Title stata.com
putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file
Description Quick start Syntax Options
Remarks and examples Also see
putpdf paragraph adds a new paragraph to the active document. The newly created paragraph
becomes the active paragraph. All subsequent text or images will be appended to the active paragraph.
putpdf text adds content to the paragraph created by putpdf paragraph. The text may be a
plain text string or any valid Stata expression (see [U] 13 Functions and expressions).
putpdf image embeds a portable network graphics (.png) or JPEG (.jpg) file in the paragraph.
Quick start
Add paragraph to the document
putpdf paragraph
Same as above, but with a half-inch standard paragraph indentation
putpdf paragraph, indent(para,0.5)
Append the text “This is paragraph text” to the active paragraph and format the text as bold
putpdf text ("This is paragraph text"), bold
Add a PNG image saved as image1 to the paragraph above, with a height and width of 4 inches
putpdf image image1.png, height(4) width(4)
Add a PNG image saved as image2 and center the image
putpdf paragraph, halign(center)
putpdf image image2.png
2 putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file
Add paragraph to document
putpdf paragraph
, paragraph
Add text to paragraph
putpdf text (exp)
, text options
Add image to paragraph
putpdf image filename
, image options
filename is the full path to the image file or the relative path from the current working directory.
paragraph options Description
font(fspec) set font, font size, and font color
halign(hvalue) set paragraph alignment
valign(vvalue) set vertical alignment of characters on each line
indent(indenttype, #
) set paragraph indentation
spacing(position, #
) set spacing between lines of text
bgcolor(color) set background color
text options Description
nformat(% fmt) specify numeric format for text
font(fspec) set font, font size, and font color
bold format text as bold
italic format text as italic
script(sub | super) set subscript or superscript formatting of text
strikeout strike out text
underline underline text
bgcolor(color) set background color
add line breaks after text
allcaps format text as all caps
image options Description
) set image width
) set image height
add line breaks after image
putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file 3
fspec is
, size
, color
fontname may be any supported font installed on the user’s computer. Base 14 fonts, Type 1
fonts (.pfa or .pfb), TrueType fonts (.ttf or .ttc), and OpenType fonts (.otf) are supported.
TrueType and OpenType fonts that cannot be embedded may not used. If fontname includes
spaces, then it must be enclosed in double quotes. The default font is Helvetica.
size is a numeric value that represents font size measured in points. The default is 11.
color sets the text color.
unit may be in (inch), pt (point), cm (centimeter), or twip (twentieth of a point). An inch is equivalent
to 72 points, 2.54 centimeters, or 1440 twips. The default is in.
color may be one of the colors listed in Colors of [RPT] Appendix for putpdf; a valid RGB value
in the form ### ### ###, for example, 171 248 103; or a valid RRGGBB hex value in the form
######, for example, ABF867.
Options are presented under the following headings:
Options for putpdf paragraph
Options for putpdf text
Options for putpdf image
Options for putpdf paragraph
, size
, color
) sets the font, font size, and font color for the text within the
paragraph. The font size and font color may be specified individually without specifying fontname.
Use font("", size) to specify font size only. Use font("", "", color) to specify font color
only. For both cases, the default font will be used.
Specifying font() with putpdf paragraph overrides font settings specified with putpdf begin.
halign(hvalue) sets the horizontal alignment of the text within the paragraph. hvalue may be left,
right, center, justified, or distribute. distribute and justified justify text between
the left and right margins equally, but distribute also changes the spacing between words and
characters. The default is halign(left).
valign(vvalue) sets the vertical alignment of the characters on each line when the paragraph contains
characters of varying size. vvalue may be baseline, bottom, center, or top. The default is
indent(indenttype, #
) specifies that the paragraph be indented by # units. indenttype may
be left, right, or para. left and right indent # units from the left or the right, respectively.
para uses standard paragraph indentation and indents the first line by # inches unless another unit
is specified. This option may be specified multiple times in a single command to accommodate
different indentation settings.
spacing(position, #
) sets the spacing between lines of text. position may be before, after,
or line. before specifies the space before the first line of the current paragraph, after specifies
the space after the last line of the current paragraph, and line specifies the space between lines
within the current paragraph. This option may be specified multiple times in a single command to
accommodate different spacing settings.
4 putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file
bgcolor(color) sets the background color for the paragraph.
Specifying bgcolor() with putpdf paragraph overrides background color specifications from
putpdf begin.
Options for putpdf text
nformat(% fmt) specifies the numeric format of the text when the content of the new text appended
to the paragraph is a numeric value. This setting has no effect when the content is a string.
, size
, color
) sets the font, font size, and font color for the new text within
the active paragraph. The font size and font color may be specified individually without specifying
fontname. Use font("", size) to specify font size only. Use font("", "", color) to specify
font color only. For both cases, the default font will be used.
