alone. In combination, these steps do not
represent merelygatheringdata forcomparison orsecuritypurposes, but instead set up a sequence
of eventsthataddressuniqueproblemsassociated withbankcardsandATMs(e.g., the use of stolen
or skimmed bank cards and/or customer information to perform unauthorized transactions).
Thus, like in BASCOM, the claimed combination of additional elements presents a specific, discrete
implementation of the abstract idea. Further, the combination of obtaining information from the
mobile communication device (instead of the ATM keypad) and using the customer confirmation
code (instead of a PIN) to verify the customer’s identity does not merely select information by content
or source, in contrast to Electric Power, but instead describes a process that differs from the routine
and conventional sequence of events normally conducted by ATM verification, such as entering a PIN,
similar to the unconventional sequence of events in DDR. The additional elements in claim 3 thus
represent significantly more (i.e., provide an inventive concept) because they are a practical
implementationofthe abstractidea of fraud prevention that pe
rformsidentityverificationina non‐
conventional and non‐generic way, even though the steps use a combination of well‐known
components (anATMandmobilecommunication device).Claim 3 iseligible (Step 2B: Yes).
While an examiner would not be required to provide an explanation of eligibility, the record would
be enhanced if clarifying remarks were provided to point to the reason for eligibility. In this instance,
clarification could easily be made by simply pointing to the combination of elements used in the non‐
conventionalimplementationof identityverification inthemethodoffraudprevention.
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Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
36. Tracking Inventory
The following fact pattern and claims are hypothetical. Assume that the claims are presented in a
recently filed application that is under examination and thus each claim is given its broadest reasonable
interpretation in view of the specification as it would be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art.
In this example, the terms in the claim are given their plain meaning in the art because no special
definitions have been set forth in the specification. An abbreviated version of the hypothetical
specification is provided below. Claim 1 is ineligible, because it is directed to an abstract idea and does
not recite additional elements that amount to significantly more. Claims 2 and 3 are directed to the
same abstract idea, but are eligible because they recite specific limitations other than what would be
wellunderstood, routine, conventional activities in the field, which amount to significantly more (i.e.,
provide an inventive concept).
Inventory management is a commercial practice involving the acquisition and monitoring of stocked
goods to maintain stock levels in a business. Particularly when goods are stored in large warehouses,
managing inventory requires monitoring what goods are currently in stock and where those goods
tracking inventory required items of inventory to have an attached tracking device such as a RFID or
GPS transmitter, but these methods were cumbersome to implement since each item needed a
transmitter to be affixed and detached as the item entered and exited the warehouse. In addition,
these methods could not accurately track an item if the transmitter was obscured, improperly affixed,
or detached from the item. Other prior methods used imaging technology to acquire and process
images to track the items of inventory, but these methods did not have much success because they
used the view of a single camera to track an object and attempted to identify items solely based upon
character data (such as identification codes or product names) printed on the item. Due to using the
view of a single camera to track an object, it was difficult to determine an object’s physical three‐
dimensional (3‐D) location. Therefore, these methods required items that were moved to be
reimaged or otherwise tracked through manual scanning or logging. Mistakes in data entry or failure
to scan a moved item resulted in lost or misplaced items. Accordingly, previous attempts to
implementimagerecognitionto trackitemsofinventoryhavenot achievedahighrate ofaccuracy.
Applicant has invented a system for tracking the presence and location of items of inventory in a
warehouse using an integrated camera system with computer vision technology that overcomes
many of the problems in the existing technologies typically usedintheindustry.Applicant’ssystem
overcomes the issues relating to accurately identifying items and tracking missing items by using a
high resolution video camera array with overlapping views in combination with a recognition model
that uses not only the character data of the item but also contour information (i.e. shape) from the
collected images and predictive location data. By using a combination of character and contour
recognition, applicants system greatly reduces the possibility of item misidentification and
significantly improves accuracy of inventory over prior techniques that used only character
information. Because the cameras in the array have overlapping views, objects can be tracked across
multiple cameras and the 3‐D location of the objects can be automatically reconstructed. Applicant’s
improvement to computer vision technology to manage inventory within existing warehouse
operations thus results in more accurate inventory tracking while eliminating the need for
proceduressuchasscanning andloggingitems.