Specifying font() with putpdf text overrides all other font settings, including those specified
with putpdf begin and putpdf paragraph.
bold specifies that the new text in the active paragraph be formatted as bold.
italic specifies that the new text in the active paragraph be formatted as italic.
script(sub | super) changes the script style of the new text. script(sub) makes the text a
subscript. script(super) makes the text a superscript.
strikeout specifies that the new text in the active paragraph have a strikeout mark.
underline specifies that the new text in the active paragraph be underlined.
bgcolor(color) sets the background color for the active paragraph.
Specifying bgcolor() with putpdf text overrides background color specifications from putpdf
begin and putpdf paragraph.
specifies that one or # line breaks be added after the new text.
allcaps specifies that all letters of the new text in the active paragraph be capitalized.
Options for putpdf image
) sets the width of the image. If the width is larger than the body width of the
document, then the body width is used. If width() is not specified, then the default size is used;
the default is determined by the image information and the body width of the document.
) sets the height of the image. If height() is not specified, then the height of the
image is determined by the width and the aspect ratio of the image.
specifies that one or # line breaks be added after the new image.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Once you have created a PDF file in memory with putpdf begin, you can add text and images by
appending them to an active paragraph. You can control the formatting for the whole paragraph, such
as font properties and alignment, with options for putpdf paragraph. You can further customize
each addition of text with the options available with putpdf text. Text can include any valid Stata
expression, such as a string, algebraic expression, or a direct reference to a stored result.
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Adding a paragraph
Adding an image to the document
putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file 5
Adding a paragraph
Before we can add text or an image to a document, we must first begin a new paragraph by using
putpdf paragraph. The current paragraph remains active until you add a new paragraph, a table, a
section break, or a page break.
Example 1: Add a paragraph with text
Suppose we want to write a description of auto.dta to example.pdf. We first open the dataset:
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/auto
(1978 automobile data)
We begin by adding a paragraph for the title of our report:
. putpdf begin
. putpdf paragraph, halign(center) font(,16)
. putpdf text ("Auto report"), bold underline
By specifying a font size without the actual font, we have simply incremented the size of the
default font in our document. We could similarly change just the color of the font without specifying
anything else.
We use summarize to compute summary statistics on the price of cars. We can use the stored
results in the text that we write.
. summarize price, detail
Percentiles Smallest
1% 3291 3291
5% 3748 3299
10% 3895 3667 Obs 74
25% 4195 3748 Sum of wgt. 74
50% 5006.5 Mean 6165.257
Largest Std. dev. 2949.496
75% 6342 13466
90% 11385 13594 Variance 8699526
95% 13466 14500 Skewness 1.653434
99% 15906 15906 Kurtosis 4.819188
. return list
r(N) = 74
r(sum_w) = 74
r(mean) = 6165.256756756757
r(Var) = 8699525.97426879
r(sd) = 2949.495884768919
r(skewness) = 1.653433511704859
r(kurtosis) = 4.819187528464004
r(sum) = 456229
r(min) = 3291
r(max) = 15906
r(p1) = 3291
r(p5) = 3748
r(p10) = 3895
r(p25) = 4195
r(p50) = 5006.5
r(p75) = 6342
r(p90) = 11385
r(p95) = 13466
r(p99) = 15906
6 putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file
With the scalar names in hand, we can begin describing the prices of cars in our data. However,
we first create a new paragraph because we do not want the following text to be center-aligned.
. putpdf paragraph, indent(para,0.5)
. putpdf text ("The average car price in this dataset is $")
. putpdf text ("‘r(mean)’"), nformat("%5.2f")
. putpdf text (". The 25th percentile is $‘r(p25)’, and the 75th percentile
> is $‘r(p75)’.")
We request the standard paragraph indentation using the para option and specify a half-inch indentation.
We also format the average car price to two decimal places.
Adding an image to the document
Like text, images are appended to active paragraphs, and thus their alignment within the document
is controlled by the options specified with putpdf paragraph. Images must be stored in one of the
supported formats: portable network graphics (.png) or JPEG (.jpg) file.
Example 2: Export an image to a .pdf file
Now that we know some basic information on car pricing, we can see how the price of cars
correlates with their weight and mileage. We visualize this correlation with a scatterplot matrix,
using graph matrix:
graph matrix weight mpg price, half
graph export scatter.png
Because Stata graphs use the .gph extension, we use graph export to save the scatterplot matrix
as scatter.png. Now we can append it to a paragraph and specify the dimensions of the image.
putpdf paragraph, halign(center)
putpdf image scatter.png, width(4) linebreak
putpdf text ("Figure 1. Scatterplots")
We center the image by specifying the horizontal alignment of the paragraph we are appending it
to. To place a caption below the image, rather than beside it, we add a linebreak.
Now that we have added our descriptive statistics and a related graph, we can save and close our
putpdf save example.pdf
putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file 7
The document appears as follows:
Also see
[RPT] putpdf intro Introduction to generating PDF files
[RPT] putpdf begin Create a PDF file
[RPT] putpdf collect Add a table from a collection to a PDF file
[RPT] putpdf pagebreak Add breaks to a PDF file
[RPT] putpdf table Add tables to a PDF file
[RPT] Appendix for putpdf Appendix for putpdf entries
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