In practice, the invention uses high resolution video cameras positioned to have overlapping fields
of view in pre‐determined locations throughout the inventory storage space. Such cameras enable
the system to automatically track an item across the entire storage space and estimate its physical
location. An inventory recognition model is also stored in the memory and comprises a mathematical
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representationof eachitemofinventoryhandledbytheparticularwarehouse.Thismodelmaybea
Gaussian mixture model, neural network, Bayes classifier or other known pattern classifier. The
model is developed using a supervised training algorithm using numerous images of each item at
multipledistancesandpositions with respectto the camera.Duringtraining,characteristicsof each
item are extracted from the images including character information such as the item’s name and
identification code and contour information such as the shape of the item and/or the shape of the
packaging for the item. The recognition model may be updated as needed when items are added or
During operation, the video cameras capture an image sequence (e.g., multiple images from one or
more of the cameras) comprising overlapping images of an item, which is stored in the memory in an
inventory record. The system then uses a programmed computer to extract characteristics of an item
includingcharacterandcontourinformationfrom thehighresolution images in the image sequence
using a combination of existing text and edge detection algorithms. The programmed computer uses
the characteristics to form feature vectors, and then classify the item by processing the feature
vectors with the inventory recognition model to determine the most likely item in the image. A
positive recognition result indicates the presence of the item in the warehouse. After an item is
recognized, it is tracked in real‐time throughout the warehouse using a tracking algorithm that takes
advantage of the overlapping camera views to confirm the location of the item (thus improving
retrieval time and accuracy). Specifically, the item is tracked in the image sequence of one camera
using a known method, such as Kalman filtering, and once that item enters the field of vision of a
secondcamera, itspositioninthe first camera’sviewisused toquicklylocatetheitemin thesecond
cameras view. The item can then be tracked similarly in the image sequence of the second and
subsequent cameras. The computer then reconstructs the 3‐D coordinates of the item based upon
the item’s location in multiple overlapping images and prior knowledge of the location and field of
view of the camera(s)thatare trackingtheitem.Finally,the computerupdatestheitem’sinventory
In this hypothetical scenario, computer vision technology has not been used in the manner disclosed
bythisinventorpriortothe filingoftheapplication.
1. A system for managing an inventory record comprising a memory and processor configured
toperformthesteps of:
(a) creating an inventory record for an item of inventory comprising acquired images of the
(b) addingclassificationdatarelatingto theacquiredimagesto the inventory record;
(c) addinglocationdata relatingto each acquiredimagetotheinventory record;and
(d) updating the inventory record with a physical location of each item of inventory in the
warehouse to thereby manage the items of inventory.
2. A system for managing an inventory record by tracking the location of items of inventory in
a high‐resolution video camera array, each video camera positioned at pre‐determined
locations with overlapping views, for acquiring at least one high‐resolution image sequence
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(a) creating an inventory recordfor an item ofinventorycomprising the acquired image
sequence of theitem from thevideocamera array;
(b) adding classification data relating to the acquired image sequence to the inventory
(c) adding location data relating to each acquired image to the inventory record, the
locationdataprovidingapositionof theitem ofinventory in theimagesequence;
(d) reconstructing the 3‐D coordinates of an item of inventory using the location data
from multiple overlapping images and prior knowledge of the location and field of
viewofthecamera(s); and
(e) automatically updating the inventory record with the 3‐D coordinates of each item of
inventoryin thewarehousetothereby manage the itemsofinventory.
3. A system for managing inventory by tracking the location of items of inventory in a
a high‐resolution video camera array for acquiring at least one high resolution image
sequence of eachitem;
a memory for storing the acquired image sequences, classification and location data relating
tothe acquiredimagesequences,andarecognition modelrepresenting contourinformation
andcharacterinformationof eachitem; and
a processor that is configured to manage inventory by performing, for each item, the steps of:
(a) creating an inventory record for the item comprising the acquired image sequence(s)
ofthe item;
(b) extracting characteristics from the acquired image sequence(s) of an item to form
feature vectors, the characteristics comprising contour information and character
information that is stored in the inventory record as classification data relating to the
(c) recognizing and tracking the position of item in the image sequence as classification
and location data by processing the feature vectors using the stored recognition
modelandaddingtheclassification andlocation datato the inventoryrecord;
(d) determining a physical location of the item in the warehouse using the location data
relatingtotheitemintheimage sequence(s); and
(e) automaticallyupdatingtheinventory recordwith thephysical locationoftheitem.
The claim recites a system formanaging aninventory record comprising a memory and a processor
configured to perform a series of steps. The claimed system is a device or set of devices, which is a
machine and thusa statutorycategory ofinvention (Step 1: Yes).
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. The claim
recites a system that performs the steps of (a)‐(c) storing acquired images and related classification
December 2016 14
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Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
and location data, and (d) updating the inventory record with the physical location of each item of
inventory in the warehouse. That is, the claim describes the steps of managing inventory by creating
an inventory record for each item of inventory comprising images of the item, adding classification
data relating to the images to the inventory record, adding location data for each image to the
inventory record, and updating the inventory record with the physical location of each item of
inventory in the warehouse. The data collection, recognition, and storage concept described in the
claim is similar to the data collection and management concepts that were held to be abstract ideas
in Content Extraction, TLI Communications, and Electric Power Group. Although the claim enumerates
the type of information (i.e., the images, classification data, and location data) that is acquired, stored
and analyzed, the Federal Circuit has explained in Electric Power Group and Digitech that the mere
selection and manipulation of particular information by itself does not make an abstract concept any
less abstract. Further, the claim is not made any less abstract by the invocation of a programmed
computer. Unlike Enfish, where the claims were focused on a specific improvement in how the
computer functioned, the claim here merely uses the computer as a tool to perform the abstract
concepts. Therefore, based on the similarity of the concept described in this claim to abstract ideas
identified by thecourts,claim 1 isdirectedtoanabstractidea(Step 2A: Yes).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea. The claim
recites the additional limitations of a memory and processor to perform the steps of inventory
tracking. A memory for storing data and a processor for processing data are well‐understood,
routine, conventional computer components, which in this claim are recited at a high level of
generality and perform generic computer functions (e.g., storing and processing information).
Generic computer components performing generic computer functions, alone, do not amount to
significantlymorethan theabstractidea.
Viewing the limitations in combination also fails to amount to significantly more than the abstract
idea. The claimed invention seeks to record, process, and archive digital images simply, fast, and in
such a way that the information may be easily tracked, but these functions reflect ordinary usage
typically performed by a generic computer, as would be recognized by those of ordinary skill in the
field of data processing. For example, as noted in TLI Communications, using a computer to attach
classification data, such as dates and times, to images for purposes of storing those images in an
organized manner does not add significantly more to a judicial exception. The recitation of
conventional processing technology performing well‐understood, routine, conventional functions
such as recognizing and storing data from specific data fields does not reflect an “inventive concept.
Thus, whether viewed individually or in combination, the additional limitations do not amount to a
claim as a whole that is significantly more than the abstract idea (Step 2B: No). The claim is not patent
A rejection of claim 1 should identify the abstract idea by pointing to the language of the claim that
describes inventory management and explaining that inventory management is similar to concepts
that courts have previously found abstract. The rejection should identify the additional limitations
regarding the memory and processor and explain why those limitations comprise only a generic
computer performing well‐understood, routine, conventional generic functions in the particular
technological environment of imageprocessing,forthereasons noted above.
Claim 2: Eligible
The claim recites a system comprising avideo cameraarray,a memory and a processor. The system
is a device or set of devices and therefore is a machine, which is a statutory category of invention
(Step 1: Yes).
December 2016 15
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The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. Like claim 1,
claim 2 recites a system that performs the steps of (a)‐(c) acquiring and storing images and related
data about items of inventory, and (e) updating the inventory record with the physical location of
each item of inventory in the warehouse. Claim 2 thus describes using data collection and
management techniques to practice the concept of inventory management, which as explained above
isan abstract idea. Therefore,the claim isdirected to an abstractidea(Step 2A: Yes).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea. The claim
recites the additional limitations of a high‐resolution video camera array at predetermined positions
withoverlappingviews, memoryandprocessorto(d)reconstruct the3‐Dcoordinatesof theitemof
inventory from multiple overlapping images obtained from the camera array and prior knowledge of
the location and field of view of the camera(s). Individually, the memory and processor limitations
do not amount to significantly more for the reasons discussed above for claim 1. For example, they
are still well‐understood, routine, conventional devices that are used in this invention for their
conventional functions of processing and storing information. Similarly, high‐resolution video
cameras are widely used and, in this invention, perform their typical function of acquiring image
However, the memory and processor in combination with a high‐resolution video camera array with
predetermined overlapping views that reconstructs the 3‐D coordinates of the item of inventory
using overlapping images of the item and prior knowledge of the location and field of view of the
camera(s) provides significantly more than the abstract idea of using data collection techniques to
manage inventory. As explained in the specification, at the time of this invention, using a high‐
resolution video camera array with overlapping views to track items of inventory was not well‐
understood, routine, conventional activity to those in the field of inventory control. In fact, the use
of this camera array provides the ability to track objects throughout the entire storage space rather
than simply the view of a single camera and determine their 3‐D location without any of the manual
steps that were required of previous methods. That is, the video camera array with reconstruction
software provides the technological solution to the technological problem of automatically tracking
objects and determining their physical position using a computer vision system. Like in DDR, the
claimed solution here is necessarily rooted in computer technology to address a problem specifically
arising in the realm of computer vision systems. The claimed limitations are not simply an attempt
to generally link the abstract idea to the technological environment of computer vision systems.
Rather, these are meaningful limitations that confine the claim to a particular useful application.
Accordingly, when viewed as a combination, the additional elements thus yield a claim as a whole
that amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea of inventory management (Step 2B: Yes).
If the examiner believes the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to the
Office action orreasonsforallowanceindicating thattheclaim recitesthe abstract idea of inventory
management. Nevertheless, the claim is eligible because analyzing the claim elements in combination
demonstrates the claim is a technology‐based solution to address a problem arising in the realm of
computer vision systems and is not simply limiting the abstract idea to a particular technological
Claim 3: Eligible
The claim recites a system comprising one or more video cameras, memory and a processor. The
system is a device or set of devices and therefore is a machine, which is a statutory category of
invention(Step 1: Yes).
December 2016 16
Subject Matter Eligibility Examples: Business Methods
The claim is then analyzed to determine if the claim is directed to a judicial exception. Like claim 1,
claim 3 recites a system that performs the steps of (a) & (c) storing acquired images and related
classification and location data, and (e) updating the inventory record with the physical location of
each item of inventory in the warehouse. Claim 3 thus describes using data collection and
management techniques to practice the concept of inventory management, which as explained above
isan abstract idea. Therefore,the claim isdirected to an abstractidea(Step 2A: Yes).
Next, the claim as a whole is analyzed to determine whether any element, or combination of elements,
is sufficient to ensure the claim amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea. The claim
recites the additional limitations of a high‐resolution video camera array for acquiring high
resolution image sequences of items of inventory, a memory to store the acquired images, related
data, and the recognition model, and a processor to perform step (b)’s extracting characteristics from
the acquired images, step (c)s recognizing and tracking the position of the item using the recognition
model andstep(d)’s determining aphysicallocationoftheitemusingthepositionoftheitemin the
images. Individually, the camera array, memory and processor limitations do not amount to
significantly more for the reasons discussed above for claims 1 and 2. For example, these
components are used in this invention for their well‐understood, routine, conventional functions of
acquiring,processingand storinginformation.
In combination, however, the limitations do amount to significantly more than the abstract idea of
inventory management. As explained in the specification, the combination of the camera array’s
acquisition of high resolution image sequences, and the processors performance of step (b)s
extracting contour and character information from the images to create feature vectors, step (c)’s
recognizing and tracking items of inventory using the feature vectors and a recognition model, and
step (d)’s determining the physical location of the recognized items using the position of the item in
the image sequence(s) is not well‐understood, routine, conventional activity in this field. This
combination of limitations provides a hardware and software solution that improves upon previous
inventory management techniques by avoiding the cumbersome use of RFID and GPS transmitters
and the inaccuracy issues that plagued previous computer vision solutions. This combination of
features provide meaningful limitations to the practical application of inventory tracking with
computer vision, by improving the system’s ability to identify and track objects across multiple
cameras in a three‐dimensional space. These limitations do not simply limit the abstract idea to the
technological environment of image processing, but are instead meaningful limitations that integrate
the abstract idea into a particular application that uses character and contour information from high
resolution images to recognize items of inventory. When viewed as a combination, the additional
elements thus yield a claim as a whole that amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea of
inventorymanagement(Step 2B: Yes).The claim ispatent eligible.
If the examiner believes the record would benefit from clarification, remarks could be added to the
Office action orreasonsforallowanceindicating thattheclaim recitesthe abstract idea of inventory
management. Nevertheless, the claim is eligible because analyzing the claim elements in combination
demonstrates the claim is a particular application rather than well‐understood, routine, conventional
activityorsimplylimitingthe abstract ideatoaparticulartechnologicalenvironment.
December 2016 17